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    Tuesday, May 22, 2007

    Feingold Calls It "A Collapse for Democrats"

    Go read his diary on Daily Kos. Quote:

    First Americans had to put up with a Republican Congress that did nothing, and now we are faced with a Democratic Congress that is giving the President exactly what he wants – continuing his failed policy and leaving our troops stuck in the middle of a civil war.  Some strategy.  We can’t back down when the stakes are so high. I know you’ll keep ratcheting up the pressure, and that’s exactly what we need right now. Now is the time to be pulling out all the stops to end the war. [emphasis mine]

    May 22, 2007 at 01:21 PM in Democratic Party, Iraq War | Permalink


    All the headlines are great too:

    Democrats Cave
    Democrats Blink
    Democrats Give in to Bush on Timeline
    Democrats Drop Withdrawal
    Bush Wins Congressional Battle Over Iraq
    Dems Concede on War Bill

    (taken from google news)

    Posted by: Old Dem | May 22, 2007 6:45:31 PM

    Maybe someone should sit the Democrats down and teach them how to play poker?

    Posted by: | May 22, 2007 8:47:25 PM

    and another reason why we need two clones of Mr. Feingold in each state.

    Posted by: Jd | May 23, 2007 1:09:57 AM

    The Dem's caved on Iraq time lines for ending the Iraq occupation, they sold us out on free trade, they are deaf to the call for impeachment. They have aided and abetted the passage of The Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act costing us our Habeas Corpus rights, now 6 months after gaining the majority done nothing to overturn either, failed to stop the Roberts and Alito nominations and numerous "recess appointments". Is it just me that thinks the current crop of Dem Leadership is "USELESS" as an opposition party advancing a progressive agenda? The rank and file have a lot of work to do by the 08 election, or perhaps its time for a NEW party?

    Posted by: VP | May 23, 2007 7:21:45 AM

    We are trapped in the current system of politics. Forming a new progressive party would just hand the gov over to the extreme right as witnessed in the 2000 Gore/Nader vs. Bush election in Florida.
    I am frustrated with the Dems but the alternative is a shade of fascism. Unfortunately, both parties represent the big corporations. This will continue as long as our elections are driven by and for money.
    Also our electoral system is obsolete and will serve only two parties.

    Posted by: qofdisks | May 23, 2007 8:34:39 AM

    There are very good Democrats at many levels of government but then there are the sellouts in the minority who stop progress. You can see it in our legislature where a handful of Dems stopped impeachment without a floor debate, domestic partnership and many other positive bills. You can see it in the U.S. Senate and House, where "conservative" and "moderate" Dems stand in the way of taking meaningful action.

    Really they aren't conservative or moderate at all but owned by their big donors. Is it "moderate" to vote against a practical plan for ending this war, as Bingaman has done? What's "moderate" about letting more of our soldiers die while Washington plays politics? Is it "moderate" to give away American jobs in the hundreds of thousands because your campaign donors want a free ride in lopsided trade deals? Is it "moderate" to punish people with high medical bills or divorces who need to declare bankruptcy? No it's not moderate it's plain nasty and against all common sense.

    I think Pelosi and Reid have done what they could on the war thing but they are up against some real asses who won't budge. What we need is someone like Lyndon Johnson who knew how to twist arms and makes deals to create the votes needed. These "moderate" and "conservative" Dems need a kick in the butt and to have their pork taken away from them until they see the light of day.

    Posted by: Lifelong Democrat | May 23, 2007 10:11:58 AM

    And don't forget that a majority of dems in the senate(and I believe house) voted for Feingold-Reid end the war legislation. It's not the entire democratic party, its just some old guys who are coming close to retirement (hopefully). If we are lucky THEY will be the ones to start their own party just like Joe Lieberman did.

    Posted by: | May 23, 2007 10:55:37 AM

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