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    Saturday, March 03, 2007

    (Updated) Saturday Morning Bulletin on Today's NM Impeachment Action

    UPDATE 3/6/07: The impeachment resolution was finally heard by the NM Senate Judiciary on March 5, and passed by a vote of 5-1. The resolution will be heard next by the full Senate.

    UPDATE: The Senate Judiciary hearing on the impeachment resolution was rescheduled until Monday, March 5. Click for more info.

    Please visit the Mother Media website for a last-minute bulletin from Leland Lehrman on what's anticipated at the Santa Fe Roundhouse today, as the NM Senate Judiciary Committee and/or entire Senate deals with SJR 5, New Mexico's impeachment resolution. Bottom line: if you can, be at the State Capitol by 1:30 PM today, ready to stay into the evening if necessary. Leland has much more you need to know about planned strategies and expectations, so be sure to check his website and read all about it. Today's actions may well make or break the impeachment resolution initiative. Time for the big push.

    March 3, 2007 at 11:29 AM in Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    To me it's astounding that we have State Senators that see this as a partisan issue rather than as an American issue of "we the people". Why should we literally have to beg some of our Democratic Senators to support legislation that could protects "we the people" from the kind of elected official that Bu$hCo has become? Why should the Dem's have to "make a deal" with the RePukes to get this to the floor for a vote? I believe that Mr Bush/Cheney and their appointees are text book examples of what the founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the provisions for impeachment. How mush more does Bu$h have to ignore the Constitution, thumb his nose at the rule of law and refuse to acknowledge that all three branches of Government are equal and no one branch having more power than the other two?

    Posted by: VP | Mar 3, 2007 2:22:20 PM

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