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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

New Richardson Ad Takes Humorous Approach

Editor's Note: I like the new approach. It's not often we see political ads that are creative and humorous. What do you think? Click below, watch the ads and and let the Bill Richardson campaign know your thoughts.

From Dave Contarino, Richardson for President: You have to see our new ad. We just released it on YouTube. Our ads will be running in Iowa and New Hampshire. Raising our profile and earning votes in these states are essential elements of our campaign to elect Governor Richardson in 2008. The new spot is not your typical campaign ad. It makes a crucial point to key primary voters that Bill Richardson, a four-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, is the experienced leader that America needs.

Click here to see Bill Richardson's new ad. It is sure to earn attention from voters and it shows that Bill's resume - Governor, Energy Secretary, and statesman - is exactly what America needs.

With more than 20 states holding primaries and caucuses in the two weeks after Iowa and New Hampshire, these two early contests are more important than ever. A strong start will give our campaign a wave of momentum that will carry Governor Richardson to the nomination.

That's why we have to take every opportunity to talk directly to voters in these influential states. They need to know that Bill Richardson is the only candidate who has a proven record of negotiating peace in global trouble spots and that he's ready to do the same thing in the White House.

We're leveraging your investment in our campaign with a bold and aggressive media strategy aimed at raising our profile and earning pivotal votes. I have always believed that when voters learn that Governor Richardson invested in education, job creation, and alternative energy in New Mexico, they will side with us.

The new ad shows a mock job interview for President that gives new meaning to the words "over-qualified." The look on the Governor's face is priceless.

One of the secrets of Governor Richardson's success at governing, negotiation and foreign affairs is his ability to connect with people. His years of diplomatic experience have taught the Governor that sometimes the best way to reach out is to put others at ease with humor and self-deprecation.

But the message underscores a serious distinction. Bill Richardson has spent a lifetime in public service, preparing to meet our country's great challenges and to seize great opportunities. He is the only candidate with the wisdom and the sound judgment to take on the toughest dictators and to tackle global warming.

However, it takes something unconventional to get noticed in a crowded field. This new ad fits the bill. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

May 9, 2007 at 12:12 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Media | Permalink


I absolutely enjoyed them and sent in my comments. Thanks so much for posting this. I watched them three times!
A sense of humor is sorely needed! I laughed and laughed and... man, when he looks at the camera and says, "I'm Bill Richardson and I approve this message." I cracked up! The look on his face... priceless!

Posted by: | May 9, 2007 1:55:15 PM

Wonderful ad, I hope it helps Bill Richardson. It's nice to see humor and class connected to politics for a change.

Posted by: Mandales | May 10, 2007 12:05:20 AM

Like his campaign for governor he is using humor and I beleive that he is distancing himself from the run-of-the-mill political hack. I love the ads.

Posted by: Terry Riley | May 10, 2007 9:54:38 AM

Love the ads. More candidates need to take this tack with their advertising. Everyone is so tired of the same old stuff.

Posted by: I Vote | May 10, 2007 11:08:20 AM

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