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    Tuesday, March 13, 2007

    Sen. Schumer Nails Domenici, Wilson; Lays Out Lies in Attorney Firings

    Video clip from Sen. Chuck Schumer's press conference earlier today. He also says,

    The latest revelations prove beyond any reasonable doubt that there has been unprecedented breach of trust, abuse of power and misuse of the Justice Department. And that is very serious and very important.

    About the Iglesias firing:

    Political operatives and elected officials in New Mexico complained about one U.S. attorney's failure to indict Democrats quickly enough. Those complaints were passed on to Karl Rove and to the president himself.

    The president weighed in with Attorney General Gonzales. And within weeks, that U.S. attorney, David Iglesias, was fired.

    Indeed, today's reports make clear that Mr. Iglesias was not on the hit list until October, just when he was staving off inappropriate pressure tactics.

    So if he wasn't on the list when the list was made up, and then you get the phone calls from the White House and from legislators, and then he's added to the list, what conclusion other than political interference can one come to? [emphasis mine]

    Here he lists the lies uncovered so far:

    From transcript. Schumer: Here are some of the falsehoods we've been told that are now unraveling.

    First, we were told that the seven of the eight U.S. attorneys were fired for performance reasons.

    It now turns out this was a falsehood, as the glowing performance evaluations attest.

    Second, we were told by the attorney general that he would, quote, "never, ever make a change for political reasons."

    It now turns out that this was a falsehood, as all the evidence makes clear that this purge was based purely on politics, to punish prosecutors who were perceived to be too light on Democrats or too tough on Republicans.

    Third, we were told by the attorney general that this was just an overblown personnel matter.

    It now turns out that far from being a low-level personnel matter, this was a longstanding plan to exact political vendettas or to make political pay-offs.

    Fourth, we were told that the White House was not really involved in the plan to fire U.S. attorneys. This, too, turns out to be false.

    Harriet Miers was one of the masterminds of this plan, as demonstrated by numerous e-mails made public today. She communicated extensively with Kyle Sampson about the firings of the U.S. attorneys. In fact, she originally wanted to fire and replace the top prosecutors in all 93 districts across the country.

    Fifth, we were told that Karl Rove had no involvement in getting his protege appointed U.S. attorney in Arkansas.

    In fact, here is a letter from the Department of Justice. Quote: "The department is not aware of Karl Rove playing any role in the decision to appoint Mr. Griffin."

    It now turns out that this was a falsehood, as demonstrated by Mr. Sampson's own e-mail. Quote: "Getting him, Griffin, appointed was important to Harriet, Karl, et cetera.

    Sixth, we were told to change the Patriot Act was an innocent attempt to fix a legal loophole, not a cynical strategy to bypass the Senate's role in serving as a check and balance.

    It was Senator Feinstein who discovered that issue. She'll talk more about it.

    So there has been misleading statement after misleading statement -- deliberate misleading statements. And we haven't gotten to the bottom of this yet, but believe me, we will pursue it.

    (Thanks to TPMmuckraker for the terrific work on this.)

    March 13, 2007 at 02:38 PM in Crime, Ethics & Campaign Reform, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink


    Schumer sure has the juice. This story is gonna be lighting the political skies for some time to come. Is the Bush house of cards really starting to fall? We can only hope so for the good the nation and the planet.

    Posted by: Impeach Now | Mar 13, 2007 4:13:46 PM

    AMEN to that Impeach Now!

    Posted by: VP | Mar 13, 2007 5:35:13 PM

    What I don't understand is why these investigations keep mysteriously ending when they reach the White House. Well, actually I do understand, but to put it simply, it bloody sucks!

    Alberto Gonzales has plenty of his own failings I'd love to see him in prison for (like calling the Geneva Conventions "quaint and outdated"), but just as with Libby, he's becoming the fall-guy for Bush and Cheney while they remain mysteriously immune and immaculate from all these very serious corruption charges.

    Posted by: Randall Sobien | Mar 13, 2007 6:29:18 PM

    That's why it was so important for our Legislature to pass SJ5. Probably the only way there will be any accountability for this admin is at the grass root or state level. Seems the Dem's at the national level are quietly working behind the scene to make sure impeachment stays off the table, one can only guess "who" and "why", but I suspect AIPAC influence may be a part of it.

    Posted by: VP | Mar 13, 2007 9:02:38 PM

    If anyone want's a good laugh, check out Whitney Cheshire's blahg. She is just slagging and freaking out about the Wilson/Pietro scandal, with BOLD CAPS! I tried emailing her a few questions about supporting the troops, at walter reed, about hunting Al Qaeda, in Pakistan, and why the Rio Rancho Guard is being sent to Iraq without Infantry Equipment, no answers?

    Posted by: | Mar 14, 2007 11:37:10 AM

    That's one of the worst blogs I've seen. Or should I say WORST BLOGS! So amateurish and she doesn't make any sense in her arguments yet she is seen as a big shot blogger on the right.

    Of course republican blogs are generally awful. Must be the personality that is attracted to that kind of politics. No creativity. Bad communication skills. Much lying. No logic.

    Mario Burgos is a bit better but not much. They also never criticize their own no matter what they do. If Bush was caught on videotape knifing someone to death they'd have an excuse for him. I guess it's their REPRESSED PERSONALITIES.

    Posted by: JJ | Mar 14, 2007 1:17:20 PM

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