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    Saturday, April 14, 2007

    Results In: Richardson Shows Strength in MoveOn Prez Town Hall on Iraq

    Gov. Bill Richardson is generating lots of buzz around the net for his strong showing in the voting after this week's MoveOn Virtual Town Hall on Iraq with the Dem presidential candidates. MoveOn released two vote tallies -- one of all those who voted in the straw poll, regardless of whether they watched the candidates answer questions, and one of those who attended the viewing parties and participated in the event in real time:

    MoveOn reports the full results from the Virtual Town Hall vote (remember, this does not imply a MoveOn endorsement):

    Sen. Barak Obama  28%
    Sen. John Edwards  25%
    Rep. Dennis Kucinich  17%
    Gov. Bill Richardson  12%
    Sen. Hillary Clinton  11%
    Sen. Joe Biden  6%
    Sen. Chris Dodd  1%

    MoveOn members who watched the Town Hall at one of the parties voted differently from those who did not. Here are how the folks who attended the event ranked their choices:

    Sen. John Edwards  25%
    Gov. Bill Richardson  21%
    Sen. Barack Obama  19%
    Rep. Dennis Kucinich  15%
    Sen. Joe Biden  10%
    Sen. Hillary Clinton 7%
    Sen. Chris Dodd 4%

    Here's what kos had to say about Richardson's position on Iraq in his frontpage story on the event (590 comments):

    Richardson would completely exit Iraq. The others wouldn't.
    by kos Wed Apr 11, 2007 at 12:56:27 PM MDT

    : "if I were President today, I would withdraw American troops by the end of this calendar year. I would have no residual force whatsoever."

    Richardson, in just the last couple of months, has brokered landmark deals in Darfur and North Korea -- efforts that had stymied the Bush Administration through two terms. There is no one in American politics today more respected and accomplished on foreign policy than Bill Richardson.

    Compare this to Hillary Clinton, who talks about "ending the war", yet the fine print of her plan shows she'd keep up to 75,000 American troops in Iraq.

    Compare this to Barack Obama, who would still leave an undisclosed number of troops in Iraq ... Compare this to John Edwards ... Of all the top candidates, Richardson is the only candidate who currently advocates a complete withdrawal from Iraq. That he's also the sharpest mind on foreign policy issues isn't a coincidence.

    You can hear clips or read transcripts of all the presidential candidates' answers to questions posed during MoveOn's Virtual Town Hall by .

    More on Bill Richardson:

    Latest Video:

    April 14, 2007 at 08:00 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Iraq War, Web/Tech | Permalink


    Those who were informed and active enough to go to an Iraq Town Hall party liked what Richardson had to say. But it seems that the Obama people stuffed the ballot boxes. Let's look at the numbers from the votes of the general public.

    Sen. Barack Obama 28%
    Sen. John Edwards 25%
    Rep. Dennis Kucinich 17%
    Gov. Bill Richardson 12%
    Sen. Hillary Clinton 11%
    Sen. Joe Biden 6%
    Sen. Chris Dodd 1%

    Obama and Edwards clearly outstripped the competition in this vote. But when you look at the numbers of those active enough to actually attend the event, the story is different.

    Sen. John Edwards 25%
    Gov. Bill Richardson 21%
    Sen. Barack Obama 19%
    Rep. Dennis Kucinich 15%
    Sen. Joe Biden 10%
    Sen. Hillary Clinton 7%
    Sen. Chris Dodd 4%

    Edwards still stays at the solid 25%. But Obama drops from 28% to 19%. Hillary Clinton drops from 11% to 7%. And Kucinich (whose team has been known to ballot stuff before) dropped from 17% to 15%.

    Meanwhile, Richardson gained the most from actual attendees, jumping from 12% to 21%, to put him in solid competition with Edwards, and he leapfrogged Kucinich and Obama. Dodd and Biden gained 3% and 4% respectively.

    Posted by: | Apr 15, 2007 1:16:18 PM

    That's exactly what it looks like-ballot stuffing mostly by Obama's online legions. Frankly, I'm amazed at Richardson's strength with those who went to the parties. He has been very strong on Iraq and its gaining him converts.

    Posted by: | Apr 15, 2007 1:58:13 PM

    I've decided to support Richardson for president. We need someone with his experience and strong faith in negotiation. We need that skill on both the domestic and foreign policy side.

    Posted by: Iguana22 | Apr 16, 2007 12:04:02 PM

    Ultimately, I still find myself supporting Obama for 2008, but I would certainly love to see Richardson in the cabinet, and perhaps in a later election.

    Posted by: | Apr 16, 2007 11:56:59 PM

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