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Monday, April 09, 2007

Monday Quick Takes: Iraq

  • Senator Carl Levin undermines Senators Reid and Feingold on cutting off Iraq occupation funding.
  • According to the Guardian, the BBC reported that British government scientists had confirmed to the British government that the Johns Hopkins study on Iraq civilian mortality published last October by Lancet was accurate and reliable in estimating that more than 650,000 Iraqi civilians had died since the beginning of the invasion.
  • Ten American soldiers were killed in Iraq over the weekend.
  • More than 1,800 U.S. troops are now suffering from traumatic brain injuries caused by penetrating wounds. But neurologists worry that hundreds of thousands more -- at least 30 percent of the troops who've engaged in active combat for four months or longer in Iraq and Afghanistan -- are at risk of potentially disabling neurological disorders from the blast waves of IEDs and mortars, all without suffering a scratch.
  • U.S.-run detention camps in Iraq have become a breeding ground for extremists where Islamic militants recruit and train supporters, and use violence against perceived foes, say former inmates and Iraqi officials

April 9, 2007 at 09:10 AM in Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (1)

More on Tuesday's de-MILITARIZE UNM Effort

From Stop the War Machine: Demilitarizing UNM of war profiteers is on the UNM Regents agenda for this Tuesday, April 10, at 9 AM or shortly thereafter, in the SUB ballroom B. We are about third on the 9 AM agenda.

History: On September 29, 2006, Bob Anderson, anti-war activist for Stop the War Machine (SWM) was assaulted and arrested at the UNM sponsored Lockheed Martin meeting for speaking out against the university helping promote the new generation of nuclear weapons, Reliable Replacement Warheads (RRW). Concerned citizens went to regents meetings to protest the weapons research and support by UNM. David Harris, interim president of UNM later had a meeting with SWM, at which time he promised to let us have an agenda item for all the regents to hear our concerns and to consider a resolution which we have prepared.

Contact person is: Jeanne Pahls 858-0882 or 401-4808, StoptheWarMachine@comcast.net

This presentation is on behalf of four groups:

  • Stop the War Machine
  • Democracy for New Mexico
  • Los Alamos Study Group
  • Progressive Action Coalition

Here is the outline of our UNM Regents presentation:

  1. Robb Chavez (Democracy for New Mexico): Brief overview and history of how we came to be presenting today.
  2. Paul Eichhorn (Stop the War Machine): Brief review of the Resolution.
  3. Vicki Johnson (UNM alumnus): Samples of UNM contracts and funding agencies.
  4. Greg Mello (Los Alamos Study Group): Accepting military research contract money changes the agenda of the university from public education center to a private research center run as a subsidy of private weapons corporations; the effect of this on New Mexico.
  5. Vicki Johnson (alumnus): The community looks to UNM to be on the right side of US commitments to international treaties.
  6. Andrew Marcum (UNM student): UNM's responsibility regarding research
  7. Sebastian Pais (Progressive Action Coalition) or Andrew Marcum (both UNM students): student sentiment
  8. Carla Josephson (parent of two UNM students): closing

We are submitting this resolution to the UNM Regents for discussion and vote:
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

UNM Regents have formed a partnership to operate a research technology park and contracted for weapons research. This has caused great concern.

Accepting research grants from military agencies and contractors has changed the agenda of a university from public education center to that of a private research center run as a subsidy of a private weapons corporation. A corporation like Lockheed Martin may reap large profits while UNM is the one
doing key parts of the technology research used for weapons.

Because the University of New Mexico (UNM) has close relations with two of the nation's nuclear weapons research and design laboratories and the world's largest arms manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, UNM stands at the center of an unfolding ethical, political and ecological crisis.

For instance:

(1) Assisting, as we have seen on September 29, in the promotion of an entirely new nuclear weapons arsenal called the Reliable Replacement Warhead, which is in contradiction to Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and,

(2) Providing research for components of ground, air, space and nuclear weapons system required for the new arsenal of the United States.

This has led to the unacceptable situation where dissent against these policies by our students and community has been ignored and even criminalized.

In response the Board of Regents of the University of New Mexico regret the appearance of the University supporting the RRW symposium that was held on campus on Sep. 29. We have decided it is necessary for the University of New Mexico to heed former President Eisenhower's warning of the dangers to our nation of the military-industrial-academic complex.

To improve the quality of education and better serve the needs of students and citizens in the state, we resolve to begin a three-year phaseout program to reduce aggregate value of contracts transacted with military agencies and contractors.

We, the Regents of the University of New Mexico, want transparency and citizen involvement in compliance with this resolution. To ensure public involvement and accountability, UNM will no longer conduct research oversight in secret such as through the Security Managerial Group.  We will instead form an open Oversight Committee that will have citizen input and implement this resolution concerning controversial research.

Action taken: __________________ Date: ______

Editor's Note: Also see our updated previous post on this action.

April 9, 2007 at 08:43 AM in Events, Nuclear Arms, Power, Peace | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sunday Bird Blogging: Desert Dangers


As you can see, Bosco the peach-faced lovebird wasn't all that happy about getting his picture taken on our recent trip to Arizona. He was too worried about encounters with desert "monsters" to relax and pose for photos. Can you blame him? He was always on the lookout for hawks, ravens, eagles, California condors and coyotes, as well as the scary oddities one finds along certain stretches of I-40 that follow the path of old Route 66:


P.S. You might think our birds Bosco, Sunny, Whitey, Hambone, Jumbo, Georgie, Ginger, Queenie and Peanut should be wishing you a Happy Easter (or Vernal Equinox, Spring, Passover, etc.) today, but this holiday season has to do with, you know, EGG DECORATING and EGG EATING. They don't like it one bit ... so we'll let an EGG-LESS rabbit do the talking:


April 8, 2007 at 01:52 PM in Bird Blogging | Permalink | Comments (2)

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Toy Soldiers

From CodePINK:
Bush is at it again, accusing Democrats of not supporting the troops by setting a timetable for them to leave Iraq. Don't let the Democrats fall for this—the very best thing we can do to support the troops is bring them home as quickly as possible. How can Bush say he's supporting the troops when he's continually sending them into harm's way? When he's forcing them to sustain such a misguided occupation? Bush has used our troops as his toy soldiers long enough.

We have produced a powerful new video, "Toy Soldiers", which drives this message home loud and clear in less than a minute.
View the movie here and pass it along to everyone you know. This tragic game has to end, and we can help by waking people up to Bush's machinations.

Call your congressperson today and tell him or her to not buy Bush's story. Better yet, make an appointment to visit your Representative's home office during this Congressional recess. We need to let Congress know we're counting on them to stand strong against this new wave of criticism. We're counting on them to end this war and bring our troops home. They can't do that if they let themselves get caught up in Bush's twisted logic. You might take them this Doonesbury cartoon to clarify what supporting the troops really means!

Over the Easter weekend, we will be traveling to Camp Casey to pressure Bush outside his Crawford ranch. Click here for more information. We hope some of you will change your holiday plans so you can join Cindy Sheehan, Medea Benjamin and other dedicated peace activists as we call upon Bush to stop playing deadly war games.

If you can't join us, there is much you can do at home. Pass along our video. Keep your Congressperson on the right track. Let the media know if they're falling in step with Bush's lies. That's how we can best support the troops—with our vigilance and our voices.

With peace in our hearts,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Liz, Medea, Melissa, Nancy, Patricia, Rae, Samantha, and Sonia

P.S. We now have a CODEPINK house in Washington DC where activists can gather, organize, and support one another as we keep the pressure on in the halls of Congress. Come join us for a weekend, a week, a month. Click here for more information.

April 7, 2007 at 09:00 PM in Iraq War, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM Domestic Partnership Act: Wait Till Next Year

Yes, catching up after a vacation is a you-know-what. Sadly, New Mexico's domestic partnership bill died at the Legislative Special Session. Insight New Mexico has the story (and audio clips from Peter Simonson of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico). Equality New Mexico reports that Governor Richardson has promised to put domestic partnership on the call for the thirty-day 2008 NM Legislative Session next January.

This year's Domestic Partnership Act passed the NM House THREE times -- once during its initial trip to the House Floor, once to restore the bill after it was gutted by the Senate, and once during the Special Session. Essenatially, it was stripped of its meaning and killed in the final hours of the regular Session by one vote. This post summarizes what happened. Four Democratic Senators voted with Republicans to kill the bill: Tim Jennings (Roswell), John Arthur Smith (Deming), Lidio Rainaldi (Gallup) and Carlos Cisneros (Questa). Opposition by the first three was anticipated, but Cisneros, for unknown reasons, suddenly switched sides. Sen. Cisneros wins my own personal Democratic Turncoat of the 2007 Legislative Session Award for this vote, as well as the one he cast (with 8 other Dem Senators) to deny the NM impeachment bill a floor debate in the Senate.

Sen. Cisneros has long been a champion of environmental, health care and other liberal causes, so it seems entirely out of character that he voted as he did in these two instances. Who knows what kinds of political pressures convinced him to vote as he did or when they came from. Maybe his thinking was still muddled because of the whack on the head with a hammer he got from his then wife, Patsy, when she caught him at a cabin with another woman in May of 2005. You can't make this stuff up. I just hope he didn't have the nerve to kill the domestic partnership bill on "moral" grounds. Maybe he'll regain his senses by next January.

Should you want to torture yourself, you can refresh yourself on our coverage of the ups and downs of this (and other) legislation by visiting our 2007 Legislative Session post archive. Also see State Senator Dede Feldman's blog post on the wrap-up of the nightmarish Special Session.

April 7, 2007 at 12:32 PM in Civil Liberties, Democratic Party, GLBT Rights, Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (2)

Drilling in Chaco Canyon Rejected


From the NM Wilderness Alliance:
State Land Commissioner Patrick Lyons has decided not to allow a Colorado company to place two oil wells south of the Chaco Canyon visitor center in northwest New Mexico.

''We have a moral obligation to maintain the integrity of Chaco Canyon, and in all good consciousness I cannot allow the project to move forward,'' state Land Commissioner Pat Lyons said in a statement issued Tuesday. Read the full story here. Read more about the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance's efforts to designate over 15,000 acres of wilderness in and around Chaco Canyon here. Excerpt:

Through on-the-ground surveys and GIS analysis, New Mexico Wilderness Alliance found over 1 million road free acres in the seven National Park lands that lie in our two state region. These include: Chaco Canyon National Historic Park, Bandelier National Park, El Malpais National Monument, White Sands National Monument, Big Bend National Park, Guadalupe Mountains National Park and Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Putting these lands into the National Wilderness Preservation System protects them forever from the changes in Administrations that we clearly see can impact our wildest public lands. Threats come from power lines, cell towers and off-road vehicles. The list is long and the protection of these lands is urgent.

... Many of the Parks are just beginning the scoping phase and soliciting your comments concerning the fate of these important lands. Please contact them today and let them know wilderness is your priority. Also, in these very tough political times, it is imperative that
our elected officials get the strong message that our parks need more funding and less political interference.

Finally, help the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance in its effort to protect these magnificent National Park Lands. Please visit our website for more information or make a contribution today, to NMWA’s National Park fund.

April 7, 2007 at 10:18 AM in Energy, Environment | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, April 06, 2007

Tonight on 'The Line'

Theline75‘The Line’ is a show with a dedicated and growing following. Airing every Friday night on KNME at 7 PM, many topics are of interest to progressives. Host, Gene Grant, engages show regulars and guests in a fast paced round robin of thought and opinion. The half hour is barely enough time the show’s topics but viewers are invited to continue the discussion on KNME's online forum at https://www.knmetv.org/forum/. Added bonus: Suzanne Prescott, who co-hosted the radio show with Eric Griego, is the guest panelist tonight.

Tonight the main topics are:

Courthouse indictments, Violence in the Land of Enchantment, The Supreme Court decision on greenhouse gases

Sophie Martin and Margaret Montoya get ready for the show (Photo by Suzanne Prescott)

The ‘On-the-Clock’ topics are:

The Dona Ana County Spaceport, Governor Richardson’s campaign finance report, Governor Richardson’s trip to North Korea, and Red-light cameras.

Margaret Montoya, UNM Law School and School of Medicine, and Duke City Fix’s Sophie Martin are joined by Whitney Cheshire’s replacement this week, blogger Mario Burgos and guest, ‘Insight New Mexico’ producer, Suzanne Prescott.

April 6, 2007 at 02:58 PM in Local Politics, Media | Permalink | Comments (5)


From Stop the War Machine:

Attend the Regents Meeting to Support Peace Resolution!
Bring signs, too! Speak out against war and empire!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 9 AM, SUB Ballroom
Need info: www.StoptheWarMachine.org or 505-268-9557

From Bob Anderson of Stop the War Machine: The UNM Regents meeting definitely begins at 9 AM on Tuesday, 4/10 in the UNM SUB  ballroom.

A group of 7 people representing 4 groups (Stop the War Machine being one of them; Robb Chavez of Democracy for New Mexico being another) will be making a presentation at the UNM Regents meeting on Tuesday, April 10 regarding the need to Demilitarize UNM.  The time itself of the presentation is yet to be determined. 

We are inviting folks to support these 7 folks by coming to the Regents meeting and bringing signs that call for the demilitarization of UNM. (For those who aren't sure: Signs are allowed at Regents meetings.) Possible suggestions for signs:

  • "De-militarize UNM!"
  • "No Weapons-Related Research at UNM"
  • "Lockheed Martin out of UNM"

We are also inviting people to support these 7 presenters by writing a letter to the UNM Regents that we can present to them at the meeting. You can send your letter to StoptheWarMachine@comcast.net and we will print it out and put it in an envelope for you.

Please spread the word! Please come out and support the team of "De-Militarize UNM" presenters!

Two websites you may want to check out - very interesting reading, and you will probably see some folks you know here:

Editor's Note: Also see our later post on this action.

April 6, 2007 at 02:24 PM in Events, Nuclear Arms, Power, Peace | Permalink | Comments (0)

DCCC Launches 'Heather Wilson Watch'


The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) today launched a new website, Heather Wilson Watch, chronicling the role played by Rep Heather Wilson (R-NM1)i n the firing of former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias. There are serious and unresolved differences between Wilson’s political statement and Mr. Iglesias’ testimony under oath:

“I received a call from Heather Wilson. She said ‘what can you tell me about sealed indictments.’ The second she said any questions about sealed indictments, red flags went up in my head, because as you know, we cannot talk about indictments until they’re made public. In general, we specifically cannot talk about a sealed indictment.” -- David Iglesias

“A federal prosecutor was fired only after he refused to bend to Heather Wilson’s political pressure,” said Jennifer Crider, Communications Director at the DCCC. “Heather Wilson needs to quit playing games and tell the truth about her role in the U.S. Attorney scandal. The website Heather Wilson Watch will hold Wilson accountable for her refusal to come clean about why she tried to interfere in a federal investigation and her role in getting Iglesias fired.”

Pressure is expected to continue to get Wilson, Sen. Domenici and others to tell the truth on the record about their roles in the scandal. An article in The Hill reports:

Kyle Sampson’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week suggests that congressional pressure may have played a significant role in the firing of a New Mexico prosecutor.

Statements from Sampson, who served as chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales before resigning last month, to the Judiciary Committee last Thursday are placing additional pressure on New Mexico GOP Sen. Pete Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson, as well as Gonzales, White House political adviser Karl Rove and ex-White House counsel Harriet Miers, to explain what roles, if any, they played in the firing of U.S. Attorney David Iglesias, according to legal experts.

... Justice Department e-mails and Sampson’s testimony also show that sometime between Oct. 17 and Election Day, Iglesias’s name was added to the list along with three names that were redacted in the e-mails.

Domenici and Wilson, who was running in a tight reelection race, called Iglesias just a few weeks prior to the Nov. 7 election.

Earlier this week, protestors showed up outside Rep. Wilson's "state of the district" appearance before the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce to urge her to come clean on her role in the scandal. So far, Wilson has stuck to her story that her call to Iglesias just prior to the November 2006 election was "entirely appropriate." Well, only if you go by the politically poisoned standards of the Bush administration and its cronies.

The Senate Ethics Committee has opened an investigation into Domenici's role in Iglesias' firing.  Members of the House ethics panel won't comment on whether they’ve launched a probe.

To update yourselves on the facts of this scandal, check out the DCCC's timeline covering Wilson's involvement.

April 6, 2007 at 02:08 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (2)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

City of Santa Fe: Spring Celebration and More

From the City of Santa Fe:
Spring is a great time to be outdoors and enjoy Santa Fe’s environment! Here are four fun and worthwhile community events to celebrate our city and your spring fever.

Volunteers Needed to Plant Native Trees Along the Santa Fe River -- Saturday, April 7th and Saturday, April 14th, 9 AM to 3 PM: After many years of hard work, the San Ysidro River Park in Agua Fria is almost finished. Come join us for willow planting on April 7 and 14 from 9 AM to 3 PM. We will be planting over 2,000 trees and need all the help we can get. No special skills required, just enthusiasm and a willingness to get dirty. Please bring gloves, water and a snack/lunch. We will be meeting in the parking lot at the San Ysidro Park (located near San Ysidro crossing). There is no need to sign-up in advance, but if you would like more information, please call Pamela Dupzyk, Santa Fe Watershed Association Program Director, at 820-1696.

A Day of Fun and Action: Trade-In Your Incandescent Light Bulbs for Energy Conserving Compact Fluorescent Bulbs -- Saturday, April 14th, 1 PM to 3 PM at Franklin Miles Park: Join the Sierra Club, the City of Santa Fe, PNM, and the Interfaith Alliance for A Day of Fun & Action – learn how YOU can solve global warming, and how you and your elected representatives can “Step It Up”.  See exhibits by green businesses, learn how to cut your global warming emissions, bring a picnic lunch and listen to Round Mountain and speakers.

Light Bulb Trade In: bring us your incandescent light bulbs – for each bulb you bring us, we will give you a 100 watt compact fluorescent bulb – a $5 value! For every five bulbs you bring, the City will give you a pass to the Genoveva Chavez Community Center.

Costume Contest: for kids and adults. Dress as the plant or animal you would most miss if global warming is not stopped.

Molly Ivins Memorial Pots and Pans Band: bring your pots, pans, and other kitchen implements and get ready to bang away in honor of the late Molly Ivins.

For more information, contact Carol Oldham, Sierra Club New Mexico Regional Representative at (505) 243-7767.

Volunteers Needed for the Great American Clean Up -- April 21st: This is a great opportunity to get your neighbors together to Spring Clean your neighborhood or come and help clean up Santa Fe.  Registration will take place on Saturday, April 21st between 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM at the City of Santa Fe Parks Building, 1142 Siler Road. The Clean Up will run until noon; trash bags will be provided. A picnic for volunteers will follow, 12 noon – 2 PM, at the Buckman Road Recycling and Transfer Station, 1686 Paseo de Vista. For more information, contact Gilda Montaño, City of Santa Fe Keep Santa Fe Beautiful Coordinator, at 955-2215.

Santa Fe River Festival -- June 2nd, 11 AM to 3 PM at Frenchy’s Field Park: The first annual Santa Fe River Festival will be held on June 2nd from 11 AM to 3 PM at Frenchy’s Field Park and we need your help. The Festival will be a celebration of the river with art activities, naturalist walks, science investigations, music, food, and educational booths, preceded by an all-river clean-up. If you would like to participate in this community event, please contact Pamela at pamelad@santafewatershed.org. Committees are forming for art, food/music, and volunteer coordination. The River Festival 2007 is sponsored by The Santa Fe Watershed Association, the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County.

April 5, 2007 at 10:00 PM in Energy, Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)