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    Monday, April 23, 2007

    Who Will Take On Heather Wilson? Let the People Decide

    Round and round we go and where we stop, nobody knows. At least not yet. But there's been lots of recent leaking, rumors and positioning going on about Dems who may be considering a run against Repub Rep. Heather Wilson in New Mexico's CD1 in 2008. Names bandied about have included former City Councilor and Albuquerque mayoral candidate Eric Griego, current City Councilor Martin Heinrich, Economic Development honcho Rick Homans, State Auditor Hector Balderas, Binagaman' staffer Terry Brunner, NM Rep. Jerry Ortiz y Pino, State Treasurer James B. Lewis and even former UNM President Louis Caldera. In recent days, we've had a visit from the DCCC to Albuquerque and reports of Calderas seeking out their counsel in D.C.

    Homans quickly withdrew from consideration after initial reports of his possible candidacy, and he's since transferred from his job running the NM Economic Development Department to heading up the new Spaceport initiative. I guess the response to his candidacy was less than enthusiastic. I know it certainly was in the core Dem segments of the Party.

    For Griego's latest statements on entering the race, check out New Mexico FBIHOP's with Eric. Today, Las Cruces blogger Heath Haussamen reports that Heinrich has formed an exploratory committee for the race and taken an unpaid leave of absence from his job as NM Natural Resources Trustee. Along with Balderas, Griego and Heinrich seem the most likely to follow through with a run that might well end up in an exciting Dem primary race full of ideas and energy.

    Richardson Camp Weighing In?
    Unfortunately, however, the Bill Richardson camp seems to be jumping the gun and leaking their support for Heinrich way ahead of the game. See today's post on Monahan quoting "top political sources." Nothing against Martin, who is very popular and well-respected among local Dems, but remember when it was MEMBERS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY who selected candidates? That's why we have a pre-primary convention and the option of a primary to settle the question of who would be the best candidate to run on the Dem side. Haven't we had enough of candidates being crowned from above based on who knows what criteria? One of the most common (and angry) complaints I hear these days is that power brokers and insiders are usurping the power of rank and file Dems, of the Party itself. Let the people decide!

    Practice Makes Perfect
    Some believe primaries can sap the strength (and fundraising) of the ultimate candidate in these kinds of races, but everyone I talk to thinks it would be a positive development in this race. We need the strongest, scrappiest, most articulate and honest candidate to take on Wilson, and a primary contest would permit the cream of the crop rise to the top. What's in a candidate's resume and position statements is important, but I think most of all we need someone this time who can think on their feet, and be passionate and genuine in their communications. We need a candidate with the presence of mind to confront Wilson on her weaknesses, while clearly and persuasively delineating how they would solve the problems she cannot or will not solve.

    How do candidates gain these skills? By debating in public on the merits, by stumping in the primaries before those who will decide who runs. What we don't need is another candidate who avoids debates until the last minute and then fumbles because they've had no real-world practice.

    We need someone proud to be a real Democrat who won't run from controversy or confrontation, and who can stand up to the usual barrage of dirty campaign tactics used by the Repubs. We need someone who can generate strong grassroots support, deal intelligently with media pressure and avoid greenhorn mistakes. How can we know which one would be the best at this unless we have a process where candidates have to first show their stuff in a primary arena? Believe me, if it's perceived that Dem bigwigs are choosing our candidate from on high, it may well hurt our chances, not help them. The grumbling has already begun over the phone lines, and nothing kills rank and file enthusiasm (and volunteer hours) quicker than a perception that our views can safely be bypassed or ignored. We need a process that drums up excitement, not resentment.

    Who Best Matches the District?
    Without recent and convincing local polling data, it's difficult to predict which issues will be on the minds of CD1 voters this time around, or which candidates have organic support in the district. We don't have that kind of data yet, which makes early insider cherry picking even more unwise and unwelcome. Most of all, I think voters are sick and tired of overly groomed, say-nothing, do-nothing, mealy-mouthed candidates, who take the "safe" road to nowhere recommended by Beltway consultants and powerful elected officials. We need a candidate in CD1 who can stand up to both Repub propaganda and insider Dem manipulation. We need a candidate who gets his or her strength from voters, not handicappers. We need an independent-minded leader, not someone beholden to those currently in office and their advisers.

    Don't get me wrong -- I like Heinrich and believe he might well be our best candidate against Wilson. What I don't like is all the pressure being applied by those who apparently believe they know best and that Democratic Party members should be content to stay on the sidelines as a candidate is chosen.

    As to Monahan's contention that "the odds have dipped dramatically" for other candidates "as the Guv's support of Heinrich will make fund-raising difficult for any other contender," I guess he's never heard of Act Blue or other ways of raising large sums via small donations for candidates who emerge from the grassroots. Money shouldn't be the problem -- getting sufficient numbers of voters to turn out will be the trick. Attempting to pre-empt the Party's process can only make this harder on those who'll be doing the doorknocking and outreach.

    Let the People Decide
    Let's support an open and grassroots Dem contest to decide who will next take on Heather -- one that will be chock full of passion, ideas and straight talk -- whether it takes the form of pre-primary competition or a full-fledged Dem primary in CD1. What we don't need is another candidate annointed by power brokers in the state and from inside the Beltway. I say let the people decide. What do you say?

    April 23, 2007 at 12:34 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    Oh no. Not Richardson and the DCCC as kingmakers again. We've seen what stellar campaigns those kinds of things have produced in the past.

    I like Heinrich but I also like Griego and Balderas. Heinrich and Balderas have never had to debate under pressure and Greigo has done so only in a mayoral race. We need to find out how these guys function in front of people and in competition. Stay back Richardson!

    Posted by: Compadre | Apr 23, 2007 1:09:47 PM

    Just as the party feels the wind in its sails (or like today, just feeling the wind ... period.) Don't sink the boat that's going to blow Heather out of the water. Let's hear what Eric Griego, Martin Heinrich, and the rest have to say.

    Posted by: suz | Apr 23, 2007 1:50:30 PM

    Why does Richardson think he can have it both ways? He pretends he won't take a stand and then has his camp leak like crazy to Monahan of all people. Bah humbug. We're sick of being pushed around by bosses.

    Posted by: Albuquerque Democrat | Apr 23, 2007 1:55:38 PM

    Remember that the DSCC and other insiders had handpicked a candidate for Senate in Montana and it wasn't Jon Tester. Tester beat his competitor in a hard fought primary and went on to win the seat because he had learned much during the primary battle and dealt with all the issues before meeting the republican. Take heed.

    Posted by: | Apr 23, 2007 2:06:16 PM

    MEMO TO GOV RICHARDSON: Butt out, Governor, "we the people" will be the decider's in this primary. Let the candidates convince the voters who has the "right stuff"!

    Posted by: VP | Apr 23, 2007 5:07:39 PM

    I agree that members of the Democratic Party should be selecting candidates in the primary, but first we must create an active Democratic Party organized around principles against which we can measure candidates. It is the principles that must come first. After that it will be much easier to select a candidate that will return our support for them with support for our principles.

    Posted by: Bill Kass | Apr 23, 2007 5:09:31 PM

    I strongly agree with Bill Kass but in the meantime I don't want anyone but our preprimary delegates and primary voters choosing the candidate. From what was leaked to Monahan it sounds like the insiders upstairs are afraid of a primary race because it will be ordinary people who will have a say. Not very democratic or Democratic.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 23, 2007 5:49:18 PM

    I hope Martin Heinrich doesn't end up drinking the DCCC coolaid. That can happen when they support you early on, as we've seen in the past. Better to get your early boost from the grassroots not the conventional wisdom power people in my book.

    Posted by: Red or Green | Apr 23, 2007 7:12:44 PM

    I like Martin just fine but what races has he run and won? What else has he done?

    If Pete doesn't bail out Heather will paint Martin as a light-weight pretty boy and the Journal will do its part. She will beat him badly.

    If Pete bails and Heather runs for Senate - Darren White, the person the Repubs have lined up to run, will do the law and order gig and tear him apart.

    Sorry folks they will do the same thing to Eric - we need somebody that's gone out and done something to run else it won't be worth the effort.

    Posted by: | Apr 23, 2007 7:36:43 PM

    This is an awesome discussion! Some very real points have been made... Heinrich is an awesome candidate and would love to see him prove it! Sorry, but there is no "public campaign finance" rule to save Mr. Griego and his proven poor ability to raise funds and the entire westside does not like him... Balderas?! The guy doesn't even live in the district and didn't he "passionately" step in for a "down" candidate? How about he at least stay in this job and accomplish something for once... Man, I would hate to lose James Lewis to D.C. we need him in Santa Fe restoring our public trust... I agree that a Primary would only do our candidate and our party good! Keep it CLEAN folks! I know that there is only ONE candidate for State Chair right now that advocates for a clash of ideas in a Primary and that admits that Madrid's anointment was an awful idea... Gideon Elliott... vote for him for Party Chair...

    Posted by: Westside Voter | Apr 23, 2007 10:56:44 PM

    I'm a strong supporter of Heinrich, Griegos and Balderas. They are all smart and "clean" candidates and I think all could run a good race against Heather. Too bad we won't get a chance to see them in action so we can decide. That is being done for us in the back rooms and using targeted leaks from the governor's office.

    I propose we disband the county and state parties. Why should people make the effort to learn about the party and run for election for CCC and SCC or as delegates when the very things we are elected to do are being done by the governor and the DCCC? And why hold a preprimary convention or primary? There will be nothing left to decide when those are held. All we will be left to do is rubberstamp decisions made by higher ups months before.

    I understand why we would want someone to start running early but the insiders could have at least have let all the hats be thrown into the ring and some competition take place before crowning their choice.

    I don't hold it against Heinrich, but I think he should be aware that he risks having to say and do exactly what the insiders and DCCC in Washington want him to say and do in return for their very early "support" of his running. Before he knows it he can be in a box having to play the puppet to others instead of his own conscience.

    Of course I will support Heinrich or whoever else gets the Democratic nomination but I am very displeased with how this is being done. It shows no respect for party members or Democratic voters. It would be one thing to support a candidate behind the scenes but this is being done in everyone's face as if it were proper and normal when it isn't. It reminds me of the old machine big boss politics we are trying to leave behind here.

    Posted by: Member of SCC | Apr 24, 2007 9:12:13 AM

    "As to Monahan's contention that 'the odds have dipped dramatically' for other candidates 'as the Guv's support of Heinrich will make fund-raising difficult for any other contender...'" He's probably remembering the Richard Romero vs. Miles Nelson race of 2004, and he's absolutely correct. When the Governor states a preference for a candidate, funds dry up for any others. At least he's not doing it publicly this time! Remember, some unnamed "source" of Monahan's "leaked" this. It's not coming from the Governor himself, and I doubt it will.

    I think one of Martin Heinrich's great assets is his integrity. I really don't think he'll let the DCCC turn him into a mealy-mouthed Madrid clone. Of course they'll try; it's part of what they do.

    I'm also encouraged that we're not being fed a "centrist who reflects the district." Martin is truly progressive, and that will help all our Democratic candidates by activating progressive values. It also tends to neutralize Act Blue and other netroots fundraising against him, because Martin himself is likely to be at least as progressive as other candidates who might run against him. Act Blue might be a good additional source of funds for his race against Heather Weasel.

    I don't like anointing candidates. I agree that the primary process is important for the party and for the political growth of the eventual nominee. However, anointing a true progressive is something we haven't seen in this district, and we haven't really seen it yet. Stay tuned.

    Oh yeah, Martin will eat the likes of Darren White for lunch. And at least Marty Party hasn't been anointed. Blecch! I know he could beat almost any Repugnant you can name, but that's because he's one, too. I'm not happy that he's mayor, and I won't support him for any office. No wait! He'd be an ideal dog catcher.

    Posted by: Nob Hill constituent | Apr 24, 2007 10:53:50 AM

    I guess we should be relieved that Richardson backed off what was leaked as his first choice for the slot-Rick Homans. If Heinrich runs against Wilson we will have a really good candidate to work for. That doesn't excuse how he was selected but we can't hold it against Martin. He's one of the good guys. If it's him I'll work like a dog to get him elected.

    Posted by: Kossian | Apr 24, 2007 11:14:34 AM

    Have you seen this one? They snuck in a law that makes it harder for candidates to be primary candidates


    Posted by: | Apr 24, 2007 11:34:31 AM

    Nob Hill constituent: I think Richardson is doing it publicly. Other bloggers have said they got the information from the guvs staffers and it was all over the tv and newspapers. Its not an 'official' endorsement but everyone knows what he means.

    I'm pleased with his choice in Martin but what if he had chosen Homans or Marty Chavez? If we let him pick, he can pick anyone.

    I agree that Act Blue can be used to raise funds for this race from all over the country. Remember that Dean raised more money than any other presidential candidate in small donations. I expect Heinrich will do very well in that department too.

    You bring back memories by the mention of Miles Nelson! Good and bad.

    Posted by: Deaniac | Apr 24, 2007 11:44:26 AM

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