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    Wednesday, May 02, 2007

    Participate Now in National Parity Day

    From Wellstone Action: Today, as part of National Parity Day, David Wellstone is meeting with members of Congress to urge them to finally pass legislation that his father championed for over a decade, a bill now known as the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act. The Wellstone bill is co-sponsored by a majority of members of the House, but unless action is taken in the next two months in committee, the bill will likely not pass this year.

    Today, please call the national parity hotline (1-866-PARITY4) and ask to be connected to your member of Congress. The message is simple:

    "I am calling to urge you to support the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act. This is a bipartisan bill that is co-sponsored by a majority of House members. It is common sense legislation that ends discrimination against people suffering from mental illness and addiction. The Wellstone bill is fair, just, and long overdue. Please support this bill and urge your colleagues to finally pass it out of the House this year."

    Thanks for your help in getting the Wellstone bill passed. For more information about the bill and other things you can do to help, click here.

    May 2, 2007 at 09:03 AM in Healthcare | Permalink


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