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Friday, May 18, 2007

Jeff Armijo Pleads Not Guilty to Four Count Indictment

It was revealed yesterday that a grand jury indicted former Dem state auditor candidate Jeff Armijo in mid-March for one felony count of false imprisonment and three misdemeanor battery counts in connection with accusations of sexual misconduct from August, 2006. He was booked into the Bernalillo County Detention Center on April 10 and released on his own recognizance. He's pleaded not guilty on all counts. Armijo was forced to resign as a candidate last Fall when allegations that resulted in the current indictment became public. Hector Balderas replaced him on the ballot and was successful in his election for state auditor. Heath Haussamen has the most complete story. There are also stories in the Albuquerque Tribune and Albuquerque Journal and Santa Fe New Mexican.

It's only fair to remember that being indicted doesn't mean a person is guilty. Innocence is presumed unless and until that person is convicted in a court of law. What the indictment does mean is that Armijo will have his day in court, one way or the other, unless the District Attorney throws the case out.

For more background on this controversial story, here are some of our previous posts on the situation:

May 18, 2007 at 02:54 PM in Candidates & Races, Crime, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink


Where is the follow up story that the charges were dropped against Jeff Armijo after the DA interviewed the alleged victim and she admitted she made the whole thing up. Too bad the interview didn't happen until nearly a year after the allegations were made and ruined a brilliant young candidates bid for State Auditor.

Posted by: jj | Jul 11, 2008 11:58:46 PM



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