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    Monday, March 19, 2007

    Gracias: Richardson to the Rescue

    RichardsonI want to thank Gov. Bill Richardson for his recent actions related to several controversial but vital bills that, for one reason or another, either failed by a few votes or got stuck in the general chaos of the last days of the NM Legislative Session in Santa Fe that ended at Noon on Saturday.

    Medical Marijuana
    Richardson was instrumental in saving the medical marijuana bill (SB 523) from a confusing razor thin defeat in the NM Senate by stepping in to jawbone Dem legislators, change some minds and get the bill passed in the last week of the 60-day Session. As Gov. Richardson explained when he announced he would sign the bill, it was the "right thing to do" because the law is for people who "are suffering. My God, let's be reasonable." Amen. Seriously ill and dying New Mexicans will at last have an especially effective prescription pain and nausea palliative at their disposal. An Albuquerque Tribune editorial agrees. And don't forget the valliant efforts of Rep. Moe Maestas, who sponsored the bill and spoke so eloquently on its behalf.

    Special Session Called for Tuesday
    Now the Governor has called a Special Session of the NM Legislature to start this Tuesday, March 20, to deal with several other important bills that didn't get their due during the chaotic days at the end of our regular Session.

    Domestic Partnerships
    Governor Richardson's Special Session call will reportedly include reconsideration of the popular Domestic Partnership Rights and Responsibilities Act (HB 603) sponsored by one of our best legislators, Rep. Mimi Stewart. The measure, which would provide all our citizens with the option of creating a legally defined partnership -- useful in dealing with health care and end of life matters, retirement and tax requirements and other domestic and family arrangements -- was killed in the waning hours of the regular Session. Despite passage by the NM House and two Senate Committees, the bill was essentially gutted and fell to defeat when four Dem Senators suddenly sided with Republicans to kill the bill.

    Although being inaccurately portrayed as a stealth gay marriage bill by right wing opponents, the legislation in fact has nothing to do with marriage. Just the opposite. It's designed as a legal remedy for a wide variety of New Mexicans, from senior citizens who need legal protections for their long-term partnerships but don't want to marry for financial or other reasons, to heterosexuals who prefer to live together under a legal agreement short of legal marriage, to homosexuals who are in dire need of basic legal protections for their child and family arrangements.

    The concept of domestic partnerships is promoted in the Democratic Party platform and has the support of all but a few Democratic officeholders in the state, as well as the vast majority of rank and file Dems. Let's hope that the Governor, the bill's sponsors and ordinary citizens can persuade a few of the Dem holdouts that this is a much needed law that represents the best of core Democratic values.

    GRIP II, Ethics Reform, Water Bills
    The Governor's call is also expected to include the $200 million GRIP II infrastructure and road bill, which was filibustered by Repubs at the end of the session. Also reportedly on the call will be several of his ethics and campaign reform package initiatives -- including the always excellent Sen. Dede Feldman's bill to limit campaign contributions (SB 800), which failed by one vote in the Session's last minutes, and stand-up guy Sen. Pete Campos' bill to establish a state ethics commission (SB 815) -- as well a couple measures that deal with crucial water projects.

    Express Yourself
    If you agree with Governor Richardson's attempt to rescue these vital legislative initiatives, be sure to give his office (505-476-2200) and your legislators (
    website) a call and say so. I know I'll be doing just that. We'll let you know when the Special Session agenda is finalized so you can take action in support of the bills to be considered.

    March 19, 2007 at 12:19 PM in Civil Liberties, Ethics & Campaign Reform, GLBT Rights, Local Politics, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    This is great news! I do thank politicos when they do good things and this is one of the those times.

    Posted by: Red or Green | Mar 19, 2007 5:11:18 PM

    Thanks to the Governor and all the legislators who worked so hard to get these kinds of bills passed. Hope all of those mentioned will pass in the special session. All are important and I don't understand why any Democrat would vote against them.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 19, 2007 7:14:49 PM

    I also add my thanks.

    Posted by: | Mar 19, 2007 8:02:00 PM

    I see the guv is getting complaints from Democratic senators about this session. I guess they don't want any limits on the money they raise or anyone looking into their ethics. I guess the don't care about people who need domestic partner agreements either. These are issues that have strong Democratic support but these senators don't think they have to follow that. I guess they take their lead from the lobbyists who give them money. Round and round we go.

    Posted by: El Norte | Mar 20, 2007 8:45:45 AM

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