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Friday, April 06, 2007
Tonight on 'The Line'
‘The Line’ is a show with a dedicated and growing following. Airing every Friday night on KNME at 7 PM, many topics are of interest to progressives. Host, Gene Grant, engages show regulars and guests in a fast paced round robin of thought and opinion. The half hour is barely enough time the show’s topics but viewers are invited to continue the discussion on KNME's online forum at https://www.knmetv.org/forum/. Added bonus: Suzanne Prescott, who co-hosted the radio show with Eric Griego, is the guest panelist tonight.
Tonight the main topics are:
Courthouse indictments, Violence in the Land of Enchantment, The Supreme Court decision on greenhouse gases
The ‘On-the-Clock’ topics are:
The Dona Ana County Spaceport, Governor Richardson’s campaign finance report, Governor Richardson’s trip to North Korea, and Red-light cameras.
Margaret Montoya, UNM Law School and School of Medicine, and Duke City Fix’s Sophie Martin are joined by Whitney Cheshire’s replacement this week, blogger Mario Burgos and guest, ‘Insight New Mexico’ producer, Suzanne Prescott.
April 6, 2007 at 02:58 PM in Local Politics, Media | Permalink
I just learned that Leland Lehrman will be seeking the Democratic Nomination to challenge Pete Domenici for the US Senate!!! WOOT!.
Leland, from Mother Media worked with Senator Ortiz y Pino to draft the Impeachment Reslolution and mobilized the grassroot effort on the Hearings and Press Conferences.
This is very Exciting.
Posted by: Linda | Apr 6, 2007 4:43:11 PM
Can't say I agree with you Linda. Leland is a nice guy but hardly Senate material. I find it silly that he is running but who knows.
Posted by: Roadrunner | Apr 6, 2007 5:24:31 PM
Check out mybluestate08.com! This is Gideon Elliott's site. He is running for State Party Chair and is far better than Culo and Oldguin!
Posted by: | Apr 6, 2007 6:44:42 PM
Good show. Suzanne you did good.
Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 7, 2007 10:19:46 AM
yes, suzanne you did great, for the time you were allowed to speak! Mario B can kind of dominate. And Sophie just goes on speaking really about nothing.
The Line has improved since Gene Grant has started hosting it.
Posted by: Mary Ellen | Apr 8, 2007 9:24:30 AM