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    Saturday, March 10, 2007

    Today's Insight NM Radio Talk Lineup

    Alpark126Heath126Tune in to Insight New Mexico, Albuquerque's weekly progressive talk radio show, today from 3:00 to 4:00 PM on 1350 AM. Host Eric Griego and sidekick Suzanne Prescott will be talking with NM Rep. Al Park, D-NM (above left), Las Cruces political blogger Heath Haussamen (above right) and PRC Vice Chair Jason Marks (below left), as well as fielding audience calls. To ask an on-air question, call 338-4090. To learn more about the show or today's guests, visit the Insight New Mexico website and blog. You can also find info on past guests and progressive organizations, and download podcasts (mp3s) of previous interviews. The Saturday show is rebroadcast on Sunday from 7:00 to 8:00 AM.

    Jasonmarks128Originally signed up to broadcast during the NM Legislative Session, Eric and Suzanne are seriously considering continuing the show beyond March 17, when the 60-day Session wraps up. The show's coverage would switch to local and county politics and government. If you want progressive talk radio to continue, be sure to tune in, call in, spread the word to your friends and consider becoming a sponsor. To learn more, email .

    March 10, 2007 at 08:30 AM in Local Politics, Media, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    As per Brian Sanderoff, Heather Wilson won on a platform that portrayed her as "ethically unassailable". Not true! Heather Wilson contacted US Attorney Iglesias to ask about indictments in criminal corruption investigations. I believe it and I also believe that Heather Wilson purged one of her relatives' records from C&FY agency as noted in a news conference by Effie Osborne, who works for a divorce law firm about 2 years ago. I also believe that Patricia Madrid won the elections and that Heather Wilson stole the elections from Madrid. I hope Patricia Madrid runs again next year but she needs to be a little more aggressive! These Republicans are playing dirty!!!

    Posted by: Melva Rooney | Mar 11, 2007 2:54:21 PM

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