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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Elizabeth Edwards to Host John Edwards Fundraiser in Albuquerque
From John Edwards '08:
Elizabeth Edwards will be in Albuquerque this month at a house party to benefit her husband John's presidential campaign:
What: John Edwards for President Fundraiser
with Elizabeth Edwards
Date: Friday, June 22nd
Time: 6 PM
Place: Home of Ron Morgan, 508 Solano SE, ABQ
Tickets: $250, $500, $1000, and $2300
RSVP: Amanda Scott (505) 224-8089 or ascott@johnedwards.com
June 13, 2007 at 10:57 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink
Verrrrry interesting that Elizabeth Edwards is doing fundraising in a state where Richardson is running for president too.
Posted by: VS | Jun 13, 2007 4:48:38 PM
Edwards is the only Democratic candidate talking about what used to be our bread and butter issue-how the economy is treating the ordinary working stiff. Also how globalism is hurting ordinary people while making the investor class even richer than before. He has my support.
Both Richardson and Hillary are really DLC candidates. Boo. We've had enough of that type.
Posted by: JLC | Jun 14, 2007 10:21:30 AM