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    Tuesday, April 10, 2007

    Gov. Richardson Already Backing Homans to Run Against Heather?

    HomansI sure hope not. After all, a Democratic Party convention and a primary are supposed to be the vehicles for selecting Party candidates -- not elected-official fiat. But Heath Haussamen is reporting that an unnamed source is leaking that Gov. Bill Richardson has "pledged his support" to the primary candidacy of current Economic Development Secretary, Rick Homans (left), to take on Rep. Heather Wilson in New Mexico's First Congressional District in 2008.

    If true, I predict that Democrats all over CD1 will be raising their voices in protest. We want to select our candidates -- not have them forced down our throats by Party bigwigs, ala what was seen by many as a blatant push for Richard Romero over Miles Nelson by Richardson in the 2002 CD1 Dem primary. In fact, that's one reason why so many relative newbies have been running for (and winning) Party office at both the county and state levels of the Democratic Party, and getting involved in nuts and bolts activism. We're tired of all the Party's power being in the hands of a few elected officials and power brokers. As DNC Chair Howard Dean has said many times, we want the Party to be built from the bottom up, not the other way around.

    Heinrich_2Other names are being discussed as Dem possibilities to run against Heather, including former City Councilor Eric Griego and current NM Rep. Jerry Ortiz y Pino. And Haussamen reports today that current Albuquerque City Councilor Martin Heinrich (right) is also "seriously leaning" towards a bid to win a chance to take on Heather Wilson in CD1. Haussamen quotes Heinrich directly on this. Believe me, if Heinrich were to enter the race he'd have massive support from rank and file Dems in the District. Homans, on the other hand, doesn't even live in the District and would have to move here to be a candidate in CD1. Would that be seen by local Dems as carpetbagging and manipulation of the race by Santa Fe powers that be? You betcha.

    Besides his active role in pushing the proposed Spaceport America near To or C, Homans is perhaps best known for successfully suing the City of Albuquerque to get rid the city's campaign donation limits while running for Mayor in 2001. Rah -- here's the guy who worked hard to bring MORE MONEY into the political process, while most every other Dem was working to get big donations out of elections. The results of his suit? One big one was that Mayor Marty Chavez raised and spent record-breaking amounts of money to win his mayoral races. He did it by heavily courting monied interests, including the sprawl development bunch, with no holds barred. You can experience the consequences all over the city.

    Also consider Homans' past experience as Vice Chair of the pro-sprawl, anti-labor Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce. He's also the former publisher of the New Mexico Business Weekly, as former chairman and CEO of Starlight Media Group.

    THIS is who Gov. Richardson is allegedly backing at this early date in the process? Tell me this can't be right. Then again, recall that Homans was one of Richardson's main issues honchos when he ran for Governor in 2002, and he's reportedly very close with Rick, who's a long-time champion of cutting taxes for the biz community and generally offering generous accommodations to that sector.

    For all I know, Homans might make a formidable candidate in NM-01, but I urge the Governor to refrain from leaking his opinions on a favored candidate until the proper Dem Party processes play out. We want a primary race, not another annointing from above. If Homans is the right person for the job, let him earn it by succeeding in the Dem Party convention and primary contests. We don't want or need a thumb on the scale, at this early point in the race or beyond.

    Many of us have been encouraged by Gov. Richardson's initiatives of late, as well as what he's been saying and doing on the presidential campaign trail, so it's especially disappointing to learn of this leak about his alledged pledge to support Homans. Let's hope he pledges instead to let DEMOCRATS select a candidate for CD1 without interference from above. And DCCC, beware.

    April 10, 2007 at 12:08 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    Quite frankly I couldn't care less who Richardson thinks should be the candidate to run against Wilson. I absolutely will not vote for Homans, period. The last thing we need is to send another corporate whore to replace Wilson on "K" Street.

    Posted by: VP | Apr 10, 2007 1:48:17 PM

    What a mistake this would be. Homans DOESNT EVEN LIVE IN THE DISTRICT!!! This guy bombed in the mayors race. This is silly. Homan wont generate ANY excitement. Heinrich is the right guy, isnt that clear!?!? Oh heck, I hope Richardson is not such the fool.

    Posted by: Another Taos Dem | Apr 10, 2007 4:26:04 PM

    Heinrich, Heinrich, Heinrich!

    Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 10, 2007 4:54:17 PM

    And BTW, wasnt Homans a Republican just a few years ago? Fishy.

    Posted by: Another Taos Dem | Apr 10, 2007 5:37:39 PM

    Gee if Richardson had been a team player, he would have supported Madrid. She would have won over more Hispanic men with that endorsement.
    Richardson wants someone in the office that will do HIS bidding.
    Democrats do not matter to the Governor and he could give sh*t about what Dems want/think.
    Just shut-up and do what he says.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Apr 10, 2007 8:37:49 PM

    I hope Martin Heinrich runs...
    Hmmm how best to solve the problem of Richardson picking someone in advance--don't vote for his choice.

    Posted by: Mandalas | Apr 10, 2007 11:17:17 PM

    Oh noooooooo! Heath says Terry Brunner is still thinking of running.


    He works for Bingaman and claims it gave him "the opportunity to work on a lot of issues as if I were a congressman.”

    No Terry that's not how it works. AS IF doesn't count in politics. Sorry but I've found Brunner to be arrogant and "centrist" in the school of thought where taking a strong stand is considered risky. Hope he stays working AS IF he were a congressman.

    Posted by: G. R. | Apr 11, 2007 9:36:28 AM

    Reading the blogs today it looks like it likely will come down to a primary battle between Heinrich and Homans. If so we need to give Heinrich heavy support in the volunteer and money departments. I know we can do it for someone like Heinrich. I'm sure he'll get much help from the environmental community statewide and we can raise many donations using Act Blue and other online methods.

    Homans will probably be sticking to the big donors like he did in his race for mayor some years back. We can beat that with many small donations can't we?

    Posted by: | Apr 11, 2007 9:47:51 AM

    Martin Heinrich will be my next Congressman. He will be the first Democrat to beat Heather Wilson in debate. He's smart. He's sensible. He thinks through policies thoroughly. He's cool. He's the future. He might even convince this moderate Republican (who has voted for Heather Wilson in six General Elections) to become a Democrat.

    Posted by: Michael | Apr 11, 2007 6:26:27 PM

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