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    Wednesday, May 16, 2007

    Rey Garduño Hosts Signing Party Saturday

    From Rey Garduño, Candidate for Albuquerque City Council District 6:

    We are moving forward at a steady and measured pace with The Clean Elections process. We turned in to the City Clerk about a third of the necessary signatures and contributions on Tuesday the 15th; albeit, they need to be vetted. This is great; now, we need commitments from all of us to get at least five (5) of our friends and neighbors to come to a “Signing” Party at my house at 414 Vassar, NE in the UNM Campus (Directions below) from 10 AM - 12 PM this Saturday, May 19th. 

    What is this signing party you ask? Quite simply it will be a centralized place where we can ask folks to sign the qualifying form and contribute $5 to democracy. This will qualify me to run as a clean candidate for City Council District 6 this fall, and not have to take campaign contributions from special interests. It is most urgent that we gather these signatures as soon as possible, our deadline is May 29; having begun the process now I can take the forms on a weekly basis to verify the signatures. The sooner we have 271 qualifying signatures the sooner we can begin the campaign and formulate how we are going to improve on the good initiatives already in District 6. Furthermore, we can build a framework cooperatively with the rest of the city to make this a great community.

    Thank you in advance for your dedication to Democracy, to our community and my campaign.

    Gracias, Rey Garduño

    Directions to 414 Vassar NE: From Girard at Campus [street between Central and Lomas] you would go West on Campus into UNM campus turn North or right onto Vassar, the first house on the right is 414 Vassar).

    Editor's Note: To determine your City Council District, . To read our previous posts about Rey Garduño's campaign for City Council, click here and here. You can also visit his website: https://reygarduno.blogspot.com/.

    May 16, 2007 at 06:28 PM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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