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Monday, April 16, 2007

Domenici Got Bush Involved in Iglesias Firing

A copyrighted story in Sunday's Albuquerque Journal is getting big play in the media and on the net. Entitled "Domenici Sought Iglesias Ouster," the article's opening paragraph reveals for the first time that Bush was involved in the decision to fire Iglesias, at the direct request of Sen. Domenici:

Former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias was fired after Sen. Pete Domenici, who had been unhappy with Iglesias for some time, made a personal appeal to the White House, the Journal has learned.

The article explains the process this way:

In the spring of 2006, Domenici told Gonzales he wanted Iglesias out. Gonzales refused. He told Domenici he would fire Iglesias only on orders from the president.

At some point after the election last Nov. 6, Domenici called Bush's senior political adviser, Karl Rove, and told him he wanted Iglesias out and asked Rove to take his request directly to the president.

Domenici and Bush subsequently had a telephone conversation about the issue. The conversation between Bush and Domenici occurred sometime after the election but before the firings of Iglesias and six other U.S. attorneys were announced on Dec. 7. [emphasis mine]

Iglesias' name wasn't on an October 2006 list of U.S. Attorneys to be fired. In October, a few weeks before the November 6th election, Domenici phoned Iglesias at home and asked if indictments in the metro court investigation would be issued before the election. Iglesias said no. Iglesias' name suddenly appeared on another version of the list dated November 15, 2006. Domenici had called Rove after the election, then called Bush. Given what Gonzales told Domenici as reported in the Journal story -- that he'd fire Iglesias only on the order of the president -- it's logical to assume that Bush must have given an order to fire Iglesias sometime between November 6th and November 15th, when the list was created.

As Josh Marshall writes at Talking Points Memo:

No one disputes that Domenici's call to Iglesias was at best inappropriate. But there's been a lack of direct evidence that Iglesias's refusal to bow to political pressure led directly to his firing. Now we have that evidence. And it's not Kyle Sampson or even Alberto Gonzales whom Domenici went to to get sign off for Iglesias's ouster. It was right to the president. And the available evidence now points strongly to the conclusion that the final decision to fire David Iglesias came from the President of the United States.

Political motivation for Domenici's calls and Iglesias' firing? You might say.

Marshall also reports on an interesting exchange from today's White House press gaggle. And just think, AG Alberto Gonzales is set to testify under oath to Congress tomorrow.

April 16, 2007 at 11:44 AM in Candidates & Races, Ethics & Campaign Reform, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (3)

Press Conference Today: Health Insurance, Pension Benefits and the Employee Free Choice Act

From :

  • Americans United for Change to release new report showing how many more thousands of New Mexicans would receive health insurance and pension benefits under the Employee Free Choice Act
  • Senator Domenici called on to vote for publicly supported legislation that would level the playing field for middle class workers by fixing a broken system for forming unions and bargaining for better pay, improved benefits and retirement security

WHO: Americans United for Change: Christine Trujillo, AFL-CIO, Carter Bundy, AFSCME, Local Healthcare Advocates

WHAT: Press conference to release new report showing how many more thousands of New Mexicans would receive health insurance and pension benefits under the Employee Free Choice Act.  Following the press conference participants will deliver the report to Senator Domenici's office.

WHEN: Monday April 16th at 10:00 AM
WHERE: Albuquerque Plaza, Near Corner of 3rd & Copper

As more and more middle class American workers become disenfranchised in a broken system for forming unions and bargaining with employers for fair, treatment, better pay and improved benefits, and local labor leaders and healthcare advocates will release a timely new report prepared by the Institute for America's Future showing how many more New Mexicans would likely receive health insurance and pension benefits if the Employee Free Choice Act were to become law.

The Employee Free Choice Act passed with bipartisan support in the U.S. House of Representatives on March 1 and will come to the floor of the U.S. Senate this month.  The Employee Free Choice Act is overwhelmingly supported by 69 percent of American public, according to a recent poll from the AFL-CIO, and more than half of U.S. workers -- nearly 60 million -- say they would join a union right now if they could.  Senator Domenici will be called on to stand with middle class New Mexican workers and vote for the publicly supported legislation to restore their freedom to choose a union voice. 

April 16, 2007 at 01:42 AM in Economy, Populism, Healthcare, Labor | Permalink | Comments (2)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday Bird Blogging: Natural Disaster


I asked Bosco the peach-faced lovebird what he wanted to talk about today and the photo shows what he dragged out in response. After another week of horrific bloodshed in Iraq, more proof that the U.S. Department of Justice has been turned into a haven for "lawyers" from Pat Robertson's diploma mill, growing evidence that Rove et al. sought to destroy emails that detail how much politics has impinged on our federal justice system and the continuing Bush refusal to face facts, Bosco is frustrated and irate. Aren't we all? What can we do to stop the madness?

We all know the answer -- and it will take a lot more than bumpersticker sloganeering: organizing, communicating, taking stands, pressuring politicans, donating money, hitting the streets, knocking on doors and talking to our friends and neighbors, just for starters. Bosco pledges to do his part -- even if he doesn't have any hands to help him. He claims there is strength even in beak power, and he's been peeping his message to any avian who'll listen. After all, natural disasters need community-wide reponses. There is power in unity. Now's the time.

(Click on image for larger version.)

April 15, 2007 at 12:26 PM in Bird Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Winners: Bernalillo County Dems


Congratulations to all the winners of the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County election, which took place today at Manzano High School in Albuquerque. Members of the County Central Committee elected the following officers, who will serve for two years:

County Party Chair: Ana Canales (below) won vs. Robert Aragon


County Party 1st Vice Chair: Jim Buhaug (by acclamation)

County Party 2nd Vice Chair: Cheryl Harris (by acclamation)

Mike Rose and Carolyne DeVore-Parks, who ran as a team with Robert Aragon, withdrew as Vice Chair candidates when Ana Canales won.

The DPBC also elected more than 100 members who will represent the County on the DPNM State Central Committee, which meets on April 28th in Las Cruces to conduct business and elect a new state chair. Check the DPBC website for updated election results.

Click our Flickr album of photos from today's meeting.

Big thanks to the outgoing officers who served for the last two years: County Chair Marvin Moss, 1st Vice Chair Kate Stetson and 2nd Vice Chair Daniel Ivey-Soto, along with all the hard-working volunteers who put the meeting together. Onward to Las Cruces and Victory in 2008.

Note: Photo of Ana Canales by Suzanne Prescott.

April 14, 2007 at 07:11 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (8)

The Reason

I think we can sometimes lose sight of exactly why so many of us are spending so much time on politics and trying to change the way things are going. After all, it can be tedious, frustrating, depressing. We could be doing other much more pleasurable things. Here's one big, powerful reason to keep on going. Enough is enough. Let me say that again -- enough is enough.

April 14, 2007 at 06:35 PM in Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (3)

Results In: Richardson Shows Strength in MoveOn Prez Town Hall on Iraq

Gov. Bill Richardson is generating lots of buzz around the net for his strong showing in the voting after this week's MoveOn Virtual Town Hall on Iraq with the Dem presidential candidates. MoveOn released two vote tallies -- one of all those who voted in the straw poll, regardless of whether they watched the candidates answer questions, and one of those who attended the viewing parties and participated in the event in real time:

MoveOn reports the full results from the Virtual Town Hall vote (remember, this does not imply a MoveOn endorsement):

Sen. Barak Obama  28%
Sen. John Edwards  25%
Rep. Dennis Kucinich  17%
Gov. Bill Richardson  12%
Sen. Hillary Clinton  11%
Sen. Joe Biden  6%
Sen. Chris Dodd  1%

MoveOn members who watched the Town Hall at one of the parties voted differently from those who did not. Here are how the folks who attended the event ranked their choices:

Sen. John Edwards  25%
Gov. Bill Richardson  21%
Sen. Barack Obama  19%
Rep. Dennis Kucinich  15%
Sen. Joe Biden  10%
Sen. Hillary Clinton 7%
Sen. Chris Dodd 4%

Here's what kos had to say about Richardson's position on Iraq in his frontpage story on the event (590 comments):

Richardson would completely exit Iraq. The others wouldn't.
by kos Wed Apr 11, 2007 at 12:56:27 PM MDT

: "if I were President today, I would withdraw American troops by the end of this calendar year. I would have no residual force whatsoever."

Richardson, in just the last couple of months, has brokered landmark deals in Darfur and North Korea -- efforts that had stymied the Bush Administration through two terms. There is no one in American politics today more respected and accomplished on foreign policy than Bill Richardson.

Compare this to Hillary Clinton, who talks about "ending the war", yet the fine print of her plan shows she'd keep up to 75,000 American troops in Iraq.

Compare this to Barack Obama, who would still leave an undisclosed number of troops in Iraq ... Compare this to John Edwards ... Of all the top candidates, Richardson is the only candidate who currently advocates a complete withdrawal from Iraq. That he's also the sharpest mind on foreign policy issues isn't a coincidence.

You can hear clips or read transcripts of all the presidential candidates' answers to questions posed during MoveOn's Virtual Town Hall by .

More on Bill Richardson:

Latest Video:

4.13.07: Upon Gov. Richardson's Return from North Korea

April 14, 2007 at 08:00 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Iraq War, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (4)

Another Radio Ad Asks Heather to Come Clean

Congressman Chris Van Hollen, Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), announced that the DCCC is running its second radio ad against Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM-1).  The ad calls on Wilson to come clean about her role in the U.S. Attorney scandal.  It will begin airing in Wilson’s New Mexico district during drive time through Tuesday when Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testifies before Congress about the U.S. Attorney scandal. The audio recording of the ad is available on www.HeatherWilsonWatch.com.  The text of the ad follows:

“General” – 60 second radio ad

In Washington Alberto Gonzales, the Attorney General of the United States, is testifying under oath about his role in the firing of U.S. Attorneys. But here in New Mexico, no one is getting the truth about Heather Wilson’s involvement in the scandal. Wilson said a constituent’s complaint led her to call Republican U.S. Attorney David Iglesias about an ongoing federal corruption investigation. But Heather Wilson won’t identify the constituent … she still refuses to release her phone records … and many important questions remain unanswered.

In Washington Attorney General Gonzales is being asked to tell the truth … Isn’t it time we asked Heather Wilson to tell the truth in New Mexico? Check the facts at www dot Heather Wilson watch dot com.

Announcer: Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, www.dccc.org.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.  The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

[end of ad]

Heather Wilson’s Unanswered Questions

  • Heather Wilson has a responsibility to come clean with her constituents by truthfully answering:
  • Who is the “constituent” that lead Heather Wilson to intimidate a federal prosecutor?
  • Was there any contact between Heather Wilson or her staff and the White House about David Iglesias?
  • Did Heather Wilson or her staff contact Senator Peter Domenici or his former chief of staff Steve Bell about David Iglesias?
  • Did Heather Wilson or her staff contact Allen Weh at the New Mexico Republican State Party about David Iglesias?

April 14, 2007 at 07:30 AM in Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, April 13, 2007

Today: Grand Opening of New NM Wild Office

From the NM Wilderness Alliance:
eo is about opportunity, outreach, diversity, community and about how these aspects of everyday life can help us to understand the positive impact we can have on Global Climate Change. eo is the culmination of EDI, The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance and the Sierra Club's commitment to reducing the negative impact of our buildings on the environment and well being of the human race. eo is the newly renovated and, soon to be, first LEED Gold office building in Albuquerque NM. It is located in the Nob Hill Highland District just off of historic Route 66, at 142 Truman NE.

Come join us on April 13th, from 4:00 to 11:00 PM, to learn about the potential that each of us has to accelerate the transformation of the built environment. Take a guided tour through the site and building, talk to vendors and suppliers, to USGBC NM Chapter members, and watch a video or power point presentation. For more information, please call 505-843-8696.

April 13, 2007 at 12:00 PM in Energy, Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

More Good News: Thomas Buckner Enters Race for Dem State Party Treasurer

Buckner_2From Thomas R. Buckner:
I am today announcing my candidacy for the position of Treasurer of the New Mexico State Democratic Party at the upcoming convention in Las Cruces on April 28.

You may remember me from the 2006 Primary campaign where I ran for State Auditor and obtained 43,000 votes, statewide, in the Democratic Primary. During that campaign I spoke with many of you by phone and in person.

I bring to the Treasurer Position my 47+ years of financial experience.  I am retired from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the State of New Mexico.  I have been in banking and bank regulation the majority of my professional career, having served as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of three commercial banks.  Additionally, I spent three years with the New Mexico Attorney General's Office working for Patricia Madrid in the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit as an accountant/investigator.  I hold a Master of Business Administration Degree (MBA) from West Texas A&M University, Canyon, Texas and a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree from the same University.

While with FDIC, I assisted in the investigation of the bank failures during the 1982-1996 time period and served as an Assistant Bank Examiner after the bank failures subsided following the election of  President Clinton.

I am married to my wife of 38 years, Sue A. Buckner.  We have three daughters, two granddaughters and one son-in-law.  Sue and I are members of Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church where I serve on the Missions Committee.  Both Sue and I are active in the Sandoval County Democratic Party where I serve as the Treasurer of the County Party, a position I have held for two years and have recently been re-elected to.  Sue is a Master Social Worker currently employed by the Department of Aging and Long Term Care.

If elected, I will continue the process of honesty and openness of the financial affairs of the State Party as I have demonstrated in the Sandoval County Democratic Party and other organizations I have served in leadership positions on.

April 13, 2007 at 09:47 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (4)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Iraq: Safer Every Day

The good news just keeps on coming: So far, , 47 American troops and six British soliders have died in the 11 days of April so far -- an average of 4.82 coalition deaths every day. And -- looking at the month to month statistics -- no month has been that high since Baghdad fell on April 9, 2003 ... The international Red Cross released a report that found the situation for civilians in Iraq is "ever-worsening,'' even though security in some places has improved as a result of stepped-up efforts by U.S.-led multinational forces....

And now this: A suspected suicide bomber blew himself up in the Iraqi parliament cafeteria in a stunning assault in the heart of the heavily fortified, U.S.-protected Green Zone Thursday, killing at least eight people, the American military spokesman said.

Total U.S. Troop Deaths: 3294. Total U.S. Wounded: 24,313. Total Working Brain Cells of U.S. Commander in Chief: 0.

April 12, 2007 at 02:20 PM in Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (3)