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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

NM Senate Quits Special Session in a Tizzy, at Least for Now

Bottom line: the NM House can call the Senate back after three days, if they so choose. If not, it's all over. Kate Nash provides a day-long play-by-play and reports:

5:57 Sen. Linda Lopez just moved the Senate adjourn SINE DIE. It passed. But there is a challenge to the ruling, which was on a voice vote ... The vote was upheld. The Senate is out of here on a vote of 24-14 ... House committees have passed several bills, including the domestic partnership measure and the GRIP II road construction bill.

Oh, who cares about that, especially whether all our citizens have a semblance of parity under civil law? As the NM Repub Party news release puts it, in their typically sleazy, schoolyard style:

Special Session – Gov. Richardson’s “Domestic Partner” Agenda Spells Gay and Lesbian Votes in California: Gov. Richardson’s hastily called Special Session of the Legislature is a thinly disguised attempt to woo the votes of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals in the United States in his ambitions to run for president.

A “domestic partner” bill is one of the key issues the politicking governor has put on the agenda for the 2007 New Mexico Special Session. This piece of liberal legislation ensures that unmarried homosexual and heterosexual couples would receive the same rights as traditional married couples.

First off, if this domestic partner bill would give GLBT folks the same rights as legally married couples, I'll eat my 'Bush Is Over' teeshirt.  As has been well documented, legally married heterosexual couples receive a total of 1,138 FEDERAL benefits that neither state domestic partnerships nor state-provided same-sex marriages offer. All this domestic partnership law would do is provide the most basic of legal protections for partners and their families, whether straight or gay.

Secondly, is anyone else sick and tired of the Senators' whining and refusal to work? Think back to all the time spent on bolo tie, cowboy song and talapia farm bills and compare that to the time it would take to pass these bills of substance, some of which would significantly improve the lives of our citizens and the ethics of our goverment. In my opinion the Senate -- including many Democratic Senators -- are acting like rebellious children. Wah, I don't wanna work cuz the Guv. is running for president. Apparently it's all a game to them, just another ego-power struggle while the masses wait.

Of course it might help if Gov. Richardson would stay in town long enough to get this done. Surely he could miss a couple "fundraisers" at this early point in the presidential primary race, couldn't he? I mean if people like us were really important to him. More important than big donor cash.

I wish all of them would act their ages, get the business of the people completed without delay and quit the showboating, on all sides. Is that asking too much of those who are supposed to represent us?

PS: According to EQNM: By a vote of 6-2 HB4 (Domestic Partnerships) passed out of House Judiciary today and is now scheduled for a full floor vote of the House tomorrow Wednesday, March 21 at 2:00PM. If you can, please come to the Roundhouse to pack the gallery.

March 20, 2007 at 08:19 PM in Civil Liberties, Ethics & Campaign Reform, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (6)

Bush Dares Congress to Bring It On

Asshat_2Must See TV: Bush stamps his feet at a press appearance today and draws a line in the sand about his people answering questions on the prosecutor purge. Rove, Gonzales, Miers, etc. can testify before Congress BUT:

  • not under oath
  • only behind closed doors
  • no video or transcripts allowed

Of course, he's merely trying to stop Democrats from making purely political points without substance, and he doesn't want all those "kleig lights" (he says) pointing at his people. He is, after all, only protecting the Executive Branch so that it can do a good job for the people. He will go to the mat on this and warns Congress to refrain from issuing subpoenas to try and force the testimony under oath. Or else. Democrats, we're waiting. Still keeping your powder dry for the big confrontations? Still insisting that "impeachment is off the table"?

This post on Kos considers the constitutional and legal options available to Congress. Here's what Leahy and Conyers are saying. Constitutional crisis here we come. Unless the Dems back down, of course. By the way, many Executive Branch folks have testified before Congress. According to Think Progress:

Democrats, citing a report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, say presidential advisers, including 47 from the Clinton administration alone, have frequently testified before Congressional committees, both while serving the president and after they had left the White House.

Under oath too. As Janet Reno, for one, was forced to do. However, as everyone knows by now, these people weren't working for an all-powerful monarch. The Decider won't have any of it. The scary thing is that if Dems cave on this one, it will set a horrible precedent that will carry over to every single additional investigation they might want to conduct in the next two years. We can't let that happen, can we?

March 20, 2007 at 07:41 PM in Crime, Ethics & Campaign Reform, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (2)

Peace Too Controversial for Colorado Springs Parade

Read all about it. Shocking photos too. Those "arrested" had a permit to march in the St. Paddy's Day Parade. The cops didn't bother to ask to see it. Choke holds are more fun.

Remember, Colorado Springs is home to the anti-democratice right wing group, Focus on the Family -- who just happen to have put out an alert for their members to contact NM legislators to urge them to vote no on the domestic partnership bill to be considered at the Legislature's Special Session, which starts today. Please do your part to fight against them by clicking here and urging your legislators to vote YES on domestic partnership and help ALL New Mexican families.

March 20, 2007 at 12:53 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007, Peace | Permalink | Comments (1)

Weigh in on DFA Presidential Pulse Poll

Democracy for America is currently conducting a presidential pulse poll with constantly updating live results. Click to vote for your early choice for the Democratic presidential candidate. Democracy for New Mexico is loosely affiliated with DFA, which emerged from the Dean for America campaign.

March 20, 2007 at 12:32 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, DFA | Permalink | Comments (1)

(4 Updates) It's Official: Gov. Richardson Calls Special Session of the NM Legislature

UPDATE 3.21.07, 11:15 AM: The hearing on the House floor for the Domestic Partnership bill that was originally scheduled for 2:00 PM today has been cancelled. The games continue.

UPDATE 8:15 PM: See my later post for how the day ended.

UPDATE 6:10 PM: From Kate Nash, Albuquerque Tribune -They were here for less than 30 minutes before they recessed. And the state senators haven't been back since. Word on the street is that they are still debating whether to adjourn their special session, which convened at noon today, or stick it out and pass the handful of measures Gov. Bill Richardson has demanded. The House, by all appearances, is staying. Its members met this morning and then headed to committees to consider some of the five bills introduced this morning. They are scheduled to return at 2 p.m. Wednesday.

UPDATE 2:40 PM: From Equality New Mexico: House Bill 4, the Domestic Partners Rights and Responsibilities Act, sponsored by Mimi Stewart, has been introduced on the House Floor and assigned to House Judiciary Committee. The House Judiciary Committee will meet today at 3:30 PM in Room 309. We need to have people testify and fill the committee room. If your schedule allows, we would love to see you there. Assuming we pass out of House Judiciary, the bill will be heard on the House Floor tomorrow, time to be determined. On the other side of the Roundhouse, the Senate has recessed until 4:00 PM today and we have no idea what their next move will be.
The Special Session will be begin at Noon today. You can read his proclamation here. It contains descriptions of the eight bills he's asking the Legislature to consider, which include:

  • public financing of statewide judicial elections
  • limit campaign contributions to statewide and district candidates and impose other requirements
  • create a state ethics commission
  • enact a Clandestine Drug Laboratory Act
  • increase penalties for certain acts of domestic violence
  • authorize Grip II, a large road and infrastructure funding bill
  • establish a legal process to register domestic partnerships for both heterosexual and same sex partners

Special Sessions can run for up to 30 days by law. Richardson has said the business at hand could probably be completed within several days. Unfortunately, he's getting some backlash about calling the Session, reportedly from a number of Senators who aren't supportive of ethics and campaign finance reform or have other problems with having to return to Santa Fe so soon after the end of the regular Session. Media sources are even suggesting there may be a plot being hatched, led by Democratic Senators, to scuttle the Session by calling a recess as soon as the Senate meets. We'll see.

If you care about important legislation like ethics and campaign finance reform, domestic partnerships, public funding of judicial elections and increased penalties for domestic abuse, encourage your State Senators and Reps to return to work and get them passed. Click to get contact info.

To see all our coverage on this year's legislature, visit our 2007 Legislature post archive.

March 20, 2007 at 11:57 AM in Civil Liberties, Election Reform & Voting, Ethics & Campaign Reform, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (2)

Alibi Focuses on NM Impeachment Effort in Latest Edition


The unsuccessful impeachment effort in New Mexico is still making waves and getting media coverage. Why? One reason is that the initiative was ultimately stopped by Democrats. These days, many rank and file Dems feel they have two forces working against them -- right wing Bushies and leaders of their own Party. All too often we're being stonewalled from the right and from within. Too many Dem officeholders, candidates and power brokers still seem paralyzed, afraid to risk the wrath of right wing criticism and smears. Meanwhile, polls consistently show that public opinion is on the side of the Dem activists. Voters want decisive action to stem the damage the Bush administration continues to inflict on both domestic and foreign affairs -- not more excuses on why we can't act now.

The latest edition of the Alibi focuses on the impeachment battle that occurred during New Mexico's regular Legislative Session that ended last Saturday. In the end, nine Democratic Senators joined with Republicans to kill the resolution (SJR 5) before it was allowed the floor debate it had earned by passage through three Senate Committees. In their News/Opinion section, James Scarantino describes the Democratic betrayal, led by Senate President Pro-Tempore Ben Altamirano, in a piece entitled, "Democrats Thumb Their Noses at Democrats." You might say. As to an explanation for the defection of the Dems, Scarantino reports:

I asked Altamirano’s office why he switched from seconding the motion for the impeachment resolution in committee to killing it on the Senate floor. Altamirano has yet to explain himself. Sen. John Arthur Smith reportedly told one activist he opposed the resolution because “you can’t impeach someone for being stupid.” I haven’t seen any explanation from the others.

In their Features section, the Alibi's editor, Christie Chisholm, comments on The Year of Impeachment and presents the views of Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D-Albuquerque), one of the bill's main sponsors along with Sen. John Grubesic, contrasted by the negative response to the effort by Republican Sen. Rod Adair (R-Roswell). You can find the articles here.

Here's a sample of what Adair offers to argue that the impeachment effort is merely about policy differences and hatred, not serious crimes and misdemeanors against the constitution and bill of rights:

The fact that the leaders of the impeachment "mini movements" in a couple of states are smart enough to couch their resolutions in terms that make them look like indictments for "crimes" does not mask the real motivation for these activists. This becomes most obvious when speakers go off script at hearings and talk about the one public policy motivator that sets them off to start with: the war in Iraq. That's what the entire issue is based on. Everything else is filler. The Bush haters are Bush haters for the very reasons mentioned in the New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee meeting this week: He is a friend of Israel, an opponent of Islamo-fascism and is determined to fight the terrorist menace—with or without support from France, Germany or anyone else deemed to be necessary for us to convince.

I find it sad that at least nine Democratic State Senators apparently agree with Rod Adair's reasoning over that of the large numbers of citizen lobbyists who worked so hard for the effort, and of Senators Ortiz y Pino, Grubesic and the other Dem Senators who voted to support the resolution. At the very least, they clearly aren't up to the task of taking legitimate actions available to them to stop Bush's dishonest, deadly and anti-democratic agenda. What are they afraid of? The views of their fellow Democrats who supported their campaigns and voted them into office?

To read our previous coverage of New Mexico's impeachment effort, visit our impeachment post archive.

March 20, 2007 at 11:07 AM in Democratic Party, Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (6)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Help Al Gore Convince Congress to Act on Global Warming

Al Gore is trying to gather at least 500,000 signatures in support of a message he'll take to Congress this coming Wednesday to urge them to take swift and effective action to combat global warming. If you haven't yet signed up, click here. Pass it on, ASAP.

March 19, 2007 at 11:00 PM in Energy, Environment | Permalink | Comments (0)

Taos Mayor Bobby Duran and Others to be Investigated for Alleged Dem Party Election Improprieties

Bduran1This item was emailed from someone in Taos and is being published as received: The Taos County Democratic Party's precinct elections were held last week in several locations in Northern New Mexico. Unfortunately, it's being alleged that serious problems with the elections arose in several precincts, and complaint affidavits will reportedly be filed at the County Party's Credentials Committee Meeting set for this Tuesday. The allegations include possible improprieties on the part of Taos Mayor Bobby Duran (photo above left) and several other prominent Taos County Democrats:

Precinct No. 21 - Talpa, NM. This precinct is chaired by Thomas Tafoya's father, Tommy Tafoya. Affidavits being collected for Tuesday's Credential's committee meeting deal with what are being termed the most serious of the election allegations. The affidavits will claim that votes were physically changed to reflect different candidate names. The Credentials person has the ballots in their possession, and indicates that numerous ballots had the selected candidate names crossed out and different names entered. More details will be forthcoming in the legal affidavits. Complainants will be asking for a new election and removal of Tommy Tafoya from the County Central Committee per Party rule 12-7 A.1. Petitions will be presented per 12-7 A.1, 2.

Precinct No. 35 - Cruz Alta. This precinct is chaired by current Taos mayor Bobby Duran. Affidavits are being collected for Tuesday's Credentials committee meeting that allege a number of election improprieties. Complainants will ask for a new election under Party rule 12-13, and removal of Bobby Duran from the State Central Committee per rule 12-7 A.1. Petitions will be presented per 12-7 A.1, 2.

Precinct No. 14 - Ranchitos. This precinct is chaired by Thomas Trujillo (Skitt's brother). Again, affidavits are being collected for Tuesday's Credentials committee meeting alleging several election improprieties, and a new election will be requested under Party rule 12-13.

More information should be available after the County Party's Credentials committee meets.

Precinct elections are being held around the state by County Democratic Parties. County Central Committee meetings will follow for the election of State Central Committee (SCC) members, who will attend the Democratic Party of New Mexico's SCC Meeting set for April 28th in Las Cruces.

Editor's Note: I posted this as received in an email from someone from Taos who seemed to have good credibility. DFNM neither supports nor refutes this information. We are passing it along as we got it. Please judge it accordingly.

March 19, 2007 at 03:09 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Election Reform & Voting | |

Gracias: Richardson to the Rescue

RichardsonI want to thank Gov. Bill Richardson for his recent actions related to several controversial but vital bills that, for one reason or another, either failed by a few votes or got stuck in the general chaos of the last days of the NM Legislative Session in Santa Fe that ended at Noon on Saturday.

Medical Marijuana
Richardson was instrumental in saving the medical marijuana bill (SB 523) from a confusing razor thin defeat in the NM Senate by stepping in to jawbone Dem legislators, change some minds and get the bill passed in the last week of the 60-day Session. As Gov. Richardson explained when he announced he would sign the bill, it was the "right thing to do" because the law is for people who "are suffering. My God, let's be reasonable." Amen. Seriously ill and dying New Mexicans will at last have an especially effective prescription pain and nausea palliative at their disposal. An Albuquerque Tribune editorial agrees. And don't forget the valliant efforts of Rep. Moe Maestas, who sponsored the bill and spoke so eloquently on its behalf.

Special Session Called for Tuesday
Now the Governor has called a Special Session of the NM Legislature to start this Tuesday, March 20, to deal with several other important bills that didn't get their due during the chaotic days at the end of our regular Session.

Domestic Partnerships
Governor Richardson's Special Session call will reportedly include reconsideration of the popular Domestic Partnership Rights and Responsibilities Act (HB 603) sponsored by one of our best legislators, Rep. Mimi Stewart. The measure, which would provide all our citizens with the option of creating a legally defined partnership -- useful in dealing with health care and end of life matters, retirement and tax requirements and other domestic and family arrangements -- was killed in the waning hours of the regular Session. Despite passage by the NM House and two Senate Committees, the bill was essentially gutted and fell to defeat when four Dem Senators suddenly sided with Republicans to kill the bill.

Although being inaccurately portrayed as a stealth gay marriage bill by right wing opponents, the legislation in fact has nothing to do with marriage. Just the opposite. It's designed as a legal remedy for a wide variety of New Mexicans, from senior citizens who need legal protections for their long-term partnerships but don't want to marry for financial or other reasons, to heterosexuals who prefer to live together under a legal agreement short of legal marriage, to homosexuals who are in dire need of basic legal protections for their child and family arrangements.

The concept of domestic partnerships is promoted in the Democratic Party platform and has the support of all but a few Democratic officeholders in the state, as well as the vast majority of rank and file Dems. Let's hope that the Governor, the bill's sponsors and ordinary citizens can persuade a few of the Dem holdouts that this is a much needed law that represents the best of core Democratic values.

GRIP II, Ethics Reform, Water Bills
The Governor's call is also expected to include the $200 million GRIP II infrastructure and road bill, which was filibustered by Repubs at the end of the session. Also reportedly on the call will be several of his ethics and campaign reform package initiatives -- including the always excellent Sen. Dede Feldman's bill to limit campaign contributions (SB 800), which failed by one vote in the Session's last minutes, and stand-up guy Sen. Pete Campos' bill to establish a state ethics commission (SB 815) -- as well a couple measures that deal with crucial water projects.

Express Yourself
If you agree with Governor Richardson's attempt to rescue these vital legislative initiatives, be sure to give his office (505-476-2200) and your legislators (
website) a call and say so. I know I'll be doing just that. We'll let you know when the Special Session agenda is finalized so you can take action in support of the bills to be considered.

March 19, 2007 at 12:19 PM in Civil Liberties, Ethics & Campaign Reform, GLBT Rights, Local Politics, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (4)

Justice Department Heralded Iglesias for Election Crime Expertise

Although fired U.S. Attorney David Iglesias has been heavily criticized by New Mexico Republicans about his so-called "failure" to prosecute "voter fraud," he was lauded by the U.S. Department of Justice for his expertise in that area. In the latest installment of the prosecutor firing scandal, TPMmuckraker quotes a Washington Post story describing how Iglesias was one of two U.S. Attorneys tapped (twice) to teach at a "voting integrity" symposium:

One of the U.S. attorneys fired by the Bush administration after Republican complaints that he neglected to prosecute voter fraud had been heralded for his expertise in that area by the Justice Department, which twice selected him to train other federal prosecutors to pursue election crimes.

David C. Iglesias, who was dismissed as U.S. attorney for New Mexico in December, was one of two chief federal prosecutors invited to teach at a "voting integrity symposium" in October 2005. The symposium was sponsored by Justice's public integrity and civil rights sections and was attended by more than 100 prosecutors from around the country, according to an account by Iglesias that a department spokesman confirmed.

Iglesias, a Republican, said in an interview that he and the U.S. attorney from Milwaukee, Steven M. Biskupic, were chosen as trainers because they were the only ones identified as having created task forces to examine allegations of voter fraud in the 2004 elections. An agenda lists them as the panelists for a session on such task forces at the two-day seminar, which featured a luncheon speech by Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.

According to Iglesias, the agency invited him back as a trainer last summer, just months before a Justice official telephoned to fire him. He said he could not attend the second time because of his obligations as an officer in the Navy Reserve.

As more facts emerge about Iglesias' firing, it becomes crystal clear that complaints about his handling of alleged "voter fraud" in New Mexico are nothing more than politically partisan whining by New Mexico Republicans who wanted to use the issue to discredit Democrats and provide an excuse for their push for measures like voter ID. Such initiatives were used to discourage voting by Democratic constituents in a number of swing states for several election cycles. Despite grumblings by Sen. Domenici, Rep. Wilson, and politically powerful Republican attorneys Mickey Barnett and Pat Rogers about Iglesias' lack of indictments for "voter fraud," it's obvious Iglesias was actually considered to be an expert of sorts on the matter -- specifically due to his handling of complaints here in 2004.

All our posts on this issue can be found in our archive on this topic.

March 19, 2007 at 10:15 AM in Crime, Election Reform & Voting, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (0)