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    Monday, March 12, 2007

    (Updated) Call Your Senator to Support Compromise Wage Hike

    UPDATE: I'm moving this up from the comments. Excellent report on Barbara Ehrenreich's appearance this past weekend in Santa Fe. Among other things, she pointed out that a real living wage is at least $13.00 an hour! Now think about Senators trying to freeze the minimum at $7.50 an hour....

    From ACORN NM:
    On Saturday, the NM House of Representatives passed a compromise minimum wage bill, SB 324, sending it on to the Senate for concurrance. Now there is a move in the Senate to FREEZE wages by eliminating the right of cities to pass local wage ordinances until 2013 -- meaning that wages would almost certainly be frozen at $7.50 until then. We would oppose such a wage freeze and opt to support the Congressional wage increase instead of a state bill that freezes wages until 2013.

    The amended House bill offers a compromise by raising the wage to $7.50 by January 1, 2009 and eliminating local control of wage increases (other than in Albuquerque and Santa Fe) until 2010, thereby allowing cities to consider new wage increases the year after the state and the City of Albuquerque reach $7.50.

    Call your Senator today: 505-986-4600. Ask them to support the compromise minimum wage bill and oppose removing local control until 2013. We expect a close vote, so call your Senator today.

    March 12, 2007 at 04:33 PM in Economy, Populism, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


    keep in mind these are DEMOCRATS who want to freeze the wage until 2013!

    Posted by: iguana | Mar 12, 2007 6:47:11 PM

    and call it what it is ... guaranteed poverty

    see what Ehrenreich said last Sunday in Santa Fe


    Posted by: | Mar 13, 2007 10:52:02 AM

    I noticed they managed to pass and get a bill (SB 680) to improve their pension benefits to the Governors desk. Time for an Email to the Gov asking for a VETO.

    Posted by: VP | Mar 13, 2007 5:46:22 PM

    I sent this to the Governor and would encourage everyone to send him something similar: "Governor I strongly urge you to exercise your VETO on SB 680, legislation to improve the pension benefits for legislators. Fair is Fair Governor, if the legislators think it fair to FREEZE wages by eliminating the right of cities to pass local wage ordinances until 2013 then it's only fair they not be allowed to increase their own pensions until 2013.

    Posted by: VP | Mar 13, 2007 6:00:31 PM

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