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    Saturday, April 21, 2007

    Guest Blog: Richardson's Experience Proves He's a Fit Candidate

    This is a guest blog by Stephen Fox of Santa Fe that was originally published in The Daily Lobo: In a speech given in New Hampshire in late 2006, Gov. Bill Richardson said, "One thing the Bush administration has never understood is that diplomacy and military power are not alternatives to one another, but rather complementary sources of strength. Because diplomacy without power is weak, and power without diplomacy is blind."

    This is the very core of Richardson's international platform, and the kind of insight he gained as a U.N. ambassador and energy secretary under President Bill Clinton. Richardson's trip to North Korea is already bringing important results.

    His international résumé is a breath of fresh air, and since the U.S. needs to rebuild and rethink its international policies after six years of corporate, Halliburton-driven plutocracy, I believe Richardson must become president.

    Our domestic economy is in the pits because of hundreds of billions of dollars going to Iraq and Afghanistan - mostly military expenditures - all to advance the Bush administration's corporate agenda. Other nations are capitalizing on our errors and distractions - like China, with its trillion-dollar balance of payments, as well as Russia, which has funded many developing nations in their colonial struggles, pointing to our oppressive presence in Iraq and telling African, South Asian and South American nations that they are perfectly willing to buy their natural resources instead of plundering them.

    On March 28, Richardson said, "I would not leave any troops in Iraq ... If I were president today, I would withdraw by the end of this calendar year ... But I would also have a reconciliation conference of the three religious groups, forge a coalition government and divide the country into three entities."

    The international backlash of a totally failed U.S. foreign policy has profound implications for a worsening domestic economy, and the situation is getting seriously worse by the day. This is why I support Richardson's presidential campaign.

    Editor's Notes: This is a guest blog by Stephen Fox, who describes himself as follows: Stephen Fox is a Santa Fe Art dealer and the founder of New Millennium Fine Art.He is keen on New Mexico establishing a higher standard for nutrition not just for schools, but at all levels. He authored a bill to ban the neurotoxic artificial sweetener Aspartame, which was sponsored by Sen. Ortiz y Pino, but during the 2007 session, the bill was shot down by "insidious mendacious corporate lobbyists, the scourge of the legislative process," representing Coca Cola, and Ajinomoto of Japan, the world's largest manufacturer of both MSG and Aspartame.  He is working on establish a Nutrition Council for the United Nations by passage of a Resolution he wrote. The text and supporting medical documents can be found at Fox's website.

    Guest blogs provide an opportunity for readers to express their personal opinions on relevant political matters and don't necessarily represent the views of DFNM. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of our main page.

    April 21, 2007 at 10:18 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Guest Blogger | Permalink


    I like your well designed and easily traversed weblog. Unhappily, though, you and I will never see eye to eye on our Governator. He visited the Sudan. You see what's happening there now. He went to North Korea. They insulted him and made promises they have absolutely no intention of keeping.
    Our state is riddled with graft and corruption while our main man is gallivanting off raising money. I don't think he's really running for President. It appears to me that the office of Secretary of State is where he has his heart set on.

    Posted by: | Apr 21, 2007 1:31:26 PM

    Gov Richardson may well have some experience that we badly need in Washington, however when looking real closely, I would have to ask "FIT Candidate". Candidate for WHAT?

    Posted by: VP | Apr 21, 2007 9:16:26 PM

    Catmoves-what you are commenting on is not the blog person's writing but someone who sent one in. I wouldn't bag the blog owner for it. They print a variety of views.

    Posted by: thinker | Apr 21, 2007 10:47:03 PM

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