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    Thursday, April 12, 2007

    Iraq: Safer Every Day

    The good news just keeps on coming: So far, , 47 American troops and six British soliders have died in the 11 days of April so far -- an average of 4.82 coalition deaths every day. And -- looking at the month to month statistics -- no month has been that high since Baghdad fell on April 9, 2003 ... The international Red Cross released a report that found the situation for civilians in Iraq is "ever-worsening,'' even though security in some places has improved as a result of stepped-up efforts by U.S.-led multinational forces....

    And now this: A suspected suicide bomber blew himself up in the Iraqi parliament cafeteria in a stunning assault in the heart of the heavily fortified, U.S.-protected Green Zone Thursday, killing at least eight people, the American military spokesman said.

    Total U.S. Troop Deaths: 3294. Total U.S. Wounded: 24,313. Total Working Brain Cells of U.S. Commander in Chief: 0.

    April 12, 2007 at 02:20 PM in Iraq War | Permalink


    Well, ya gotta see it from his point of view. You see, he's a recovering alcoholic, and probably did cocaine for awhile. Both of these things kill brain cells. Mentally, he's roughly equivalent to a 12 year old playing "boy hero."

    The question is, what made anyone think this idiot was fit to be president in the first place?

    On a side note, I found a kind of mock-election website where people can post their own presidential campaign pitches and be ranked on a scale of 1-10 by any other members on the site. I have mine posted there, and so far am doing surprisingly well, I think. My average rating, last I checked, was 7.2. It's been pretty intersting.

    Posted by: | Apr 12, 2007 6:46:18 PM

    This takes the record for stupidest post. Starting off with:

    "The good news just keeps on coming:"

    before discussing troop deaths is just reprehensible. I KNOW you meant it as snark, but it sure could be picked up and used to tar all liberals, etc.

    And it does nothing to advance your message. Let's hope this post is removed or sinks quickly into obscurity. There are better ways to express fury at deaths while "progress is being made."

    Posted by: sam dobermann | Apr 16, 2007 2:14:22 PM

    I think you missed the point Sam. This was posted when both Cheney and McCain were out there telling people how good it's going in Iraq, completely ignoring the deaths of both Iraqis and our troops. Remember that McCain and his pal were claiming that marketplace where he walked was like some shopping mall in Indiana.

    With so much to be critical about I think you should chill and criticize the real villains. As for using this to "tar all liberals" don't worry, they right wingnuts will do that anyway, about anything we say.

    Posted by: GK | Apr 16, 2007 4:11:40 PM

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