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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Tune in Today to 1350 AM Radio's Insight New Mexico

Albuquerque's weekly progressive talk radio show, Insight New Mexico, airs every Saturday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM on 1350 AM. The shows are rebroadcast on Sunday mornings from 7-8:00 PM. Host Eric Griego and sidekick Suzanne Prescott will bring you another serving of interviews, listener call-ins and political news. Today's show will feature NM House Majority Leader Kenny Martinez reporting in from the Legislature in Santa Fe where the action is nonstop this weekend, talented Live From Silver City blogger Avelino Maestas, who is also a staff writer for the Silver City Daily Press, and the in-the-know Heather Brewer, Executive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice New Mexico.

Eric is expecting a direct report from the NM Senate on today's impeachment resolution action. AND, he's getting ready to make a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT, which he MAY or MAY NOT be making on the air today. Don't miss it.

Visit the Insight New Mexico website for more info on the show its guests, helpful links, blogging and podcasts (mp3s) from previous shows. You can call in live during the show with your questions and comments at 338-4090.

March 3, 2007 at 10:23 AM in Local Politics, Media, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


I love the show and hope it gains enough listeners to stay on the air. We need programming like this so badly.

Posted by: Janet | Mar 3, 2007 2:11:10 PM

I missed the show. Was there a big announcement?

Posted by: JD | Mar 3, 2007 4:39:24 PM

In response to a question sent in an email to the show, Eric said he IS considering running against Heather Wilson in the '08 race. He also added that he would be willing to back a good progressive candidate if one emerges.

I'm sorry Senator Feldman didn't make it on the air (speaking of good progressives.) When she was called, they were just at the point of casting their votes on a bill so she couldn't talk with us. But she has posted some new information over on her blog at

Thanks for your comment Janet. A poll of voters revealed that 21% of voters said they got their news from radio prior to the (a recent) election. The progressive voice needs to be loud and clear. The national shows like Ed Schultz, help to fill that role. The question is 'Is there enough support for a local show which focuses on New Mexico's issues?'

Posted by: | Mar 4, 2007 12:19:15 AM

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