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    Friday, March 30, 2007

    Participate in Otero Mesa Public Forum and Speak Out

    From the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance:

    Otero Mesa Public Forum
    Working to Protect New Mexico's Wildest Grassland
    Thursday, April 19th, 6:30 PM-8:00 PM
    Elks Lodge (2290 Hamilton Rd) in Alamogordo-FREE

    Please be part of a historic day and help send a message to Washington that New Mexico's quality of life means much more than a few days worth of oil and gas! Special guest speakers include: Rick Simpson, former Lincoln County Commissioner and Outfitter; activist rancher Tweeti Walser Blancett; high school teacher and wildlife expert Steve West; energy science, policy and economics expert Bill Brown; water expert with Sandia National Labs, plus local elected officials.

    Come learn what you can do to protect Otero Mesa, its wildlife, water and wilderness. RSVP or for more information, contact Nathan Newcomer at 505-843-8696 or nathan@nmwild.org

    Speak Out for Otero Mesa A Voice for Wilderness!
    Take a few minutes to call in and voice your concerns for our wildest public lands. Our objective is to get as many voices as possible speaking out on protecting wilderness.

    Please be concise and short in your comments. It is important that we get as many voices as possible speaking out on wilderness. Our objective is to create a CD of voices and present them to our congressional delegation, letting them hear, directly from you, how important wilderness is.Our Current Voices for Wilderness Campaign is focusing on Otero Mesa.

    Please call (505) 333-0420 and leave a message today for our congressional delegation, urging them to support a moratorium on drilling in this wild Chihuahuan Desert grassland. To learn more about Otero Mesa please visit: www.oteromesa.org

    Nathan Newcomer
    Otero Mesa Campaign Organizer

    March 30, 2007 at 08:00 AM in Energy, Environment | Permalink


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