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    Monday, March 05, 2007

    Breaking: Heather Wilson Admits Calling Iglesias

    Rep. Heather Wilson (R, NM-01) claims she was trying to "help" U.S. Attorney David Iglesias when she called him about his public corruption investigations. Click for her complete statement. A Washington Post article also reported:

    Rep. Heather Wilson (R-N.M.) acknowledged today that she contacted a federal prosecutor to complain about the pace of his public corruption investigations, as the Senate Ethics Committee signaled that it had opened a preliminary inquiry into a similar communication by the state's senior senator, Pete V. Domenici (R).

    ... "I did not ask about the timing of any indictments and I did not tell Mr. Iglesias what course of action I thought he should take or pressure him in any way," Wilson said in a statement to the Washington Post. "The conversation was brief and professional."

    ... Wilson said in her statement that many of her constituents had complained about "the slow pace of federal prosecutions" in corruption cases and said she was told by one unidentified constituent that "Iglesias was intentionally delaying corruption investigations."

    Wilson also said she was trying to help Iglesias: "If the purpose of my call has somehow been misperceived, I am sorry for any confusion. I thought it was important for Mr. Iglesias to receive this information and, if necessary, have the opportunity to clear his name."

    ... Iglesias, one of seven U.S. attorneys fired by the Justice Department on Dec. 7, is expected to testify to Congress tomorrow that Wilson and Domenici were indeed trying to sway the course of his investigation. [emphasis mine]

    March 5, 2007 at 06:59 PM in Crime, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Local Politics, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink


    Just trying to help Iglesias. Right.

    Posted by: | Mar 5, 2007 9:03:18 PM

    Considering that Wilson is a proved prevaricator: "MISPERCEIVED" ya, that's it, that's what it was, the call was "MISPERCEIVED"

    Posted by: VP | Mar 5, 2007 10:22:00 PM

    Wilson needs to be brought to justice, not only for this, but for crying about supporting the troops when the NM Guard has 30% of the equipment they need, for supporting the territorial pissing in Iraq, for not defending the US Constitution, for crying about Janet Jackson's boob. If we really lived in a democracy this shaky lady would be covered in tar and feathers. What a gross hypocrite.

    Posted by: | Mar 6, 2007 1:37:30 AM

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