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    Tuesday, March 20, 2007

    Alibi Focuses on NM Impeachment Effort in Latest Edition

    The unsuccessful impeachment effort in New Mexico is still making waves and getting media coverage. Why? One reason is that the initiative was ultimately stopped by Democrats. These days, many rank and file Dems feel they have two forces working against them -- right wing Bushies and leaders of their own Party. All too often we're being stonewalled from the right and from within. Too many Dem officeholders, candidates and power brokers still seem paralyzed, afraid to risk the wrath of right wing criticism and smears. Meanwhile, polls consistently show that public opinion is on the side of the Dem activists. Voters want decisive action to stem the damage the Bush administration continues to inflict on both domestic and foreign affairs -- not more excuses on why we can't act now.

    The latest edition of the Alibi focuses on the impeachment battle that occurred during New Mexico's regular Legislative Session that ended last Saturday. In the end, nine Democratic Senators joined with Republicans to kill the resolution (SJR 5) before it was allowed the floor debate it had earned by passage through three Senate Committees. In their News/Opinion section, James Scarantino describes the Democratic betrayal, led by Senate President Pro-Tempore Ben Altamirano, in a piece entitled, "Democrats Thumb Their Noses at Democrats." You might say. As to an explanation for the defection of the Dems, Scarantino reports:

    I asked Altamirano’s office why he switched from seconding the motion for the impeachment resolution in committee to killing it on the Senate floor. Altamirano has yet to explain himself. Sen. John Arthur Smith reportedly told one activist he opposed the resolution because “you can’t impeach someone for being stupid.” I haven’t seen any explanation from the others.

    In their Features section, the Alibi's editor, Christie Chisholm, comments on The Year of Impeachment and presents the views of Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D-Albuquerque), one of the bill's main sponsors along with Sen. John Grubesic, contrasted by the negative response to the effort by Republican Sen. Rod Adair (R-Roswell). You can find the articles here.

    Here's a sample of what Adair offers to argue that the impeachment effort is merely about policy differences and hatred, not serious crimes and misdemeanors against the constitution and bill of rights:

    The fact that the leaders of the impeachment "mini movements" in a couple of states are smart enough to couch their resolutions in terms that make them look like indictments for "crimes" does not mask the real motivation for these activists. This becomes most obvious when speakers go off script at hearings and talk about the one public policy motivator that sets them off to start with: the war in Iraq. That's what the entire issue is based on. Everything else is filler. The Bush haters are Bush haters for the very reasons mentioned in the New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee meeting this week: He is a friend of Israel, an opponent of Islamo-fascism and is determined to fight the terrorist menace—with or without support from France, Germany or anyone else deemed to be necessary for us to convince.

    I find it sad that at least nine Democratic State Senators apparently agree with Rod Adair's reasoning over that of the large numbers of citizen lobbyists who worked so hard for the effort, and of Senators Ortiz y Pino, Grubesic and the other Dem Senators who voted to support the resolution. At the very least, they clearly aren't up to the task of taking legitimate actions available to them to stop Bush's dishonest, deadly and anti-democratic agenda. What are they afraid of? The views of their fellow Democrats who supported their campaigns and voted them into office?

    To read our previous coverage of New Mexico's impeachment effort, visit our impeachment post archive.

    March 20, 2007 at 11:07 AM in Democratic Party, Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    Democrats are cool. Its the Democratic leaders we have to keep pushing.

    Posted by: roadrunner | Mar 20, 2007 12:34:00 PM

    I would like to see things from Mr Smith and Mr Adairs point of view, un-fortunately I can't get my head that far up my butt! Wonder if either of those clowns will ever get a clue, or will they spend their time up there getting paid to deal with important issues such as "bolo ties" and "red or green"?

    Posted by: VP | Mar 20, 2007 2:06:04 PM

    DFNM: Thanks for not taking imipeachment "off the table." I've been contacted by an apologist for Altamirano who is blaming the result on Jerry Ortiz Y Pino! And I'm being told (not by Altamirano, directly, of course) that the impeacment resolution had to be killed to get to more important business before the Ledge-- like declaring Pluto to again be a planet when its orbit is above NM. I also hear Altamirano's constituents aren't going to take this sitting down, and intend to shake things up down in Silver. Godspeed.

    Posted by: Jim Scarantino | Mar 20, 2007 2:35:42 PM

    Who are these Islamofascists in Iraq that attacked us on the Nine Eleven that Rod Adair speaks of. Looking at the definition of Fascism, it fits our Governments like a glove. At this point the American people need to form a new Government without either party, but this American Generation is just so wasted!

    Posted by: | Mar 20, 2007 7:55:55 PM

    many Americans still believe this stuff, perhaps not even openly or
    consciously, but it's ingrained in the American mythos, and it has real

    Posted by: | Mar 26, 2007 1:44:55 PM

    The democratic party is upset because George Bush is a REAL AMERICAN who stood up for all our people killed in 911. Most democrats are lying, money and power hungry and not really interested in the little people who make up this country. Just think I used to be a democrat until I got smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by: J Donaldson | Apr 16, 2007 11:48:36 PM

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