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    Tuesday, March 13, 2007

    NM Domestic Partnership Act to Senate Judiciary TODAY

    From Equality New Mexico:
    HB 603, the Domestic Partner Rights And Responsibilities Act, is scheduled for the Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY, March 13, 200. Last night, by a vote of 5-4 along party lines, HB 603 finally passed out of Senate Public Affairs. We have one more committee to get through before we are heard on the Senate Floor. HB 603 will be heard tonight, March 13th, in Senate Judiciary. We ABSOLUTELY need as many people there as possible to show our support for this legislation.

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell exactly what time the Bill will be heard. Therefore, to be safe, we are asking people to show up at 4:00 PM to Room 321 at the Roundhouse for the hearing.  Be prepared to wait around for a while. Only four and a half more days of this, we promise. The national news is already reporting that this legislation has a good chance of passing and that Governor Richardson has promised to sign it. We are so close!

    Editor's Note: HB 603 has already passed the NM House of Representatives by a margin of 33-24. Click for contact info on members of the NM Senate Judiciary Committee, who are expected to vote on this bill sometime today, and urge them to vote yes on HB 603. You might also want to contact your Senator and urge their support should the bill gain passage and move to the Senate Floor.

    March 13, 2007 at 01:08 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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