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    Wednesday, April 18, 2007

    Help Choose DFA's First 2007 Endorsement

    Democracy for America:
    Democracy for America has launched our 2007 Grassroots All-Star Campaign today. DFA's Grassroots All-Star is the candidate who shows the highest amount of people-powered support by the end of the our campaign. We choose seven excellent candidates who lost by a hair in 2006, ran solid grassroots campaigns, and have announced they will finish the job in 2008. You choose who wins!


    iIn 2006, Jerry McNerney won the DFA's Grassroots All-Star Endorsement and went on to win his congressional seat. Here is what Congressman McNerney had to say about it in the e-mail we sent today:

    DFA's early endorsement helped me win a seat in Congress, showing that bottom-up, people-powered grassroots organizing works. Your Grassroots All-Star vote changed the race, helping us attract significant early support from the netroots and crucial media attention.

    The National Journal has this to say about Jerry's race:

    Even after McNerney's impressive primary upset, the DCCC was not sold on his viability. But over the summer, he began picking up extensive "netroots" support and captured the imagination of liberal Internet activists. He also won the "Grassroots All-Star" online voting contest run by Democracy for America, a political action committee inspired by Howard Dean. The group's endorsement triggered campaign contributions for McNerney from around the country.

    Now it is up to you to help us find the next Grassroots All-Star. Please vote for one of the seven great candidates right now:


    You have the power to move America forward.  Thank you for using it.

    Charles Chamberlain , Political Director
    (Cross posted at Daily Kos )

    Editor's Note: Democracy for New Mexico (DFNM) is loosely affiliated with the national group, Democracy for America (DFA). Both our local group and DFA national grew out of the Dean for America presidential campaign. Click to learn more about DFA, get on their mailing list and join DFA Link or visit their .

    April 18, 2007 at 02:15 PM in Candidates & Races, DFA | Permalink


    I voted for Massa, in New York.

    I also watched the videos from Obama, Richardson, and Edwards in response to DFA's cry to end the war in Iraq. I have to say that Richardson's was the one that impressed me most. I'm leaning toward Obama in the primaries/caucuses, but I can't help but think that Richardson has the best resume of all of the Democratic candidates. Wish he would get more press. This video made me think that at least he's received some much-needed media coaching. Nice that our Gov gave due credit to Democracy for New Mexico in the fight for better ballots.

    Posted by: John | Apr 18, 2007 9:22:38 PM

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