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    Saturday, May 12, 2007

    Guest Blog: May Day, May Day, The Kids Are Not Alright

    This is a video guest blog by Brian Fejer of Albuquerque:
    The kids are not alright! Walked through UNM Campus on May Day with my ghetto blaster blasting the What Really Happened Lies mp3 (see above video). You could cut the apathy with a knife. Short of a draft, it seems not much can reach these kids.

    The pre-emptive Iraq 'War' protestors, were right. The Pro Iraq 'War' supporters are still dead wrong. I remember in the days before the invasion of Iraq protesting on the UNM Campus, and how most of my friends, family, and fellow students wouldn't be caught dead at a antiwar demonstration. On the day of the 2003 student walkout as protesters snaked through campus, doubling and tripling the size of the march, even going through school buildings chanting stand up, walk out, I recall the terrified looks of students cowering in their classrooms. When the war in Iraq started, UNM was on Spring break, and most UNM students never realized the brutality of the APD Police Riot. Four years later, these kids would still rather be on their ipods!

    The other day US Marines were on campus recruiting with a rock climbing wall. I walked up to them and asked if they were still hunting down Nine Eleven Conspirator Osama Bin Laden. They just shrugged. I've written scores of letters to the Daily Lobo about Iraq, the tyranny of signing statements and the Military Commisions Act, torture, but you just can't shake this generation. Maybe they are just desensitized from the video games and the corporate media? Land of the Free, Home of the Brave: I'm not so sure anymore, I do what I can. I'm working on a one man show called Post American. It depicts the horrors of war you don't see in the Albuquerque Journal!

    Editor's Note: This is a guest blog by Brian Fejer. You can see other examples of his videos on his YouTube channel under Post American. Warning: many are graphic and disturbing, like the war itself. Guest blogs provide our readers with an opportunity to express their opinions on political issues and don't necessarily represent our views. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper right-hand corner of our main page.

    May 12, 2007 at 01:13 PM in Guest Blogger, Iraq War, Visuals | Permalink


    The freshman are seniors, but I don't think they learned anything!

    Posted by: | May 13, 2007 2:34:43 PM

    Vote against ALL legislation and bring government to its knees until the war has ended.

    Invertebrate democrats never needed a majority to override a veto. Just refuse to send Bush a bill. Legislators just need to stop legislating.

    The battle has not even started and the democrats caved in. Bush will suck funding from every conceivable source to perpetuate his war, even with no funding.

    Emperor Bush is naked and covered in blood and still he buys legislators.

    Posted by: Ron Davis | May 25, 2007 5:04:23 AM

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