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    Friday, June 22, 2007

    Guest Blog: Dem Senate Candidate Jim Hannan on Don Wiviott

    This is a guest blog from Democratic Senate candidate Jim Hannan:

    Don Wiviott has announced he wants to run against Pete Domenici for the US Senate as a Democrat. I've been talking to Don for several months about the race. I have a concern about Don. In 2006, Don contributed the maximum allowable, $2,100, to David Pfeffer. David Pfeffer was running as a Republican against Jeff Bingaman.

    As you know, 2006 was a critical year for Democrats. We all worked hard to take back Congress. During that time period, I was contributing money to the DCCC, and walking door to door for Patricia Madrid.

    David Pfeffer was running against Jeff Bingaman as a hard right conservative. He was a very vocal supporter of the invasion of Iraq. In 2006, the centerpiece of his campaign was to support the Minutemen camped out on the border of New Mexico and Arizona. 

    I told Don that by supporting David, he had positioned himself to the right of Pete Domenici on the immigration issue.

    I also raised my concern with Democratic Party of New Mexico Chair Brian Colon and the State Party's current Executive Director, Matt Farrauto.  I told Don Wiviott that he should talk about this issue with his campaign supporters. The fact that Don still decided to run means that they don't think it's an important issue. I guess I differ.   

    Editor's Notes: This is a guest blog by Jim Hannan. Click to visit his campaign website. Guest blogs provide our readers with an opportunity to express their opinions on political issues, and they don't necessarily represent our views. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper right-hand corner of our main page.

    Click to read DFNM's earlier post on the candidacy of Don Wiviott.

    June 22, 2007 at 12:39 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Guest Blogger, Immigration, Iraq War | Permalink


    Thank you Jim for your information. My head went up INSTANTLY when I heard of his business position and "Wiviott is the developer of The Lofts in Santa Fe, and formerly chaired the Santa Fe Economic Development Review Committee".

    NM has a predonminace of these Corporate Conservatives that like to throw a D next to their name. And they have helped us get in to this hole we are in, as you so correctly point out with his support positions.

    We need people representation and that mean real Dem's. No more DINO (democrat in name only) so we can bring justice and fairness to all people, not the Special INterests and Corporate Donors.

    Power to the People....CARRY ON!

    Posted by: LindainSFNM | Jun 23, 2007 7:49:32 AM

    I also want to say thanks for that info, I was ready to support just about anyone running against Pajama Pete. I did for a moment think about his "business" connection but thought we could find out more later, knowing about his support for a hard righty I will be looking much more closely at ANY candidate.

    Posted by: VP | Jun 23, 2007 8:25:20 AM

    We need to have Wiviott explain why he made that donation and he'd better do it fast. One rumor I've heard here in Santa Fe is that Pfeffer did Wiviott a "favor" on something to do with Wiviott's development needs. Whatever happened Wiviott needs to come clean on his reasoning. He needs to be asked the question wherever he turns up. Too bad Colon and Farrauto don't think there is a problem with this. I do!

    Posted by: SF democrat | Jun 23, 2007 10:28:00 AM

    This Jim Hannon seems a remarkably petty person. You need to consider that he is ALSO running for the chance to take on Dominicci. Furthermore, he says he "been talking to Don for several months about the race." Surely during all that time he could (and maybe did) ask Don about this donation that noone in his right mind could have thought was meaningful. Come on, a Repub, running against Bingamin in 2006 on a pro-war anti-immigrant platform, be serious. That must have been a good will gesture to an old friend.

    As far as Jim goes, it sounds like he is pissed off that Don is not funding his Quixotic run for Dominicci's seat and dares to run himself.

    Had Patsy won she would very likely have been voting wwith the Blue Dogs; Rahm Emanuel would have seen to that. His help came with a demand for loyalty to him and to the most DLC bunch of money grubbing Dems that are HURTING the effort to get out of Iraq.

    Most of the DCCC candidates LOST in '06 despite Rahm's cherry picking the easiest to win races. The positions he had his string of candidates take were ludicrous like "timelines AND benchmarks." Anyone funding the DCCC after seeing what was happening contributed to that.

    I never heard of Jim Hannon before, but this sure doesn't improve his standing with me.

    Posted by: sam dobermann | Jul 6, 2007 5:23:40 PM

    Im a firm believer in putting people in office because of who they are rather than their party affiliation. Maybe thats because I resort to using my own brain rather than a predetermined political platform that no one sticks to anyway. Mr. Wiviott will recieve my vote because he is the type of person I want to stand behind. He is the type of person I would want as my friend. I know he would help me whether I was republican or democratic because he knows the definition of friendship. And he knows whats more important. I cant say the same for Jim Hannan and Im dissapointed to see this negative campaigning so early. I hope that Mr. Hannan takes the time to find out what the important issues are rather than picking petty things to exploit. Mr. Hannan, I wish you the best in your future endevours, and finding the ability to prioritize.

    Posted by: NHD | Jul 10, 2007 7:06:52 PM

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