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Friday, April 27, 2007

Albuquerque A28 Action


Saturday, April 28, 2007
Robinson Park, 8th Street & Central, Albq,, 11 AM

Angry Democrats! Disillusioned Republicans! Furious Independents! Show up! Be counted! Protest!  Rally! Show your outrage! IMPEACH GEORGE BUSH! We've got to put pressure on both the Republicans and the Democrats to get this done. If you don't love the Constitution, you do not love your country.  We have an Executive gone amuck! Meet at the Park. March a copy of the Constitution to Heather!

We'll try to spell "IMPEACH" out of real, activist patriots at the park. We'll have some speakers giving reasons for impeachment and which ones to pursue. David Hilliard, co-founder of the Black Panther Party will talk about impeachable offenses. Rick Burnley, peace poet laureate, will give a summation of the slime's crimes in rhyme! We'll enumerate actions you can sign up for or do by yourself, Brave One...
Lastly, we'll march a big copy of the Constitution down to Heather's to leave at her doorstep. After we're there, we can break up and join the Cinco de Mayo celebrations at the Civic Plaza! What a wonderful city!

On April 27th, we will have a sign making party at the Peace and Justice Center at 6:30 PM at 202 Harvard SE.  Bring your own materials, but feel free to use ours, as well!

This is Albuquerque's part of the A28 coalition of national groups dedicated to the impeachment of George Bush and The World Can't Wait, who has been driving this movement from the start.

MAP TO ROBINSON PARK and march path

Paul Eichhorn


The World Can't Wait
The April 28 Coalition

April 27, 2007 at 11:00 AM in Events, Impeachment | Permalink


Not having seen the so-called Dem debate, last night I caught a bit of PBS' Washington Week, during which Ifel and Co. lampooned Gravel, said Kuchi was "in the bottom tier" and wrung their hands over how the "middle tier" of candidates would ever get coverage.Not from W Week, clearly. Their video clip was of the Biden "Yes," and not a scintilla of substance, of an awareness that the time has come to SCREAM that the emperor and his courtiers have no clothes came through.

Posted by: Foodie | Apr 28, 2007 8:28:13 AM

Seems Albuquerque turned out about as many Impeach activists as did Washington, DC's national mall equivalent. (as reported in Sunday's WaPost.)

We had about 40 people milling about Robinson Park Saturday noontime. We even had bodies to spare when we formed "Impeach" for the photographer stationed on the balcony of the hotel across the street.

Other activities included a couple of impeach songs from the Raging Grannies chorus, a poet recited his angry thoughts, signs and banners were held for motorists along Central and the protesters marched down to Heather's office.

The crowd were 40, 50 and on somethings. A few black clad college kids, a few families with kids and dogs in tow were on hand as well. Many were talking about the previous night's Bill Moyers Journal with Jon Stewart.

Posted by: Edwin | Apr 29, 2007 8:21:42 AM



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