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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Document Dump in U.S. Attorneys Scandal

Local blogger New Mexico FBIHOP is scanning the large volume of emails and documents related to the firing of the eight U.S. Attorneys that was just made available by the U.S. Department of Justice. He's related to New Mexico's David Iglesias, Sen. Pete Domenici, prominent Republican Mickey Barnett and more, plus he provides links to the pdfs of the documents. I'd say it's a must read ....

I see that Heath Haussamen down in Las Cruces is also poring over the emails. Here's his contribution to the dissection of this scandal. Nobody can read everything or read it fast enough so it's helpful to have so many all over the web plowing this ground from differing angles.

TPMmuckraker is tossing out new info on this scandal by the hour. I checked the FeedBurner tracker for the site, which provides short summaries of their posts, but I can't get into the site itself at the moment. Maybe you'll have better luck. TPMmuckraker must be overwhelmed with hits as the damning facts of this story explode. They've definitely been one of the best sources of breaking info on the firings and the unfolding story of White House and Justice Department political involvement.

March 13, 2007 at 02:21 PM in Crime, Ethics & Campaign Reform, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink


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