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    Saturday, March 24, 2007

    (Updated) NM Senators Leave Citizens, Ethics in the Lurch

    UPDATE 3.25.07: We now know 3 Dems voted with Repubs to adjourn: Senators Linda Lopez, Tim Jennings and John Arthur Smith. We also know 4 Dems were absent: Senators Cisco McSorley, Ortiz y Pino, Cynthia Nava and Mary Kay Papen. Adjournment was achieved by an 18-17 margin. According to this morning's Sunday Journal article it appears that Governor Richardson and the NM House leadership intend to keep going. Richardson is quoted as saying he'll basically keep a Special Session going until the Senate gives him an up or down vote on the bills he specified in his proclamation. Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez and some others appear to favor a cooling down period, with a break before another Special Session is called. The Governor doesn't agree, saying:

    "I don't want them to go home and get comfortable and then find excuses not to come back," Richardson said. "If there are some senators that would rather politic and make excuses than do their work, I think the people are going to respond at the polls.

    "I want the Senate to ask: What do they say to victims of domestic violence? What do they say to the (people) of New Mexico that wants roads in their cities and counties? What do they say to gay couples that want a fair shot? What do they say to controlling the meth problem in the state? And what do they say about ethics? I mean, we've had all these scandals, and the Senate doesn't even want to vote?"

    Kate Nash reports briefly:

    UPDATE 11:23 AM The clerk is calling the roll. At 11:30, Senate Minority Leader Stuart Ingle made a motion to adjourn. It was a voice vote, which is being challenged. The clerk is now calling the roll. There were enough votes, by one, to adjourn. The Senate is clearing out.

    They voted on nothing except adjournment, failing to pass even a feed bill to pay themselves. I'd love to know which Democrats voted to adjourn so I could personally thank them for the valiant efforts they made to show Governor Richardson who's boss, to stick it to the majority of New Mexicans who support ethics and campaign finance reform in the wake of ongoing ethics scandals, to make it clear to New Mexican families who critically need the very basic civil law protections of the domestic partnership bill that their civil rights aren't considered important and, well, you get the idea. Shameful. In my view, if there's ever been an argument to be made for terms limits, this is it.

    Thanks, Senators! You've shown your true colors.

    No word yet on whether the NM House intends to join in the adjournment. If they don't, the Senate would be forced to reconvene again in three days. This could go on for 30 days beyond the start of the Special Session, at which point the Governor could issue another call for a Special Session. We'll see what happens. 

    To access all our past coverage of the 2007 NM Legislature, visit our archived posts on the topic.

    March 24, 2007 at 11:58 AM in Civil Liberties, Ethics & Campaign Reform, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    Apparent DINOs: Jennings, Lopez, Smith.

    Posted by: Marc | Mar 24, 2007 12:38:36 PM

    This is the kind of Legislative behavior that reminds me why I vote against increases in pay for them when they put it on the ballot. It used to be that their shenanigans went unnoticed because the news papers and TV news usually only give brief mention if at all. Thanks to the internet those days are over but I guess some of our older and more technology challenged Legislators don't know that yet.

    Posted by: VP | Mar 24, 2007 12:44:29 PM

    The Sun. Journal said 3 Democratic Senators voted to adjourn. They were Tim Jennings, Linda Lopez and John Arthur Smith. The also said 4 Democrats were absent and said Cisco McSorley was one of them. Senators Ortiz y Pino, Papen and Nava weren't there so that accounts for the Democrats who either voted not to continue or were absent.

    The vote was 18-17 to adjourn.

    I haven't heard why the 4 Democrats were absent and I'm not surprised Jennings and Smith voted with Republicans. The one that bugs me is Linda Lopez who has been blocking the ethics reform stuff all session from her roost chairing Senate Rules. What has happened to her? She used to be one of our best Senators and now she's voting with Republicans over and over again.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 25, 2007 11:39:48 AM

    Yeah, who's interests is she protecting with her refusal to let the ethics stuff through?

    Posted by: JLC | Mar 25, 2007 3:51:07 PM

    For the record: The Tribune reporting you cite was done by Kate Nash, not me.

    Posted by: kate nelson | Mar 26, 2007 8:44:01 AM

    Ok, our most progressive (among them anyway) Senators were absent and Linda takes the fall. There is another story here. Dig.

    Posted by: bg | Mar 26, 2007 8:48:14 AM

    Kate Nelson: Sorry, I knew that was Kate Nash writing but somehow your name came out! Corrected.

    bg: Linda Lopez blocked her Senate Rules Committee from voting on almost all the Senate versions of the ethics and campaign finance committee bills as well as the versions that passed the House that came to her committee. At one point, when Rules had finished their agenda and there was till a quorum, members asked to deal with some of the ethics package bills and were refused. So I'm not surprised she voted to adjourn.

    What bugs me about all this is that in the time it's taken the Senate to show up and adjourn twice, they could have voted on all the bills. What a waste of time, money and energy.

    Posted by: | Mar 26, 2007 10:48:14 AM

    Also note that Sen. Lopez moved for the first adjournment of the Senate in the Special Session:


    Posted by: | Mar 26, 2007 10:52:11 AM

    I would like to see these Bills pass-to be sure, but there are definite problems here.

    One is that the Campaign Finance was the Bill that didn't pass in the House. Go figure. And why the heck did the Governor not spend more time home making sure the Legislature took these Bills up? In such a short session, missing 1/3 ? And then to add insult, not giving any break from 7 days a week for how many weeks of Legislating in their Session, calling them back within a couple of days only for another session and have HIM TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY FOR CAMPAIGNING.

    They did do their jobs. He is asking for more of them, but he wouldn't give and his job isn't part time and he gets paid.

    Posted by: Linda | Mar 26, 2007 2:12:12 PM

    In any other state with a Democratic state house and senate and a Democratic governor running for president I can't imagine this would be a problem. Sure Richardson could have handled this better but I hope the senators put the people first and get back in there and vote. These aren't new bills. They saw them during the regular session. In the time it's taking them to fiddle around, they could have passed everything.

    Posted by: MT | Mar 26, 2007 10:31:27 PM

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