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Friday, May 18, 2007
Edwards Campaign Offers End the War T-Shirts and Free Bumperstickers
I like it. The John Edwards campaign is offering a free "Support the Troops - End the War" bumpersticker to anyone who asks. For $20, you can get both the bumpersticker and a t-shirt with the same message. Click to order. They're also encouraging people to take action during the Memorial Day weekend to help end the war, and suggest 10 things you can do. Visit this page for more info. I think EVERY Democratic presidential candidate should be doing something like this, don't you? (And much more, of course.)
May 18, 2007 at 12:30 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Iraq War | Permalink
I simply love his approach of this election campaign,Impressive & thoughtful...Most importantly if he calls of the war & calls back the troops then vote for him and save our US.I should order one T-shirt for me...
European Breakdown Cover
Posted by: | May 27, 2007 10:45:29 AM