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    Wednesday, May 02, 2007

    LA Police Out of Control at Immigration Rally

    Here's the story (with video), plus additional video here, here and here, that clearly documents the abuse of force by the members of the LA Police, who appeared to be dressed for war rather than a peaceful demonstration, at yesterday's immigration rights rally at MacArthur Park. Even the police chief admits it looks like some officers were acting inappropriately. Video to the rescue. Note that police seemed to take a special interest in hitting and shoving people with cameras.

    After a peaceful day of marching and rallying, it looked to many like the cops decided to cause trouble by suddenly deciding to get rough with people who were off the sidewalk and/or not clearing the park quickly enough. Many who were manhandled were walking away from the scene, not challenging anyone. A few reacted by throwing things, which gave the cops a good excuse to move into overdrive using their clubs and rubber bullets on people, regardless of who they were and what they were doing.

    Oh, the rubber bullets fired without warning were "non-lethal," meaning they only inflict intense pain or, perhaps, knock an eye or two out in the process. No big deal if you're the cop wearing the war gear. Beware women pushing strollers who don't get out of the way fast enough to suit the officers.

    The Los Angeles CBS affiliate reports:

    Police Chief William J. Bratton said Wednesday some of the police tactics to clear immigration protesters from a park were "inappropriate," as numerous news videos showed officers striking people with batons and firing rubber bullets into crowds that included children.

    Images showed police hitting a television cameraman to the ground and shoving people who were walking away from officers at Tuesday's demonstration. Some injured people were seen in the videos, including a Hispanic man with a bleeding welt on his stomach.

    May 2, 2007 at 04:51 PM in Immigration | Permalink


    Imagine what the cops will be doing by the time of the GOP convention....

    Posted by: Red or Green | May 3, 2007 12:57:55 PM

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