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    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    Dem State Party Chair Candidate Brian Colón Hits the Labor Trifecta

    ColonI'm pleased to see that three of the biggest unions in New Mexico have decided to endorse Brian Colón for Dem State Chair. They're certainly on the right track in my book. Brian has been running a spirited campaign for the Party's top elected office based on the goals of making the Party more active, transparent and inclusive. He's been criss-crossing the state, reaching out to Dems in rural and urban counties alike, generating lots of positive buzz along the way.

    Mr. Colón spoke at our March DFA-DFNM Meetup, and has managed to build quite a head of steam for his campaign among the grassroots community and, from what I'm hearing, Dems of all stripes all over New Mexico. He comes across as honest, innovative, energetic, likeable, approachable and hardworking -- just the qualities we need in a Party leader at a time when it's so important to unite and build a modern Party infrastructure that will work effectively for the 2008 election and over the long haul. I get the clear sense that everyone will have a seat at the table if Brian Colón is leading the Dem Party. And we'll all have plenty of work to do!

    Here's the press release from the unions on the strong support for Colón in the labor community:

    In an unusual move, three of the largest unions in New Mexico have endorsed Brian Colón to be the Chair of the Democratic Party of New Mexico.  The unions are the American Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, and the Communication Workers of America.

    While all three unions are non-partisan and do support some Republicans around the state, historically the Democratic Party is where working men and women have found their strongest allies.  As a result, all three unions believe it is important to be involved in helping to select the leader of the Democratic Party.  All three unions have numerous members and allies expected to attend the State Central Committee meeting in Las Cruces on Saturday, April 28, where the new DPNM Chair will be elected.

    Colón represents a new generation of progressive, pro-worker, pro-economic growth Democrats who are commited to issues like increasing the minimum wage, expanding health coverage to all New Mexicans, reigning in abuses by payday lenders, guaranteeing the opportunity for a good education to all, fighting off privatization and corruption of government services, and ensuring equal opportunity for all.

    The following are contacts for each union:

    AFT:  Christine Trujillo, 239-0871
    AFSCME:  Carter Bundy, 463-8499
    CWA:  Robin Gould, 690-9584

    Editor's Notes: See our previous post on the race for DPNM Chair. If you're interested in learning more or getting involved in Brian Colón's campaign, you can contact him here: (505) 270-2154 or bsc4dpnm@yahoo.com. Click to download a campaign flyer.

    Democratic Party State Central Committee (SCC) members are elected at the County Party level. The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County will hold its elections this coming Saturday, at 10 AM, at Manzano High School in Albuquerque. The election for State Party Chair will occur at the the Democratic Party of New Mexico's SCC Meeting to be held in Las Cruces on April 28th.

    April 11, 2007 at 07:45 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Labor | Permalink


    Brian has my vote. We need his leadership and energy badly!

    Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 12, 2007 12:21:57 PM

    So many of us are excited by Brian's candidacy. I've met him several times and find him to be a great guy who LISTENS to people. Imagine having a party chairman like that....

    Posted by: Another Democrat | Apr 13, 2007 9:50:46 AM

    I can not believe that the Union's endorsed in the State Party Chair Race. It is unbelievable. Sad part about the endorsement is that niether of the other two candidates had a chance to interview with these leaders. I am sure that the membership of these organizations would be interested in knowing that! In regards to Mr. Colon and his honesty, why hasn't he filed a disclosure with the Secretary of State for his lobbying efforts. There is something about this guy we all need to be worried about!

    Posted by: Pissed Off Democrat | Apr 13, 2007 12:38:16 PM

    This IS something about Colon we need to be worried about but only if its Michael Olguin or his backers cuz Colon is gonna win the race based on his honesty and energy.

    If its true I'd guess Olguin wasn't considered because he doesnt support working people instead he lobbys for paydown loan sharks. Before he lobbyed for Wackenhut. Get the picture?

    I dont think Eliot is running a real campaign is he?

    Posted by: WS | Apr 13, 2007 2:46:22 PM

    In my opinion : I am grateful Brian has stepped up. It is a huge responsiblity for our state and truly our Country, and now these days the world.
    thanks brian.....
    Count me in to help out

    Posted by: Mary Ellen | Apr 13, 2007 3:35:44 PM

    All candidates were sent a questionnaire related to the labor endorsement. To say that two of the candidates were left out is simply a lie. How unfortunate that some are resorting to mudslinging to try and make Brian look bad. Brian’s energy and bold vision for the future of the party is exactly what our party needs.

    Posted by: | Apr 13, 2007 7:08:27 PM

    All candidates were sent a questionaire, but that questionaire was not the only sole basis for the decision. Some are resorting to mudslinging! Wow amazing that the first person to sling the mud was the Colon camp.
    Colon still hasn't answered the matter regarding him lobbying and not filing with the SOS. Come on if you lobby even through a third party you still must file a full disclosure with the SOS. Michael Olguin has a tremendous record with labor he is actually the only candidate who had a better than 80% voting record with the Unions, so far what is Brian's record. He has tried to tear down a good democrat who brought back a democratic majority to Socorro County and help establish legislation to regulate payday loans. I think folks whould listen to both sides of the story before thinking that Brian is the messiah to save the Democratic Party.

    Posted by: Pissed Off Democrat | Apr 13, 2007 10:29:33 PM

    An anonymous contributor ascerted that a questionaire was sent to all three candidates for Dem State Party Chair.

    I've reviewed all my communication records I've received no such request for positions or opinons from Labor or any other organization or group in the state.

    Posted by: > | Apr 14, 2007 1:39:38 AM


    Considering today’s political environment of back door deals, unethical conduct and political coronations, I am not shocked by the fact that New Mexico’s, so called, Progressive movement has succumbed to the promise of sitting at the big table, in a high chair, and decided to support a LOBBYIST! for State Chair of the New Mexico Democratic Party. As a professional hired political gun, whose interest will Brian Cologne serve? The highest bidder? Or the meekest of democrats? If you are real progressives and want change, follow the lead of Barack Obama and refuse to accommodate the interests of LOBBYISTS ! Obama gave back 50,000 in contributions that came from LOBBYIST. YOU, as REAL PROGRESSIVES? should withdraw your support for Brian Cologne.

    “Character is much easier kept than recovered” T.P.

    Posted by: | Apr 14, 2007 2:50:10 PM

    It would help if T.P. learned to spell Colon's name for one thing. Second, REAL PROGRESSIVES want to work with someone with brains, energy, honesty and openness who can help us win. That's Colon. I notice those who are posting negatives on here are about at the same level as Karl Rove. They seem to have nothing to say but accusations and criticism against someone who is working like crazy to earn support and get the party moving again.

    Keep up the good work Brian and don't let these types get you down. Same goes for those supporting Colon. If someone else is so good as candidate go help them win and stop complaining on here with silly comments.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 14, 2007 5:53:32 PM

    Old Dem, your name fits. Are you willing to support lobbyists and special interests which for the past forty years have “worked like crazy to” corrupt our Constitutional Republic? Is that just “accusation and criticism” or is that a fact? If you want to ”get the party moving again” break free from the Old Democratic patronage system and follow the lead of Barack Obama and stop suckling at the trough of Lobbyist who run for political office !

    "A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right." T.P.

    Posted by: T.P. | Apr 14, 2007 7:53:31 PM

    Why is it that when anyone here tries to raise the debate, that this organization resorts to calling the individual a "Republican" or Karl Rove. Isn't that what Rove does as well. I think that the comments made by myself and TP are just in hopes that maybe this organization doesn't support someone who is just another form of old patron politics and for someone like Gideon who actually stands up for what he believes is right for our party.

    Posted by: Pissed Off Democrat | Apr 15, 2007 4:30:27 PM

    For those of you that actually know the political process, it is true that Olguin lobbied for the pay day loan industry. However, if you people do the research, he was able to help broker a deal that STOPPED the predatory lenders! For the first time in New Mexico history there is finally regulation for the predatory lenders. Olguin doesn’t work for the people? Give me a break! If he wasn’t a "Lobbyist" for pay day loans, for all we know the predators will still be praying in the people of New Mexico! Olguin can get the job done. He has proven it in more ways than one! Honesty? I have never met a more honest, stand-up politician in my life. Do some research! See the GREAT things Olguin has done for the state of New Mexico the last 20 or so years and stop focusing on the lobbying issue! There must not be any Colon credentials that can be talked about if the only concern about Olguin is the lobbying.

    Posted by: non-progressive | Apr 16, 2007 2:49:19 PM

    Without Olguin's lobbying, we would have had a strong bill. He lobbied to weaken it. Stop trying to pretend he's just a neutral go between when he's a paid operative.

    There are other reasons to support Colon. He works hard, he's fun to work with, he's smart, he has good ideas, he reaches out and he has much energy. Mr. Olguin has many good qualities but in my opinion not the right ones for state party chair. There is too much conflict of interest.

    If Olguin wins I will work with him but my votes goes to Colon. He is the right person for this time and I've never met anyone who has a bad word about him or his character.

    Posted by: I Vote | Apr 16, 2007 5:23:45 PM

    I Vote... If that is all you can base Colons' credentials on is "he works hard, fun to work with, smart, has good ideas, reaches out and has good energy," then I should have ran for state party chair! I probably would be a better canidate!

    Posted by: non-progressive | Apr 17, 2007 6:08:23 PM

    It’s bad enough that Billy Richardson embarrassed New Mexicans by running for president of the United States and not even making it to first base and now for State Democratic Party Chairman Brian Colon running so far behind in counting Feb 5th. Ballots are another setback for us. For New Mexico to be one of the less populated States in the country and running begin counting 17T ballots is really pathetic! I’ve been asked by friends in different states why such a delay and my response is, ‘Our government has two speeds, slow and stop and sometimes reverse!

    Posted by: Julian Sanchez | Feb 11, 2008 11:20:31 AM

    Brian Colón should also resign! He's to blame for the chaos in the primary election!

    Posted by: Julian Sanchez | Feb 21, 2008 11:48:03 AM

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