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    Friday, June 15, 2007

    Garduño and O'Malley Campaigns for ABQ City Council Seats Heat Up

    Report and photos by Suzanne Prescott:
    The official campaigns for Debbie O'Malley and Rey Garduño have gotten off to a good start. Canvassers in Rey's district and Debbie's district are already collecting signatures. According to Garduño, he already has half of the approximately 550 signatures needed. No count is available from O'Malley who needs approximately 650 signatures.

    Debbietiguex2_2Both candidates have events planned for this weekend. District 2 incumbent candidate O'Malley is having a KICK-OFF PARTY at her house tonight (Friday) from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. She's inviting people to stop by and have a bite to eat with other supporters and pick up a petition sheet(s) and walking lists, or sign up to walk on a weekday or weekend with Debbie and other volunteers.

    Where:  AT O'Malley's - 839 Fitzgerald Rd. NW (Off of 4th Street, 1 Block S of Candelaria—the street next to Wendy's)
    When:  Friday, June 15, 5:30 to 8:00PM
    Who: O'Malley supporters

    Rey7_2Garduño also plans a get-together at his house. So far he reports that voters are telling him that voters have expressed major concerns about traffic in the district and concerns about the aging infrastructure in District #6. Voters are saying that they would like to see their tax dollars spent to revive the aging infrastructure. The information below is for anyone who has time to help Rey this Saturday.

    When:  Saturday, June 16th, 10 AM-1 PM
    Where:  At Garduño's - We will meet at our house:  414 Vassar, Dr. NE (Just inside the UNM Campus – from Girard and Campus; go West on Campus into the campus, first right is Vassar, first house is 414 Vassar; If you are having difficulties call 266-4424 or 688-6981 cell.)
    Why:  To continue the momentum and possibly finish our Petition Drive. Come to door-knock or if you don’t have the time, stop by to sign a petition and/or take some petition forms with you! 
    Who:  All community members that support clean elections and a strong community voice on the City Council. Especially people registered to vote in City Council District 6.

    Editor's Note: You can read all our previous posts on the Albuquerque City Council races in our archive. Click to visit Rey Garduño's campaign website.

    June 15, 2007 at 09:39 AM in 2007 Albq. Municipal Elections, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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