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    Wednesday, March 07, 2007

    Changing Tunes Again, Domenici Now Says He Can't Recall Violating Senate Ethics Rules

    DomeniciNew Mexico Senator Faces Ethics Review, Possible Obstruction of Justice Investigation: GOP Senator Pete Domenici just can’t get his story straight. When news first broke that he called U.S. Attorney David Iglesias to pressure him about ongoing investigations, Domenici said he had no idea what Iglesias was talking about. Then when it became clear that Iglesias would testify before Congressional committees, Domenici reversed course and admitted to the conversation. And now that Iglesias has testified that he felt “sick” and “leaned on” after Domenici’s call to ask whether indictments would be brought before last November’s election, Domenici says he simply cannot “recall my mentioning the November election to him.”

    “It’s getting harder and harder to keep track of Pete Domenici’s denials, since he comes up with a different version every day,” said DSCC spokesman Matthew Miller. “By tomorrow Pete Domenici won’t remember having ever met David Iglesias or even knowing what the U.S. Attorney does.  But Domenici’s denials have now been contradicted in sworn testimony by a respected former U.S. Attorney who was fired just weeks after he refused to bow to Domenici’s inappropriate and possibly illegal pressure. Pete Domenici is facing a Senate ethics investigation and a possible obstruction of justice review – he needs to start coming clean about his exact role in this growing scandal.”

    Iglesias Said He Felt Pressured When Domenici Specifically Asked About Timing of A Potential Indictment: According to Iglesias’ sworn testimony yesterday, Domenici called him at home in October and asked of potential indictments in an Albuquerque corruption case, “Are those going to be filed before November?” Iglesias told the Committee recalling Domenici’s inquiry. “I said I didn't think so. He said, ‘I'm very sorry to hear that.’ And then the line went dead.” “I felt sick afterwards,” Iglesias said of Domenici’s call. “I felt leaned on to get this moving.”

    First Denying the Call Altogether, Domenici Later Said He Didn’t Pressure Iglesias About the Specific Timing of a Pre-Election Indictment: After first denying talking to Iglesias at all, Sen. Domenici finally acknowledged on Sunday that he had, in fact, called Iglesias. He denied pressuring Iglesias and made no mention of asking Iglesias specifically about indictments "before November."

    Ethics Expert Sees Potential For Criminal Obstruction of Justice Investigation: Stanley Brand, a former Capital Hill general counsel and ethics lawyer, said Domenici could be the focus of an obstruction of justice investigation by an independent counsel that could result in criminal penalties.

    Sources: Albuquerque Tribune, 3/6/07, 3/7/07, 3/7/07; Domenici Statement, 3/4/07; AP, 3/5/07; NPR, 3/7/07. From the DSCC.

    Editor's Note: You can read all our previous posts on this topic by visiting our U.S. Attorney Iglesias post archive.

    March 7, 2007 at 11:14 AM in Crime, Democratic Party, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Local Politics, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink


    Let's hope this scandal is the straw that breaks the camel's back and convinces Pete to retire. We need someone with fresh ideas and honesty representing the state in the Senate. While Domenici once had energy and openness and honesty, I see him now as a complete hack, corrupted by the process.

    Come on Democrats! Who's gonna run for this seat!

    Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 7, 2007 1:20:52 PM

    I agree, and simply ask, if he can't remember what he did 6 months ago, what business does he have in the Senate where there is soooo much to remember??? BTW I think we have some pretty good state Senator that could fill those shoes nicely, Sen Ortiz y Pino or McSorley comes to mind

    Posted by: VP | Mar 7, 2007 4:09:28 PM

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