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    Tuesday, March 27, 2007

    Sedona Sojourn

    We're leaving tomorrow morning for some red rock relaxing in Sedona, AZ. We'll be back late next Tuesday. I've set up some automatic posts, including some open threads, to keep you at least minimally informed and entertained while I'm gone. If I can get some decent access to the internets, I'll check in from the road. The folks who'll be housesitting for us will be minding our seven parakeets, but Bosco the peach-faced lovebird and Sunny the sun conure will be traveling with us, as they usually do. They love to see new places and look out the window at the scenery. You might not think they would, but they do! (See them on the road, below the fold.)

    To keep current, be sure to visit the other local political blogs. Links can easily be found on our left-hand sidebar under NM Blogs. If you've got some hot news or are itching to post some important info, why not try creating a diary at , which recently became a community blog. Just register there using the link at the top right-hand corner and you, too, can be a blogger.

    March 27, 2007 at 06:12 PM in Web/Tech | Permalink


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