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    Thursday, June 21, 2007

    Developer from Santa Fe Prepared to Self-Fund Run Against Domenici

    We first mentioned Don Wiviott's name back in early May as a possible Democratic candidate when Pete Domenici's Senate seat comes into play in the 2008 election. That rumor has now been confirmed by Joe Monahan, who revealed today that Wiviott declared during a phone conversation that he is prepared to use his own money to mount a serious campaign against Domenici. And he has a lot of money.

    Wiviott is the developer of The Lofts in Santa Fe, and formerly chairs the Santa Fe Economic Development Review Committee. He also served on Governor Richardson's Task Force on Our Communities. The political newcomer is known up North as an advocate of "smart growth," development that incorporates green design features and the creation of innovative live-work communities.

    According to Monahan, Wiviott will put up $400,000 to kick off his Senate campaign and is ready, willing and able to spend up to a cool million, if necessary, to run a competitive challenge. He's also raising funds at Act Blue, where he's described as "an ardent environmentalist and successful small businessman who believes New Mexico, like the rest of our country, needs change in direction of leadership and priorities."

    The main question circulating about Wiviott is whether or not he's really a placeholder for a late-entry run by Gov. Bill Richardson should his presidential ambitions bite the dust. As Monahan says:

    Wiviott, who is married to Santa Fe real estate agent Kelley Owen, is moving quickly to assemble a campaign team, some of whom have ties to Big Bill, including the Greenberg, Quinlan, Rosner polling firm and media consultant Doc Sweitzer. His fundraiser, Kim Scott, worked for President Clinton.

    So it's evident that Wiviott will rely on a number of inside-the-Beltway types, some employed in the past by Richardson, to help run his campaign. Philadelphia-based Doc Sweitzer, by the way, was a media consultant for Dem Joe Sestak's successful campaign for Congress in Pennsylvania in 2006, and was an adviser to Richardson's 2002 campaign for governor. He's also been involved with the campaigns of Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell and many other Dems.

    If he's serious about his run, let's hope Wiviott also hires some top-notch local folks knowlegeable about the unique dynamics that shape New Mexico politics. More than one campaign in the past has been derailed by the misguided advice of those with little or no experience in the state.

    Wiviott joins two previously announced (and much more meagerly funded) Democratic candidates for the Senate seat -- Jim Hannan and Leland Lehrman. A few other names of possible Dem contenders have surfaced over the last few months, but no others have come out of the shadows to announce a run. At this point, it's difficult to know what Viviott's announcement is really all about, or what his views are regarding any number of issues. He has no real track record except in putting together lucrative developments in Santa Fe.

    June 21, 2007 at 11:56 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party | Permalink


    I hope Wiviott is able to get enough name recognition to mount a serious challenge. I also like the notion that he may be a place holder for Richardson, I would bet dollars to donuts that Richardson could run circles around Domenici, but getting elected President I am not sure. Anyway its way past time for Pajama Pete to step aside, he is no longer an asset to our state.

    Posted by: VP | Jun 21, 2007 9:22:21 PM

    I agree Richardson could easily defeat Domenici at this stage of the game. At the very least Wiviott's money will force Domenici and the RNC to raise and spend serious cash to remain competitive. That's cash the RNC can't spend elsewhere.

    I want to know more about Viviott and hope he'll come out soon and speak to the people about why he decided to run and the positions he has on all the major issues.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Jun 22, 2007 8:47:57 AM

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