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    Thursday, March 22, 2007

    NM House Up All Night, Passes All But One Bill

    Members of the New Mexico House stayed up all night in a seven-hour marathon on the House Floor to pass all but one of the bills Gov. Richardson included in his proclamation calling the Special Session. Thank you and congratulations to our Dem Representatives for sticking to business! We know it wasn't any fun with Rep. Dan Foley and other Repubs reportedly interrupting the floor action, interjecting insults and introducing motions to adjourn. Luckily, they couldn't make any headway in the face of Dem unity.

    The only bill left for the House to pass would limit campaign contributions. A long debate focused on whether the limits should apply to PACs as well as individual donors. This morning, House Speaker Ben Lujan called a recess, subject to the call of the chair to reconvene at any time. It's not known if they will meet again later today to try and pass the remaining campaign finance bill.

    The bills are now headed to the Senate, which is adjourned in protest, but must reconvene on Saturday according to legislative rules. Various Senators are threatening to call another adjournment on Saturday, which would give them another three days before they meet again, but only if the House stays in session. Again, let's hope for the sake of New Mexicans that the balking Senators come to their senses, abandon their rebellion against the Governor and vote on the bills quickly. We get the point, Senators. You're displeased that Gov. Richardson called the Special Session so soon after a grueling regular session and then left the state for campaign events. Now could we please move on to the business of the Senate?

    Here are links to the bills passed by the House in the Special Session, along with vote tallies:

    HB 1, Feed Bill: Passed 47-13

    HB 2, Severance Tax Bond Transporation Projects (GRIP II): Passed 42-16

    HB 3, Clandestine Drug Lab Act: Passed 55-0

    HB 4, Domestic Partnership Rights and Responsbilities: Passed 30-23

    HB 5, Domestic Violence Penalties and Treatment: Passed 56-0

    HB 6, Public Financing of Statewide Campaigns: Passed 35-21

    HB 8, State Ethics Commission Act: Passed 38-16

    Not yet passed by House in Special Session:

    HB 7, Campaign Reporting Requirements: Passed House Judiciary Committee 8-0

    More coverage available at the Santa Fe New Mexican and Heath Haussamen.

    March 22, 2007 at 10:32 AM in Civil Liberties, Crime, Ethics & Campaign Reform, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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