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    Thursday, March 15, 2007

    National Attention Continues on NM Dems Killing Impeachment Resolution

    Was it Gov. Bill Richardson, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Rep. Tom Udall or someone else in a leadership role in the Democratic Party who ordered SJR 5, the New Mexico impeachment resolution, killed before it got to the floor of the NM Senate? David Lindorff examines the odd parliamentary manueuver used to preclude debate of the measure on the floor of the NM Senate, "Democrats Kill Democracy and Protect a Criminal Presidency in New Mexico". The article also ponders who may have called the shots on the strategy. His piece has been published on BuzzFlash and other progressive national news outlets and blogs.

    As far as I know, it's unprecedented to have a measure that's been approved by three Senate committees blocked from having a floor debate in the NM Senate. It certainly appears that something anti-democratic and underhanded happened between the time SJR 5 was passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee and it was killed by a refusal to accept the Committee's "Do Pass" report. Speculation continues here and nationally as to just exactly what that was and who was behind it.

    Editor's Note: To access our previous coverage of the New Mexico impeachment issue, visit our impeachment post archive.

    March 15, 2007 at 10:38 AM in Democratic Party, Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    Straight up, something is rotten about this whole thing, not just at the state level but nationally. If ever there was a President and Vice President that deserved Impeachment and more, this pair we have now would be them. That said, one can only surmise that there is some entity that sees the Bu$h Cabal as their best bet to protect and advance their cause and has the influence to make it happen. Everyone can come to their own conclusion as to who that might be, but somehow if "we the people" don't wake up and start pushing back, in a few more years we won't come close to having the kind of country the Founding Fathers envisioned for us. As Bu$h is credited as once saying "the constitution is just a god****** piece of paper." Right now the line between a "Democratic Republic" and "dictatorship" is razor thin and getting thinner with both parties happily contributing to it's demise. Impeachment has more benefit than merely removing a lousy President and Vice President, it would send a strong message to any wanna be "Unitary Executive" that behavior of that nature is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

    Posted by: VP | Mar 15, 2007 11:32:28 AM

    But, but ... impeachment efforts would undermine the incredibly effective job Congressional Democrats are doing to stop the war by nonbinding resolutions that don't pass! We can't butt in with the toothless strategy of impeachment now, can we?

    Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 15, 2007 12:35:02 PM

    I'm more of an old fashioned tar and feathers man. Styrofoam packing peanuts would work too!

    I haven't been a Democrat since October 2002. I haven't been a Republican since 1992. I'm just a very depressed post American!

    Posted by: | Mar 15, 2007 12:54:49 PM

    So... am I to understand that improper use of a cigar is an impeachable offense, and war crimes, treason, constant lies, and election fraud is not?
    Well, the Alibi didn't publish the letter I did that was aimed at shaming certain Democrats who aren't supporting impeachment. So for those interested, here it is (don't take offense- as I said, it's aimed at shaming those dems who are blocking impeachment efforts):

    Walter Reed Hospital. Iraq. Stay the course. War crimes. I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. David Iglesias.

    If the Democratic Party does not pursue impeachment proceedings and criminal charges against Bush, then I believe a new party mascot is in order. How about a cute little fluffy bunny? Or maybe a deer in the headlights? Perhaps something without a spine.

    Leaders, your voters have spoken in a loud and clear voice in the last election.. We want answers. We want this country to be healed, and we want those who have wounded it held accountable. No pardons, no looking the other way.

    Posted by: > | Mar 16, 2007 7:50:58 AM

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