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Friday, May 11, 2007

Focus Ink T-Shirts Benefit Democratic Party of Bernalillo County


(Click on image for larger version.)

Nancy Denker/Focus Ink is selling union made/printed T-shirts as a fund raiser for the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County. The width of the graphic (above) is approximately 12", printed on the front, or special ordered with the art on the back. These white tees sell for $20 each (sizes s-xl), with the party receiving $6 of each sale. You can also have your shirt personalized with names/wards/precincts/titles for an additional $5 (party receiving $2). Larger sizes cost $2 extra per size. To order, contact:

Nancy Denker
Focus Ink, Inc.
335 B Jefferson SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
505.265.3497 - 505.266.4538 fax

We print EVERYTHING from walnuts to signs!

ASI 195766
IUPAT Local 823
Licensed Teamster vendor

Editor's Note: This is a personal effort by Nancy Denker/Focus Ink to raise funds for the DPBC. What a wonderful idea!

May 11, 2007 at 09:47 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

(Updated) More on Rey Garduño's Run for District 6 City Councilor

GardunoblogSuzanne Prescott has posted of an excellent two-part interview with Rey Garduño (left), who's running for the District 6 seat on the Albuquerque City Council, on New Mexico FBIHOP. will be is now up there tomorrow as well. As explained in our previous post, Rey is one of several progressive candidates who are trying to qualify for public campaign funding under the city's new clean elections law. He needs help to be successful. You know what to do: email him at reygard@unm.edu or call 505.266-4424 or 688-698. Also be sure to check out Garduño's new campaign blog called "Elect Rey Garduño - He's running Clean!" to learn more.

O'Malley Also Needs Our Help
District 2 incumbent Debbie O'Malley, one of our most effective City Councilors, is also trying to qualify for public campaign funding. Read more about that in a recent DFNM guest blog by Suzanne Prescott. To find out how you can lend a hand call 304-3960 or email .

May 10, 2007 at 11:41 PM in 2007 Albq. Municipal Elections, Election Reform & Voting, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Mathematica to Release Preliminary Report on Health Care Reform Models on 5/16

From Health Action New Mexico: At the Health Coverage for New Mexicans Committee on April 26, 2007, Mathematica Policy Research provided their methodology for comparing the cost of three models of health care reform with the current system of health care delivery in NM. They explained how they obtained data for NM and the numbers that they will be using for the study. Surprisingly they separated out people who were insured only part of the year (46 %) and said we had an unusually high rate of partially uninsured. The power point presentation is on our web site at www.healthactionnm.org. Two ways to access documents: 1) Click on Mathematica Study on Health Care Reform under Health Action New Mexico ALERTS and follow links or 2) Click on Health Care for All link.

At the next meeting of Health Coverage for New Mexicans Committee, Mathematica will present the preliminary report and the financial comparisons of the three health care models:

Wednesday, May 16th, 2007
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
CNM Workforce Training Center
5600 Eagle Rock Avenue NE, Albuquerque
Directions: Take I-25 to Alameda Exit. Go west and follow signs for the Training Center.

May 10, 2007 at 12:39 PM in Healthcare | Permalink | Comments (3)

This Month: Two Picnic Events for Bernalillo County Dems

From the DPBC:
WHERE:  Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center
9800 - 4TH STREET NW, Albuquerque
WHEN: Memorial Day, Monday, May 28, Noon - 3 PM
From Ward 19A: Our Ward 19A meeting this month will be held jointly with Wards 18A, 18B, 19A and 19B. The meeting will be an indoor/potluck picnic, held at the Highland Senior Center, located at 131 Monroe NE on Wednesday May 16, 2007 from 6:30 PM-8:30 PM. All Democrats are welcome.

State Representatives Gail Chasey and Sheryl Williams Stapleton and our State Senator Cisco McSorley will give a short speech/report on the recent legislative session with short question/answer period. We will also discuss the recent County elections and the State Central meeting held in Las Cruces. Cheryl Harris, our new county second vice chair, will talk to us about upcoming county events such as the May 17th,  Third Thursday meeting.

We ask that you invite your friends, neighbors and ward/precinct members to attend. There will be hot dogs and drinks; we ask that you bring a potluck/picnic item such as salads, desserts, casseroles and chips & dips. If you have any questions contact Cheryl Harris at 268-6628 or Richard Cooley at 268-2439.

May 10, 2007 at 11:07 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Using the Iraq Supplemental to Steal Iraqi Oil

Today's must read: Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone's article, Pelosi's New Iraq Supplemental Is Outright Colonial Robbery. Excerpt:

Saddam Hussein rips off Iraqi people, America "liberates" said people from Saddam, then bludgeons them with Saddam's debts until they hand over the keys to the oil industry. Nice deal, yes?

The proposed Hydrocarbon Law is a result of pressure from the American government on the Iraqis to draft an oil policy that would adhere to the IMF guidelines. It allows foreign companies to take advantage of Iraqi oil fields by allowing regions to pair up with foreigners using what are known as "production-sharing agreements" or PSAs, which guarantee investing companies large shares of the profits for decades into the future. The law also makes it impossible for the Iraqi state to regulate levels of oil production (seriously undermining OPEC), allows oil companies to repatriate profits, and would also allow companies to hire foreign workers to man facilities. Add all the measures up and the Hydrocarbon law not only takes control of the oil industry away from the Iraqi state, but virtually guarantees that the state will profit very little from future oil exploitation.

... let's just say this about the Democratic Party. They can wash their hands of this war as much as they want publicly, but their endorsement of this crude neocolonial exploitation plan makes them accomplices in the occupation, and further legitimizes the insurgency. It is hard to argue with the logic of armed resistance to U.S. forces in Iraq when both American parties, representing the vast majority of the American voting public, endorse the same draconian plan to rob the country's riches. This isn't a situation in which there's going to be a better deal down the road, after Bush gets thrown out of office. Looking at it from that point of view, peaceful cooperation with the Americans is therefore probably impossible for any patriotic Iraqi; the economic consequences are too severe.

May 9, 2007 at 09:00 PM in Democratic Party, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (0)

(Updated) Rey Garduño Seeks Public Funding for ABQ District 6 City Council Race

Rgarduno_2UPDATE: Rey Garduño now has a website: https://reygarduno.blogspot.com/
Long-time community activist, public information specialist and small businessman Rey Garduño (right) has decided to pursue public funding for his campaign to replace Martin Heinrich on the Albuquerque City Council in District 6 in the Southeast Heights. Heinrich has plans to run for Congress in CD1 against Repub incumbent Heather Wilson and will resign his seat on the Council when his terms ends. City Council elections are set for even numbered districts this coming November.

Garduño currently serves as Vice Chair on the Board of Common Cause NM. He's also a member of the Board of the Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP), and operates Rey Garduño Photography. He retired in 2005 from his post as head of marketing for UNM Hospitals, and he was a Public Affairs Representative at Carrie Tingley Hospital for nine years. Click to see his extensive resume detailing 25 years of professional experience in managing staff and resources, as well as his many years of service to the community on various boards and professional organizations. Rey has also worked hard in support of various initiatives including passage of minimum wage and clean elections legislation, the Better New Mexico campaign and ethics reform.

Like Debbie O'Malley, who's running for reelection to her North Valley City Council seat in District 2, Garduño is currently in the process of collecting signatures and $5 donations from registered voters in his district so that he can qualify for public funding. He has to gather more than 250 before the May 31 deadline. If you live in District 6 and would like to sign up, you can contact him at 266-4424 or reygard@unm.edu. He's also looking for people to help collect the signatures and donations. You don't need to be a resident of District 6 to help out.

Other reported candidates for the District 6 seat include UNM graduate student Joe Garcia, who is president of the Graduate and Professional Student Association, and Joan Griffin, who owns a local ad agency and operates a dating service franchise. Griffin served as Mayor Marty Chavez's press person during his 2005 reelection campaign.

DomalleyMore on O'Malley's District 2 Race
See our previous guest blog by Suzanne Prescott to learn more about the public financing program, as well as how to get involved with Debbie O'Malley's (left) campaign in District 2. According to a post today on Joe Monahan, O'Malley will have a competitor in her race to retain her seat in the form of Katherine Martinez, who has close ties to Albuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez:

Meantime, on the city election watch 34 year old Katherine Martinez, who is active in the mayor's ABQ Green initiative and is the government affairs director for the Central NM Homebuilders Association, has launched a campaign against City Council President Debbie O'Malley who has often clashed with His Honor over growth issues. Martinez also worked in government affairs for the ABQ Chamber of Commerce.

Martinez (Katherine Carroll), a Democrat like O'Malley, was born in North Carolina and moved to New Mexico eight years ago with her native New Mexican husband. She says she has lived in the ABQ North Valley district only two and a half years, but "it doesn't take long to get to know people."

to determine which Albuquerque City Council district you reside in.

UPDATE: Also see our later post on Rey Garduno, which includes links to a two-part interview with him by Suzanne Prescott that appeared on New Mexico FBIHOP.

May 9, 2007 at 12:13 PM in 2007 Albq. Municipal Elections, Election Reform & Voting, Ethics & Campaign Reform | Permalink | Comments (3)

New Richardson Ad Takes Humorous Approach

Editor's Note: I like the new approach. It's not often we see political ads that are creative and humorous. What do you think? Click below, watch the ads and and let the Bill Richardson campaign know your thoughts.

From Dave Contarino, Richardson for President: You have to see our new ad. We just released it on YouTube. Our ads will be running in Iowa and New Hampshire. Raising our profile and earning votes in these states are essential elements of our campaign to elect Governor Richardson in 2008. The new spot is not your typical campaign ad. It makes a crucial point to key primary voters that Bill Richardson, a four-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, is the experienced leader that America needs.

Click here to see Bill Richardson's new ad. It is sure to earn attention from voters and it shows that Bill's resume - Governor, Energy Secretary, and statesman - is exactly what America needs.

With more than 20 states holding primaries and caucuses in the two weeks after Iowa and New Hampshire, these two early contests are more important than ever. A strong start will give our campaign a wave of momentum that will carry Governor Richardson to the nomination.

That's why we have to take every opportunity to talk directly to voters in these influential states. They need to know that Bill Richardson is the only candidate who has a proven record of negotiating peace in global trouble spots and that he's ready to do the same thing in the White House.

We're leveraging your investment in our campaign with a bold and aggressive media strategy aimed at raising our profile and earning pivotal votes. I have always believed that when voters learn that Governor Richardson invested in education, job creation, and alternative energy in New Mexico, they will side with us.

The new ad shows a mock job interview for President that gives new meaning to the words "over-qualified." The look on the Governor's face is priceless.

One of the secrets of Governor Richardson's success at governing, negotiation and foreign affairs is his ability to connect with people. His years of diplomatic experience have taught the Governor that sometimes the best way to reach out is to put others at ease with humor and self-deprecation.

But the message underscores a serious distinction. Bill Richardson has spent a lifetime in public service, preparing to meet our country's great challenges and to seize great opportunities. He is the only candidate with the wisdom and the sound judgment to take on the toughest dictators and to tackle global warming.

However, it takes something unconventional to get noticed in a crowded field. This new ad fits the bill. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

May 9, 2007 at 12:12 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Media | Permalink | Comments (4)

Taking Back Mother's Day for Peace

From Brave New Foundation, CodePink and No More Victims: Brave New Foundation launched a new short viral video in honor of Mother’s Day featuring actresses Felicity Huffman, Vanessa Williams, Alfre Woodward, Christine Lahti and feminist icon Gloria Steinem, as well as two Muslim women, Fatma Saleh and Ashraf Salimian. The video celebrates the original meaning of Mother’s Day, founded during the Civil War as a call upon women to unite for peace in the name children everywhere. The video is being distributed virally over the internet by Robert Greenwald’s Brave New Foundation via You Tube in partnership with a large coalition of groups including the Unitarian Universalists, SEIU, Soldiers of Yesterday and Tomorrow, National Organization for Women (NOW), Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools, United For Peace and Justice and others.

In 1870, after the devastation of the American Civil War, social activist and poet Julia Ward Howe wrote the original Mother's Day Proclamation calling upon the women of the world to unite for peace. This Mother's Day, celebrate the true meaning of the holiday by giving your mother an e-card with a donation to No More Vicims. No More Victims is a non-profit organization which brings war-injured Iraqi children to the United States for medical treatment. Learn more at MothersDayForPeace.com.

Contributions made through the site will go to help bring Salee, a ten-year-old girl who lost both of her legs in the Iraq war, to Greenville, South Carolina where she will receive surgical treatment and prosthetics.

On November 7, 2006, ten-year-old Salee was playing outside her home in Hasswa, Iraq with her brother, cousin and some friends when US jets circled overhead. Suddenly the jets fired three missiles, apparently at two passenger vehicles. One of the missiles hit Salee's home, killing her brother and taking both of Salee's legs.

May 9, 2007 at 09:14 AM in Iraq War, Peace | Permalink | Comments (1)

'We The People' to Focus on Bill Moyers Review

WE THE PEOPLE: Bill Moyers, a Review
May 10,  2007 - 6 PM, Albuquerque, Channel 27
Worldwide On The Net! Click for Streaming Media.
WE THE PEOPLE is an innovative television show looking for TRUTH and TRANSPARENCY in local, state and federal governments. THANKS FOR WATCHING, Mickey Bock/Judith Binder - Hosts

May 9, 2007 at 08:48 AM in Media | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Domenici Subpoenaed ... Again

This time in the local Elevator Nine trial. New Mexico FBIHOP has . See our previous post for background on this case, including links to a Common Dreams article by one of the demonstrators and to a relevant Pax Christi NM website.

May 8, 2007 at 05:32 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Civil Liberties, Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)