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    Wednesday, March 14, 2007

    Guest Blog: Request to Gov. Richardson-Persuade Senate to Reconsider SJR5

    This is a guest blog from Joe Thornton of Carizozo, NM:

    Good Morning Governor Richardson:
    I just finished reading over the vast amount of information in regards to your biography that was superbly presented by Thomas Cole and Leslie Linthicum, in the five part series presented in the Albuquerque Journal. Many events caught my eye while reading over the information. 

    For example, “Former house speaker Foley says Richardson’s personality was a major asset during his years in Congress.”  “He’s outgoing and makes friends easy,” Foley says, “Politics is an interactive, personal business.” 

    “Richardson also likes to give people nicknames and tease those who work for him.”

    “The nicknames he chooses are often incomprehensible – he has called several aides Joseph over the years – and always chosen to especially annoy their recipients.” 

    I like nicknames as well, Governor.  After reading over your resume, and realizing the number of goals that you have accomplished in your short lifetime, probably the nickname I would give to you would be Bill “Get Results” Richardson.

    “A former senator says Richardson has an “enveloping energy and enthusiasm.” A longtime friend calls him a “Force of nature.” 

    It seems to me, that by being a fast moving and high energy type individual that you would almost have to be a prankster type while attempting to associate yourself around people that has a hefty sense of humor in order to stave off some of the stress of the job. For example: “When Richardson arrived in Congress, Rep. Claude Pepper, D-Fla, was an esteemed member of the House.  He also was elderly and had a hearing problem.”  “Richardson would approach Pepper on the floor and frustrate him by mouthing but not speaking his words, causing Pepper to fiddle with a hearing aid before catching on to Richards’s prank.” I’m smiling while writing this, and if you have read this far, then you are probably grinning while you are reading this. That was very funny to me, when I first read it. 

    Another thing I noticed in the Journal series was: “Former Rep. David Bonior, D-Mich, says, Richardson is more than book-smart.”  “He’s street-smart, too,” Bonior says. “He knows what’s important to people.” 

    We The People and SJR5
    At this point I would like to change gears, and share with you what I believe to be important to We The People. For several weeks, we have traveled from Lincoln County to the Roundhouse to support other grassroots American We The People, in regards to the committee hearings in Room 321 of the Roundhouse.  We were in attendance at the Rules Committee hearing where Senator Linda Lopez, Chair of Rules conducted the hearing. There was a great host of We The People at that hearing, and probably just as many people out in the hallway. The Rules Committee passed SJR5, by a vote of 5-0 out the committee hearing.  Several days later, some of the same We The People plus others (both Democrats and Republicans, and other persuasions) were in attendance at the Public Affairs Committee Hearing where Senator Dede Feldman, Chair conducted the hearing.  Probably more We The People present at this meeting both inside and out of Room 321, than at the Rules hearing. The Public Affairs Committee passed SJR5 by a vote of 3-2. 

    Then it went to the Judiciary Committee where Senator Cisco McSorley, Chair conducted the hearing late in the evening on Monday, March 5, 2007. We didn’t get to make that meeting, because we were there all day on Saturday, March 3, 2007, waiting for the hearing to take place that day.  The vote in favor of passing the Committee hearing out of the Judiciary passed by 5-1, with Senator Rod Adair voting against. From shortly after the passage of the Senate hearing report to be sent to the Senate Floor for acceptance and debate, apparently things were happening behind the scenes, I don’t know this for sure, because the big surprise happened on Wednesday, March 7, 2007, when the Republicans used a procedural maneuver to stall the Impeachment Resolution and prevent a full debate on the Floor. 

    On Wednesday, March 7, 2007 something major happened on the Senate Floor that has thus far destroyed the rights of We The People. The Republicans decided to block "adoption" of the Judiciary Committee report, by using a procedural move not to adopt the committee report from the Senate Judiciary Committee. They were successful in a voice vote largely because the Democrats were not on hand in number to oppose the motion.

    On Thursday, March 8, 2007, sometime after 2:15 p.m., Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez had held out for a roll call vote sometime that same day.  The roll call vote was on this order: If you wanted “to uphold” the voice vote of the previous day (which was to block “adoption” of the Judiciary Committee Report) let your vote be known by “YES”. If you “did not want to uphold” the voice vote of the previous day (which was to block “adoption” of the Judiciary Committee Report) let your vote be known by “NO”. 

    The Senate did not vote on the resolution itself. Rather, it voted 26-13 not to adopt the committee report from the Senate Judiciary Committee. By refusing to adopt the committee report, senators have prevented the resolution from reaching the floor this session. 

    Governor Richardson, I believe the vast majority of We The People across these united States of America want the war (killing) to stop, the troops to be brought home, the corrupt administration removed from office in order to set a precedent to any and all government officials that the stealing, killing and destroying has to stop and truth has to prevail no matter who is in office. 

    You might say, What does all of that have to do with me, the governor of New Mexico, and my answer would be because you have a life long reputation as being an excellent negotiator. In my opinion, there is no presidential candidate in the Democratic Party that is more qualified than Governor Bill Richardson, who carried New Mexico with over 60% of the vote.  As you declared your candidacy for President, something in the neighborhood of 40% stated that it would be good for New Mexico state to have you as President of the United States. 

    A Request
    Therefore, I, Joe Thornton, am appealing to your best side to use your natural born ability to persuade the Senate to reconsider/revisit SJR5 by allowing the Senate Judiciary Report to be accepted on the Senate Floor and debated and voted upon as soon as possible.  This very special Senate Floor Session should be absolutely on the up and up, with no trickery or slight of hand allowed.  The Senate Floor hearing should designate a specific time so We The People would be able to attend the session and observe from the gallery the hearing.  It would also be proper to allow select people in the gallery to speak to the issue, either for or against, which would require some microphones up in the Senate Gallery. 

    I believe you have the influence to pull this off, and I hope and pray, and trust that you will do the right thing. 

    Some might would say, How will this affect his run for the Presidency?  It will definitely enhance your candidacy for the President of the united States, by showing the whole world that is watching via the internet that New Mexico has a very progressive action oriented Governor that likes to get the job done. On the other hand, if you so choose not to do anything, then what happened on the Senate Floor on Wednesday, March 7, 2007,and Thursday, March 8, 2007, with the action that the Republicans initiated by slipping in the procedural move to block the Senate Judiciary Committee Report, the Repub’s along with the missing Dem’s took away (stole) one of the  Constitutional means to possibly right some of the many wrongs against We the People and innocent people everywhere by blocking the passing of SJR5 from New Mexico state to the U. S. Congress urging  Congress to investigate and begin Impeachment proceedings for high Crimes and Misdemeanors.  (Article II, Section 4)

    The whole world will be watching via the internet whatever action you take.  Thanks for accepting this fax that attempts to express my heart. 

    Joe Thornton
    Carrizozo, Lincoln County, New Mexico
    Phone: 505-648-4447

    Editor's Notes: This post is a guest blog by Joe Thornton, a citizen activist supporter of SJR 5. Guest blogs provide readers with an opportunity to express their personal views on issues. The opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by this blog. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page.

    The New Mexico impeachment effort has been followed and discussed all over the internet by tens of thousands of people across the nation and the world. It's generated blog and forum posts, articles, videos, audios, photographs and many threads of comments. It's resulted in this blog receiving up to 5,000 hits per day from people seeking information about the progress of the legislation. To read our previous coverage of this issue, visit our impeachment post archive.

    March 14, 2007 at 09:54 AM in Guest Blogger, Impeachment, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    So sorry but the killing is not going to stop for decades.
    Even if the US pulls out we plan to deal with Iraq in like kind of El Salvador. That means death squads.
    The Oil companies have no intention of giving up the oil profits to be had upon privitization of Iraqi oil.
    They will continue to manipulate the warring tribes to the Oil companies advantage. It is the US job to enable these powerful bastards as we are their best customer.
    The situation is classically FUBAR and Richardson is just as beholden to big multi-national energy interests as any politician.
    The difference is that Richardson understands these issues more than most other pols as former Sec. of energy.
    He is a humanitarian as well.
    He may be able to come up with an optimum algorythm for this FUBAR situation but expect it to piss off everybody.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Mar 14, 2007 10:54:35 AM

    What you say is mostly true but I think if we keep pushing and working at it we can lessen our dependence on the oil much quicker. Have you checked out all the action on clean coal technologies? Think what we could do there if adequate money were invested to create all kinds of new energy technologies. Don't quit now!

    Posted by: Renee | Mar 14, 2007 1:38:25 PM

    It's probably Richardson who stopped the bill before it got to the senate floor.

    Posted by: | Mar 14, 2007 4:51:25 PM

    it's terrible :(

    Posted by: | Mar 21, 2007 5:41:29 AM

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