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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Kirtland AFB Nukes Target of Memorial Set for Hearing Today

From Stop the War Machine:
State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino has introduced Senate Memorial 29, which calls for the dismantlement of the 2000 nuclear weapons at Kirtland, the largest concentration of nuclear weapons anywhere. If Albuquerque were to secede from the union, it would be the world's third largest nuclear power: Russia, USA, Albuquerque.

Concerned citizens have discussed the flaws of Albuquerque safety plan with city council. A number of city councilors have expressed concern over the Albuquerque Emergency Operations Plan, which does not mention the existence of nuclear weapons and relies upon I-25 and I-40 for evacuation routes (remember the snow crisis and the roads out of town)!

There are many other reasons in addition to this to call for dismantlement:

  1. All our nuclear weapons did not keep us safe on 911 and do nothing but drain resources that could be better used for education, health care, etc.
  2. What are we going to do with them? Use them?
  3. 2000 nuclear weapons do not belong in a city, or anywhere.

On January 4, George Schultz, William Perry, Henry Kissinger and Sam Nunn called for disarmament with regard to nuclear weaponry in the Wall Street Journal. On February 8, Governor Richardson declared that the US should lead the way with regard to nuclear disarmament. As the home to the largest concentration of nuclear weapons, New Mexico has an important role in history with regard to disarmament.

We have been told three times in the past four days by the Senate Rules Committee office that SM 29, which calls for the dismantlement of the 2000 nuclear weapons at Kirtland in Albuquerque, will be discussed on Wednesday, March 7, in the Senate Rules Committee that meets at 8:30 AM. Check with the Senate Rules office about SM 29 schedule: (505) 986-4746. Many people are expected to attend the meeting.

Members of the Sen. Rules Committee hearing SM 29:

Linda Lopez (D), chair, 986-4737
John Grubesic (D), vice chair, 986-4260, john.grubesic@nmlegis.gov
Rod Adair (R), ranking member, 986-4385, radair@dfn.com
Kent Cravens (R), 986-4391, jlcravens@nmlegis.gov
Dianna Duran (R), 986-4701, dianna.duran@nmlegis.gov
Dede Feldman (D), 986-4482, dede.feldman@nmlegis.gov
Steve Komadina (R), 986-4377, komadina@stevekomadina.com
Cisco McSorley (D), 986-4485, cisco.mcsorley@nmlegis.gov
Jerry Ortiz y Pino (D), 986-4380, jortizyp@aol.com
Ben Altimirano (D), 986-4733

March 7, 2007 at 09:21 AM in NM Legislature 2007, Nuclear Arms, Power | Permalink


That puts quite a target on our back! I fear the inevitiable nuclear attack in the Homeland will be in the crossroads of the nookular age. I guess we'll all have to be a smoking sheet of green glass before any of these Albuquerque residents give a damn!

Posted by: | Mar 7, 2007 2:15:29 PM

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