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    Friday, March 02, 2007

    Patricia Madrid Weighs in on Iglesias Firing

    Las Cruces blogger Heath Haussamen has an exclusive interview about the David Iglesias firing with former Attorney General Patricia Madrid, who was Rep. Heather Wilson's Democratic opponent in the November 2006 election in NM-01. Just go read it. Quite the scoop. Former reporter Haussamen is doing some stellar work these days ....

    March 2, 2007 at 06:41 PM in Candidates & Races, Crime, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Local Politics, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink


    Dramatic interview indeed. Madrid finally gets to speak out about what was done to her by the Rove machine. As facts emerge on all the firings of US Attorneys, I expect we'll be getting much more from all the states where this happened.

    Thank goodness for bloggers like Haussamen. The Albuquerque Journal certainly isn't going to ever report on a story like this one. After all, they functioned as the offical Wilson mouthpiece during the election.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 2, 2007 11:08:38 PM

    Can this really mean that previous indictments in the Vigil case and the expected ones related to the courthouse might be in jeopardy?

    Rove is more evil than even we think he is.

    Posted by: coyote | Mar 2, 2007 11:34:16 PM

    Sen. Pete Domenici and Rep. Heather Wilson of New Mexico pressured the U.S. attorney in their state to speed up indictments in a federal corruption investigation.
    Since Pietro Vichy Domemici wasn't running for anything last fall, and Wilson was hanging on by the seat on her pants...

    Posted by: | Mar 3, 2007 10:03:43 AM

    Terrific reporting on the Madrid angle. She sure was targeted by the nasty Rove smear machine. Let's hope this story has legs.

    Posted by: R. A. R. | Mar 3, 2007 11:38:22 AM

    Former U S Attorney Iglesias was fired because some were griping about no indictments on the N. M court house corruption. On March 29, 2007 3 people were indicted by the U S Attorney's Office in N. M. The indictments took form from Assistant U. S. attorneys. Yet, Inglesias was fired for no valid reason at all. Now, a pack of GOP operatives are further attacking him as if he is some target for the GOP to vent their hostility against public servants.
    What a bunch of crap from the GOP clowns, just a total disgrace, and Rove is the one who is corrupt

    Posted by: Brent | Mar 30, 2007 12:31:10 AM

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