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    Friday, May 04, 2007

    37 Years

    And still the war against the people rumbles on. Only the weapons and buzzwords have changed. And they've learned it's better to have only paid soldiers instead of a draft. And now it's all about the War on Terrorism rather than the Communist Threat.

    This video has incredibly chilling footage of the events from German TV. Apparently, NBC, ABC and CBS have "lost" much of the footage they filmed that day.

    In this one, Nixon explains how he's expanding the war into Cambodia in order to end the war:

    We take this action not for the purpose of expanding the war into Cambodia but for the purpose of ending the war in Vietnam and winning the just peace we all desire.

    We were, as now, seeking "peace with honor" from a dishonorable war. This was, after all, another era when we were destroying villages in order to save them. And killing students to protect the universities. As Nixon says, foreshadowing this era of "Homeland Security":

    My fellow Americans, we live in an age of anarchy, both abroad and at home. We see mindless attacks on all the great institutions which have been created by free civilizations in the last 500 years. Even here in the United States, great universities are being systematically destroyed....

    If, when the chips are down, the world's most powerful nation, the United States of America, acts like a pitiful, helpless giant, the forces of totalitarianism and anarchy will threaten free nations and free institutions throughout the world.

    Sounds familiar, doesn't it? It should. The arms merchants and war contractors are still raking it in. And protecting "freedom" continues to justify vile acts engineered by the worst of us. Same shit. Different decade. But this time the campuses are mostly silent.

    Past posts on the Kent State anniversary from 2005 and 2006.

    May 4, 2007 at 12:48 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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