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    Thursday, April 05, 2007

    City of Santa Fe: Spring Celebration and More

    From the City of Santa Fe:
    Spring is a great time to be outdoors and enjoy Santa Fe’s environment! Here are four fun and worthwhile community events to celebrate our city and your spring fever.

    Volunteers Needed to Plant Native Trees Along the Santa Fe River -- Saturday, April 7th and Saturday, April 14th, 9 AM to 3 PM: After many years of hard work, the San Ysidro River Park in Agua Fria is almost finished. Come join us for willow planting on April 7 and 14 from 9 AM to 3 PM. We will be planting over 2,000 trees and need all the help we can get. No special skills required, just enthusiasm and a willingness to get dirty. Please bring gloves, water and a snack/lunch. We will be meeting in the parking lot at the San Ysidro Park (located near San Ysidro crossing). There is no need to sign-up in advance, but if you would like more information, please call Pamela Dupzyk, Santa Fe Watershed Association Program Director, at 820-1696.

    A Day of Fun and Action: Trade-In Your Incandescent Light Bulbs for Energy Conserving Compact Fluorescent Bulbs -- Saturday, April 14th, 1 PM to 3 PM at Franklin Miles Park: Join the Sierra Club, the City of Santa Fe, PNM, and the Interfaith Alliance for A Day of Fun & Action – learn how YOU can solve global warming, and how you and your elected representatives can “Step It Up”.  See exhibits by green businesses, learn how to cut your global warming emissions, bring a picnic lunch and listen to Round Mountain and speakers.

    Light Bulb Trade In: bring us your incandescent light bulbs – for each bulb you bring us, we will give you a 100 watt compact fluorescent bulb – a $5 value! For every five bulbs you bring, the City will give you a pass to the Genoveva Chavez Community Center.

    Costume Contest: for kids and adults. Dress as the plant or animal you would most miss if global warming is not stopped.

    Molly Ivins Memorial Pots and Pans Band: bring your pots, pans, and other kitchen implements and get ready to bang away in honor of the late Molly Ivins.

    For more information, contact Carol Oldham, Sierra Club New Mexico Regional Representative at (505) 243-7767.

    Volunteers Needed for the Great American Clean Up -- April 21st: This is a great opportunity to get your neighbors together to Spring Clean your neighborhood or come and help clean up Santa Fe.  Registration will take place on Saturday, April 21st between 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM at the City of Santa Fe Parks Building, 1142 Siler Road. The Clean Up will run until noon; trash bags will be provided. A picnic for volunteers will follow, 12 noon – 2 PM, at the Buckman Road Recycling and Transfer Station, 1686 Paseo de Vista. For more information, contact Gilda Montaño, City of Santa Fe Keep Santa Fe Beautiful Coordinator, at 955-2215.

    Santa Fe River Festival -- June 2nd, 11 AM to 3 PM at Frenchy’s Field Park: The first annual Santa Fe River Festival will be held on June 2nd from 11 AM to 3 PM at Frenchy’s Field Park and we need your help. The Festival will be a celebration of the river with art activities, naturalist walks, science investigations, music, food, and educational booths, preceded by an all-river clean-up. If you would like to participate in this community event, please contact Pamela at pamelad@santafewatershed.org. Committees are forming for art, food/music, and volunteer coordination. The River Festival 2007 is sponsored by The Santa Fe Watershed Association, the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County.

    April 5, 2007 at 10:00 PM in Energy, Environment, Events | Permalink


    Why don't we have events like this in Albuquerque?

    Posted by: I Vote | Apr 6, 2007 2:41:27 PM

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