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    Sunday, April 22, 2007

    Fragile: Earth Day 2007

    Above image courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center, AS17-148-22727, from https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov.

    "'If people can see Earth from up here, see it without those borders, see it without any differences in race or religion, they would have a completely different perspective. Because when you see it from that angle, you cannot think of your home or your country. All you can see is one Earth...."'

    --Anousheh Ansari, Iranian-American space tourist who flew last year to the international space station.

    Many are trading their inefficient incandescent light bulbs for energy saving fluorescent bulbs these days. Let's hope we can also trade this dim bulb for one that lights the way to change:

    Finally, here's something Sting performed in honor of 9-11 right after it occurred, but I think it could apply to most things happening on the Earth right now, the lives being lived (and those ending) on the planet and maybe even the planet itself. How fragile we are ....

    April 22, 2007 at 11:57 AM in Environment, Music, Visuals | Permalink


    Wonderful videos and I love the Sting song. Perfect.

    Posted by: greenie | Apr 23, 2007 2:09:45 PM

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