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    Thursday, March 08, 2007

    TODAY: Senate Public Affairs Hearing on Domestic Partner Bill

    From Equality New Mexico:
    House Bill 603, the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibiities Act, will be heard in the NM Senate Public Affairs Committee TODAY, March 8, at 3:00 PM, in Room 321 at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. The hearing is definitely on. This will be a close vote, so we need as many people in the room as possible to show the Senators our support. We are second on the agenda, so please arrive by 3:00 PM.  (This bill previously passed the NM House by a margin of 33-24.)

    March 8, 2007 at 10:40 AM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    I would like to make an argument in defense of Sen. Pete Domenici and Congresswoman Heather Wilson and all the people who got caught in the mess of the fired prosecutors.
    Over the last few days I was thinking to myself "how is it possible that the republicans are out of power, but still have so many ethical problems"?

    To answer the question, I have to go back to communication…

    When the democrats have a problem with an elected official they do their research. They find a small thing they can pin on him, and then make a big noise. They demand an investigation. They demand that the Department of Justice should appoint a 'special' prosecutor.

    A nice fellow sits at home one night listening to the news, and he hears that Sen. Someone Democrat… is demanding an investigation into Somobody Republican, and not just an investigation, but the Attorney General should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the alleged crime. What is the first thing that crossed his mind? "A special prosecutor….This is a serious crime". Now you can come and knock on his door and tell him that the special prosecutor came up with nothing but the only thing he will now likely remember is "this guy is a criminal". The Republican, under suspicion, is already a shade grey in everyone's mind. So the democrats get the job done.

    What happens if it's vice versa, and the Democrat is under suspicion?

    The Republicans hear that there is a criminal investigation going on involving a Democrat. What do they do? They call (the arrogant, selfish) prosecutor, and ask him (not demand him to investigate) about the investigation… Don’t you think that a phone call to a news reporter is worth more money then to call a prosecutor?

    Ultimately, the voters decide who is eligible for office, largely based on ethical behavior. The republican lack of conveying misconduct to the public is a major factor in their current political status, which doesn't seem to be bettering.

    Posted by: | Mar 8, 2007 11:15:01 AM

    You should pay attention to the finer points of communication yourself Zoom. You put your comments, such as they are, under the wrong topic thread.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 8, 2007 1:46:14 PM

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