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    Friday, April 13, 2007

    Today: Grand Opening of New NM Wild Office

    From the NM Wilderness Alliance:
    eo is about opportunity, outreach, diversity, community and about how these aspects of everyday life can help us to understand the positive impact we can have on Global Climate Change. eo is the culmination of EDI, The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance and the Sierra Club's commitment to reducing the negative impact of our buildings on the environment and well being of the human race. eo is the newly renovated and, soon to be, first LEED Gold office building in Albuquerque NM. It is located in the Nob Hill Highland District just off of historic Route 66, at 142 Truman NE.

    Come join us on April 13th, from 4:00 to 11:00 PM, to learn about the potential that each of us has to accelerate the transformation of the built environment. Take a guided tour through the site and building, talk to vendors and suppliers, to USGBC NM Chapter members, and watch a video or power point presentation. For more information, please call 505-843-8696.

    April 13, 2007 at 12:00 PM in Energy, Environment, Events | Permalink


    How about an explanation of your abbreviations, and more notice for your next event.

    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Apr 13, 2007 11:31:59 PM

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