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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Martin Heinrich: New Campaign Website, New DFNM Netroots Donation Page

Current Albuquerque City Council member Martin Heinrich, who's tossed his hat in the ring to be the Democratic candidate for Congress in NM-1 against incumbent Republican Rep. Heather Wilson, now has a campaign website up and running. Go to Under a heading of 'Ethics, Vision and Results', the site includes info on Heinrich's accomplishments, news stories, videos and a bio.

Donate to Heinrich Campaign Via Our New DFNM Netroots Fundraising Page:

Noted for his problem-solving pragmatism, negotiating skills, ethics and dedication to a green agenda, Heinrich has already raised more than $4,500 in campaign funds since his recent entry into the race. You can add to that by kicking in a few bucks using our new Act Blue fundraising page: DFNM Netroots for Martin Heinrich. As we learned in the Dean campaign, many small donations can trump a handful of large donations. Help demonstrate that members of the grassroots - netroots are ready to step up to the plate and support people-powered candidates like Heinrich. Donate today at

Here's Martin Heinrich answering the question, "Why are you a Democrat," at the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County's Memorial Day picnic this past Monday:

Note: The clip above is one of a continuing series of digital camera video clips Mary Ellen is producing, asking all kinds of folks about why they're Democrats. Check our previous post for more, and keep an eye out for additional videos in the series. Also keep an eye out for Mary Ellen pointing her camera at you! These are low-tech video clips taken with an ordinary digital camera, not a top-notch video cam, but we think the messages come across loud and clear.

May 31, 2007 at 11:28 AM in Democratic Party, DFNM - Albq, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Visuals, Web/Tech | Permalink


Excellent! I love that the DFNM blog is raising money for him too. We have to show he has support out here and giving a few dollars is the best way to do that right now. Thanks for running Martin.

Posted by: | May 31, 2007 1:35:34 PM

I wish i could give him 1 million dollars.
ok i will wake up now.
Go give is easy...tooo easy!
and i wish i could video heather and pete over and over and wait for their hate filled gaff, it is just below the surface. I know not nice but they are not nice.

Posted by: mary ellen | May 31, 2007 3:27:33 PM

I finally remembered to donate to Martin. He's my councilor, a great progressive Dem who literally walks his talk. He's walks carrying both his darling little boys about a mile and a half each way when he shops at the Co-op. He's done a great job on the council keeping factions working together as he works for the environment, good government and fiscal responsibility.
And he's truly tolerant. A constituent protested the new leash laws at council meeting. A couple of days later the guys dog--off leash--attacked Martin's dog--on leash--! After others helped Martin get the offending dog under control, Martin only looked at the guy and said that he hope the man now understood why the council wanted the laws. He could have caled the cops and prosecuted but he was really decent about it.

Posted by: nanceinnm | Jun 5, 2007 8:07:49 PM

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